Spring, Glorious Spring


Catch Me Who Can
Nov 8, 2005

It's coming. I can feel it in the strength of the sun's rays.

There may be cold days and there may be some more snow but...
winter's back is broken.

Looking out the window, across the valley, silhouetted against a bright blue sky, I see a red-tailed hawk soaring deftly on the wind. A slight movement of its wingtip and it comes into the wind— a kite.

It's light at 1800.

I saw a crocus bloom on the 22nd. The snowdrops will be next.



Just think of it— four months of longer and longer days, eight months of warmth.


it was a lovely springlike day today - the bluebells are all clumps of deep green leaves and violas are peeping out along with the wood violets - everything was green and blue and pleasant.

on another note, the arctic freeze is dropping over a whole lot of the states again tomorrow! minnessota(?) i think, has had 49 unbroken days of the sub zeroes, no end in sight.
The telltale of the formal arrival of spring here on the south side of the Rockies and the north side of the Mexican dessert is simply practical, for my needs:

The first day of the year ground/stored water is naturally warm enough to bathe in outside.

For the 6 Februarys I lived here now, that day has always arrived right around two and a half weeks into the second month...

...for the last two years, the day has been the same: February 17.
God help me, I know this is a touchy subject for some (fuck me rigid :rolleyes: ) but when I went to Chatsworth last Friday there were millions of snowdrops everywhere and they looked gorgeous. Such fragile little things.

You know I love the winter and am sad to see it go, but I do like to see spring flowers. There's certainly a stretch in the evenings.
47°F at home right now. I should be there enjoying the warm sunshine.
the daffodils are waking up
trumpets blaring

persephone called and said she wouldn't be home.

28 February
Lots of snowdrops

3 March
A brilliant red cardinal silhouetted against a cloudless blue sky.
( the birds know, you can hear them )


Just as the days of old had five days of rain, and two days of sun- We will have our two days of warmth, after five days of cold noses.

That is not Spring. But, it is hopeful.

The daffodils are well out of the ground and the race is on: which will bloom first?

The daffodils or the forsythia?



I got the kayak out today and cleaned out all the spider webs. I think I'll go for a float tomorrow.

I have tons of daffys coming up, but the deer will take care of them.
I had promised someone, I think it was Chilly, pics of daffodils when mine bloomed. These pics are better, so i hope he can pretend they are mine. (mine started blooming yesterday)
Spring having fully arrived here more than a month and a half ago...

...the first summer day bloomed today. There have been 90° days this year before today, but this one was the first where the sun was actually sizzling.

Tomorrow gives a high of 92°, Wednesday 93° and Thursday 94°, before cooling down to 84° for Friday.
Had a nice dusting of snow this morning.

Daylight is over 14 hours, now.
Thursday is supposed to be the peak cherry blossom day, and it's going to be 80. And the Nats play at 4:30