Seeking Role Players and Inspiration!

I'm looking for someone to play an older male with a younger female in a quickie-ish roleplay through email. I'm partial to romance & watersports, but I'm up for anything except scat, blood and animals.
PM me if you're interested. <3
I'm looking for someone to play an older male with a younger female in a quickie-ish roleplay through email. I'm partial to romance & watersports, but I'm up for anything except scat, blood and animals.
PM me if you're interested. <3
To bad you can't be PM'd...
looking for male and female victims who are imaginative, creative and prolific. I can write almost anything but love the idea of kidnapping, n/c and training an unwilling subject into a humbled, docile slave.

PM me if you're interested:kiss:
I am looking for two males and a female to rp with. One male to play the man that was my character's best friend until he raped her when he was drunk. Another male to play my character's roommate, who has a crush on her. And a female to play my character's other roommate who is just a big flirt to everyone and anyone whether male or female.

If you are interested, please PM me. Details about the rp is in the link.

UPDATE: Looking for one male to play the best friend. Kind and loving. Gets a bit extreme when drunk, but tries to avoid alcohol.
While looking for images...(i go through stages where I go image crazy) my mind thought of an idea about a couple who is in a rut with missionary sex, and guy is open to more but just has no imagination. so he makes the comment that she can have "whatever she wants" so she starts with more positions and places, and eventually goes into rp where she'll e-mail him the set up and be waiting for him and if when he plays along it's explosive and when he doesn't she punishes him by withholding any sex.

anyone interested in being the unimaginative lover?
The Night's Court

Filled, thank you to everyone who PM'ed me.
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Not new to Lit.

Looking to get in some rping, I’m not new to Lit. I’ve been away for the last three years.
I received an early Christmas present today! A female friend who I have been rping with over e-mail for a few years has joined the apparently wonderful world of Lit (her words exactly!).

As I said, while I'm new, I have a couple of years experience of rping, sexually and non-sexually, under my belt. I was told to have a few ideas for when I joined up. So here are just a few:

College Roomies

Two new college students in a time when coed dorms are being tested.

Sex Therapist

To tackle the growing problem of sexually frustrated college geeks or simply shy folk, a sex therapist has been brought in, whose approach is more hands on.

A Different Kind of Studying

19-year old Adrian McDonald was absolutely exhausted. His training session at 6pm had turned into a 5-hour nightmare, ending with interviews with national newspapers.

Adrian was touted to be best up-and-coming sprinter on the east coast. But he hated all the extra attention. He had much preferred when he was blazing up the track on his own.

He arrived back at his dorm building, dreading the night of studying ahead of him. Tomorrow he had a defining test on whether he would be still at the university next year. He wasn't stupid, but all the time he dedicated to his running definitely affected his academic performance.

He trudged into the dorm lounge and over to the fridge. He picked up a water bottle and headed for a table. He then the single light in the corner. Sitting there was a pretty girl whom Adrian recognised from his class that his test was on tomorrow. Adrian knew he would need all the help he could get to pass this test.

Friends Reunited

Adrian had known Lindsay for 15 years. she lived next door and they had grown up together, went through school together.

The past year was the longest time in which they hadn't seen each other. It felt like forever ago that Adrian last saw Lindsay and her tomboyish looks. He wondered whether college had changed her at all.............

The Geek and the Cheerleader

Whatever had happened to them? Up to 5 years ago, Adrian and Kate had been best friends. They had grown up next door to each other, gone to the same preschool, and stayed that way until middle school. All of a sudden, they started to grow apart. Adrian had started to realise his academic abilites and spent most of his time at his studies. Meanwhile, Kate had fallen under the spell of the school's star quarterback.

Now in the senior year of high school, neither had said a word to the other in 5 years. Adrian knew he would be going to an Ivy League school in the autumn. But what did the future hold for Kate?

On the High Seas

The cruiseship stood proudly in the harbour, waiting patiently for its passengers. As he unloaded my bags from the cab, Adrian took a moment to take in a breath of the atmosphere building on the docks.

He had won this trip on a local radio competition. At first, he wasn't sure whether he should go. Being a very successful stockbroker left him very little time to relax and enjoy life. But when he landed the Jefferson deal last week, he was told to take a holiday. It couldn't have come at a better time.

Inside, the crusie ship was even more beautiful. The carpeted hallways were soft under each step, the crystal clear windows giving amazing views in each direction. His cabin had everything, including his own private deck with jacuzzi.

He collapsed on the bed, smiling to himself.

Then again, he would be smiling a lot more once we returned......

College Sex Therapist

The average American college student spends 4 years at their chosen school, whether it be an Ivy League school or the local community college. It is during this time that the student grow mentally and emotionally. They have new experiences, meet new people, join clubs and socities.

One of the myths of college learning is about experiencing and learning about sex. Studies have shown that 72% of all freshmen were virgin on their first day. That number drops to 38% when they graduate. In this 38%, 20% are waiting for marraige, 15% are waiting for the right person, but not necessarily formarraige. That leaves 3%. Who are this 3%? A quick thought suggests they are the shy, the nerds, the bookworms. College society looks down on these students. But not Dr. Adrian Stanley.

Dr. Stanley had been appointed as a sex therapist for a well known Ivy League school. He was brought in because the resident therapist had seen quite a few students, who fit the 3% category, come through her doors with questions about sex. She felt that someone had to be brought in to adquately deal with these students.

Adrian arrived a week before the new term was due to start. He surveyed his office. A desk, therapist bed and chair, and a couch. He added his own touches, a coffee machine and a picture of his loving wife. She knew exactly what was going to be happening in this office. In fact, she had encouraged him to take the position. What made Adrian different to other sex therapists is that he adopted a more hands-on approach, helping his patients past their insecurity in the safety of this office.

And so, the first day of the new year had arrived. Adrian was sitting in his office, drafting up the e-mail and flyers that would be going later today. It needed to soft and welcoming. Others may make fun of it, but he didn't want their attention. The e-mail went out and handed a big box of flyers to his willing volunteer. Now all he had to do was wait for his first patient....
If you are interested in rping about any of the above, PM me. I'm also open to suggestions for other rps, or if you simply have a role that needs filling.

I'm not looking for someone to post multiple times a day (another piece of advice passed onto me!). Once a day or even once every two days is fine. I also like slow build-ups and not jumping straight into the sex.

And to avoid any confusion, I'll be playing the male role in all of the above.
The British neighbour

This is my first roleplay story post. Reply to me back via this or a PM with an outline of how the rest of the story goes or a second post and I'll pick someone to continue with. Thanks

When her husband Alan came back from work that day on a cold winters' night in a small town in the west of England she knew what had got him that wide grin on his face, the meeting with his boss went well. He was dressed in his finest suit as he walked into the longue where his wife Wendy was sat in here red short frilly night dress with a red short silk robe over it.

"Good news hunny, I got the promotion!" as he looks over to her smiling
"oh that’s wonderful news babe" as she looks up to him
"Also, we're moving to California. They're giving us a new house and car" talking rather excitedly expected his wife to have the same excitement.
“What! We can’t just leave”
“Why not? Just look at the weather out there. The sun won’t stop shining over there and plus we get a swimming pool!”

After a few weeks of persuasion they both left for California as they arrive into a small suburban town with them facing a beautiful large house with as promised a swimming pool.
I've been thinking about kicking myself back into the fantasy aspect of role playing (Elves, dragons, etc). If anyone has any ideas or wants to help me get something started let me know :)
Domme Needed for "Alpha Male"

Seeking a domme with an appetite for the extreme.

I was told posting my wishes may make them come true by a very strong female mistress on this forum.

I am looking for a female domme to kidnap, train and eventually use me as her toy.

My relationship to this domme, whether we know each other or not.. is up to the domme who will have me. Also, regarding my limitations.. they are up for discussion.

Please message me if you feel like kidnapping an otherwise dominant male and then, changing him.. will work. I may fight for control, if you aren't careful.
I have a rather complicated and unique idea for a thread, or rather, three threads.

They would each be about the same man, Caine Tuskey.

In one he would be a famous rock star, in another he's an oscar winning actor, and in the third, he's a prominant writer.

Now I would like to post these as three separate threads, with different people co writing with me in each.

Once they get established, I would like to mix it up by having the Caine Tuskey's getting shifted around into each other's realities. So that the rock star wakes up in the writers life, the actor in the rock stars, and the writer in the actors.

Would anyone be interested in helping me develop this idea?
I have a second idea about a man who discoveres that he has telepathic powers.

PM if interested.
still haven't found someone for my idea about an unimaginative lover

here's a little more info

she's a graphic designer, works with all sorts of creative types
he's a computer geek, if it ain't broke don't fix it type of guy

she convinces him of the need to "upgrade" their sex life and after enjoying several new positions he becomes willing to entertain more spice in their love life

found partner, thanks ravenloft
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A female is needed for this RP idea...

A man moved to the woods years ago to get away from it all. He built a very nice cabin with all the imentites. But, he decies that he needs to take a wife. So, he heads to the city and finds a very pretty busniness woman that he wants. So, he kidnaps her.

PM me if intrested...
A couple are sleeping at home. They hear a noise in the middle of the night and wake up. The guy goes downstairs with his gun and see's the housemaid and her boyfriend robbing the house. The boyfriend has pulled out a gun and tried to shoot and the gun jams and will not shoot. The burglar alarm goes off and all the doors automatically close.
The housemaid and her boyfriend, now with their hands in the air beg that the police are not called. He calls his wife down and they discuss the options of how to punish them.

(female to play role?)
The descriptive challege.

No, there is no such thing as too much description. Unfortunately I have yet to find a partner to write with me that will put in the level of detail and description that I would like to see. I mean these SRP threads are about the sensations our characters are feeling, so why not describe that in clear detail. I want a partner who can and will describe what she feels as her love pentrates with for the first time. Describes what she feels as her lovers seed pours into her body, what emotions, what sensations.

I ask you people this. Where is this writter who can meet that level of description?

Is there anyone on this forum willing to take my description challenge? PM me a sample of something descriptive, excite me, urge me into creating something great with you.

Hear me please my descriptive partner.
Looking for a female to take part in either an incest, fantasy, or both together themed RP. I ahve several ideas for it so just PM me if interested.
Minor illness had taken me away but feel well enough for some naughtiness?

I've a taste for the dark and wicked, taking a woman down the path of sexuality depravity and to the world of being my characters slave.

Haven't written here a lot so you'll have to either look at the few threads I did participate in or take my word I'm literate, imaginative and prolific.

PM me if you're interested and have similar perversions, please?
Minor illness had taken me away but feel well enough for some naughtiness?

I've a taste for the dark and wicked, taking a woman down the path of sexuality depravity and to the world of being my characters slave.

Haven't written here a lot so you'll have to either look at the few threads I did participate in or take my word I'm literate, imaginative and prolific.

PM me if you're interested and have similar perversions, please?

Anytime you need a third in your wickedness hun, count me in!:kiss:

Hi there, I'm looking for an experienced male role player who likes to build a story line and not rush into things right away. I have done roles that include fam, bdsm, etc..

I don't do scat and heavy bdsm and really young age play. But anything else I'm pretty okay with.

Oh, and it may say I'm a virgin, and that I'm young, but I'm an experienced writer and role player.

Pm me with any ideas.

xx, Sophie