Schoolgirl Secrets (one on one)


Mar 5, 2006
There were days when Michael Sanderson wondered why he'd asked his mother to move to Japan. When he was younger, they'd moved after his father died. They lived in the city of Tokyo, in the district of Shibuya, and he went to a local high school. It took him a while to get used to the uniforms. Even now that he was legally an adult, he still had problems sticking to the dress code, and tended to never actually wear the blazer that was required.

The teachers usually cut him some slack, because he was American, but some days they made him wear the thing. It was kind of annoying to him, especially on days when it was too warm for the uniform the schools made them wear.

His usual day was spent in class, followed by video games at the arcade a few blocks from his home. One day, however, his routine changed, in a rather unexpected way.

As he left his house to go to school, early in the morning, he saw a young woman with black hair and dark eyes. She wore what almost looked like Shinto robes, though in a dark black and white, and he found that odd. But what happened next was really surprising. A creature came out of nowhere, and started to attack the young woman. But she fought back, using what looked like a gymnastics ribbon.

He could only stare, wondering what was going on. Suddenly, the creature charged at him. It seemed to ripple, before leaping over him. It cleared him easily, and he turned to look at it. Then he remembered the young woman, and turned back to her just in time to get slammed into by her. He gasped, falling backwards with her on top of him.

She was as surprised as he was at having collided with him. She waved her hand in his face a few times, blinking in confusion, then grabbed him with both hands and launched herself backwards out of the way of a large fist coming down. By doing so, she took him with her, sliding out of the way with him.

Her shock at having collided with him, and his being able to see her, was gone immediately. She shouted at him. "Don't just stand there, get out of here."

He stared at her for long moments, then did as she said. He ran the entire way to school, not quite trusting the subway to be fast enough that morning. When he arrived, just before the first bell, he was breathing heavily, and one of the teachers looked at him. "Miss the train this morning, Mister Sanderson?"

He could only nod, while trying to catch his breath. Then he went to his first class and took a seat. It was the usual snorefest, at first, but then, something he didn't expect happened. After a few minutes, the door to the classroom opened. In walked a young woman who looked oddly familiar. He didn't notice at first because he was looking out the window, trying to figure out what had happened that morning.

When the teacher mentioned that they had a new student, he wasn't paying attention. Until, that is, a soft voice introduced itself as Kuchiki Rukia. A very familiar voice. He turned to look at the front of the room, and suddenly found himself staring at the girl from earlier, though she was now dressed in a school uniform.

He had a total anime moment, and stood up, pointing at her with his eyes wide in shock. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" It was several long moments before he realized he'd said that in front of the entire class. When the teacher asked if they'd met before, the young woman, Rukia, said simply that she'd never seen him before, and that he seemed kind of spastic.

He sank down into his chair, and soon Rukia was sitting in the desk beside his. Sometime during class, she handed him a note. When he opened it, and saw the cartoony, cutesy bunnies all over it, it read 'Tell No One'. He blinked a few times, then turned to look at her, before turning his attention immediately back to the front.

After class, she grabbed his arm. "Stay, please. I wanted to talk to you."

OOC: looking for someone to play Rukia Kuchiki, the Shinigami warrior from Bleach, in a nonBleach setting.

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^thought id share a cool pic i found of Rukia

Rukia Kuchiki was her name and why she was assigned to protect this city when her time could be better spent somewhere else was beyond her but an order was an order. She sat on top of one of the tallest buildings in the city watching as the humans below went along with there lives, they looked like nothing more then ants from her perch. If they only knew what went on beyond their earthly visions they wouldn't walk around so carefree. Its was her first assignment on earth and she was dead set on not messing it up as well as bring honor to her family by defeating everything she came across.

Rukia yawned softly stretching her arms up into the air as the air caught her robes, she tensed suddenly in the middle of her stretch as she picked up something off in the distance and before she could stand up her phone went off. She flipped it open now as she received orders to destroy a hollow that was currently running free in the city and attacking several humans. She was happy that she finally had something to fill her time, since she had first arrived all she did was wait around for an order and now it was finally time to act.

She jumped from the building now falling several stories and landing gracefully on her feet as if she was just jumping down a foot and she took off running in the direction that she sensed the hollow. It had made its way to one of the cities parks and when she arrived it held a young kid tightly in its claws. The poor thing was screaming out of its mommy not understanding how it was floating in mid air because she couldn't see what was holding her and Rukia drew her blade charging after it. She easily sliced the creatures arm right off and as it dropped the little girl she caught it in midair letting her down as soon as her feet touched the ground again. The girl ran off crying and the hollow took advantage the distraction flee to find something else to eat. Rukia quickly turned running off after it as it left the park and made its way off into the streets. She fought the thing with everything she had when it suddenly changed direction, it jumped over a boy dressed in school cloths that stood right in her way but she could easily pass through him in her form but to her surprise she didn't. She collide with him falling down on top of him, she was surprised waving her hand in front of his face to see if he could see her and his eyes followed her hand. She looked up in time to see the fist of the hollow moving down to crush the both of them but she avoided it easily taking the human with her and as soon as she leg go of him she looked at him. "Don't just stand there, get out of here." he continued to stand there starring at her for a bit then suddenly ran off, she sighed softly because he added one more complication to her job here. He shouldn't of been able to see her, she was tired of playing with his hollow and quickly laid a cut right across its mask splitting it in two. It dissolved quickly and she set to work on following the human boy right to his school.

She stood on the roof top of a building nearby flipping her phone open to request some memory alteration so the school would think they were getting a new student today and they quickly sent her what she needed to pull it off. Moments later she was walking into his class room, "Hello everyone I'm Rukia Kuchiki. Its nice to meet you." she said with a bright smile before suddenly he stood up, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" she didn't expect him to react in such a way and when the teacher asked if they knew each other she blushed simply saying that she had never seen him before. She moved to sit down in the empty desk next to him and proceeded to write him a note. She spaced out a bit as she sat through the class and when it was over she grabbed his arm telling him to stay as well as she needed to talk to him

She waited for the class to empty out, "You shouldn't of been able to see me earlier. Tell me everything you saw" she said in a rather demanding voice, she was set on finding out who he was and why it was that he could see her in that form because the only ones that could were either dead or like herself. "What's your name?" she added before he could answer her last questions, maybe if she research his name she could find out what he didn't know.
Michael blinked, confused, and looked at her for a moment. Her quick questions caught him offguard, as did her insistence that he stay and talk with her. He'd ignored the odd looks from some of the other students, which clearly amounted to something along the lines of petty jealousy. They didn't have a reason to be jealous, as far as he could tell.

When she told him he shouldn't have been able to see her, he frowned. Her demand that he tell her everything he saw was cut short by a request for his name. He blinked a couple of times, then shrugged. "Michael Sanderson."

Then he thought back, and did his best to try to cover everything he saw. "Let's see. I saw some...freaky...thing. It moved pretty fast, for its size. No clue how it cleared me like that either. Then I saw you chasing it. I think I saw you fighting it before that, though. When it jumped over me, I turned around, and you ran into me. More than that, I think you should remember more than I do."
"Michael Sanderson." She repeated as he began to tell her of what he had seen, she pulled out her phone now and began to type in his name. He was American, born into a normal American family and he as well as his mother moved here. His father died when he was younger and other then that he held a normal life. Nothing in is bio pointed to the reason why he would be able to see her while she was fighting that hollow and she just sat there a bit dumb founded as he finished up his description of what he had seen.

She sighed softly now flipping her phone closed and tucking it into her pocket. She ran her fingers through her air now as she thought for a moment, should she explain things to him or just tell him he was crazy and didn't really see what he thought he had. She could play it off as if she was some actress in a new movie but she knew he wouldn't believe that he seemed to smart for that. "It was a hollow that you saw..." she just decided to tell him the truth maybe it might lead to the reason why he could see such things and she hope that it wouldn't get her into trouble. "And the reason why i ask all these questions is because the only people that should be able to see such things is people like me or someone who as passed on.."

She sat there now to see how he would reach to what she had just said and she wondered if he might think she was crazy or something. Her words would only lead to questions from him if he took her seriously, she held a serious look on her face that wouldn't give him any ideas that she was joking and she leaned against her desk now curiously.
Michael blinked, confused for a moment. He was surprised by her using her phone to do...something, in the middle of the conversation. Then she'd told him about the thing he'd seen. She'd called it a Hollow. That confused him further, and he frowned. Then he tilted his head, studying her. ", you mean normally only the dead can see those? That's...really creepy and disturbing. I'm pretty sure I'm not dead. Though I've been seeing some strange things lately, just...nothing like that. Oh, I forgot something. That thing seemed to ripple before it leaped over me. It happened at about...."

He did some quick mental calculations before finishing the thought. "About fifteen feet from me. It was weird, since it wasn't rippling before that."
"That is correct and no you aren't dead which make it very confusing for me as well." She said as she leaned back in her chair and crossed one leg over the other. Her eyebrow rose as he told her that he had been seeing some strange things lately, "What do you mean strange things...what kind of things?" she asked just before he told her he forgotten something, he said the hollow had rippled fifteen feet from him before it leaped over him. "Oh they do that to trying and avoid us...its like them jump quickly from one place to the other..." she stopped in the middle of her sentence now, she didn't think anything of it until she let her brain process it a bit and she looked at him stunned now.

"It saw you as a threat and knew it couldn't pass through you...normally we can just pass through you but in my case i ran right into knew you could see it..." She sat up now and moved closer to him now reaching out to poke him in his arm, she didn't pick anything up from him from the physical contact but as she looked deeper she noticed something off. It looked from his point of view as if she was starring him down but in her eyes she was switching her vision so she could look at his soul rather then his physical body. "Your reiatsu is generating a higher energy level then any normal human." she said now as she finally blinked and sat back once more. "This all is very odd...what other strange things have you been seeing?"
Michael blinked, even more confused now than before. What she'd told him wasn't nearly as confusing as when she walked up to him and poked him. "Ow...hey, not so hard." Then she seemed to...not quite glare at him. He blinked a few times, staring back at her. Then she said something that he didn't understand in the slightest. "Uh...want to run that by me again?"

At her inquiry as to what else he'd been seeing, he considered. Then he grabbed his backpack, opened it, and dragged out a few sketchbooks and opening them. Several of them revealed a variety of what looked like demons, monsters, spirits, and other such things.
Rukia sighed a bit irritated, he didn't understand what she was saying and it was really only confusing him the more she told him. She should know better, no human could understand any of this in the terms she was using and she needed to think of a better way to explain it all. She watched him as he grabbed his backpack and pulled out several sketchbooks. She picked one up flipping through it surprised that all that he had seen, no human should be able to see the hollows let along some of the spirits that walked the earth. She moved back over to her desk again and sat back down once more. "Reiatsu is a paranormal energy that everything carries with their souls, normal humans have a very low level so they can't see anything that isn't on their plain but because you have an abnormally high level you can see me in my real form as well as the hollows. "

She flipped to a certain page now where he had drawn a spirit that looked like a normal human but it held a chain coming out of its chest. "This is the spirit of someone that has died, its soul chain has been cut and they have been separated from their body. If they don't come to their resolve their souls become corrupt and they eventually turn into a hollow." She then flipped to a page that displayed some monstrous and demon looking characters. She pointed to it now, "This is a hollow...they longer they stay this way the stronger they become and the hungry they are for dead souls as well as living." She closed the sketchbook now setting it back on his desk, "I am a soul reaper a soul that was once like you but i moved onto the next world and was gifted with talents that we use to destroy the hollows before they can do any harm to your world."

Rukia sat there for a few moments giving him a chance to let everything she had said set in, "Any questions?"
This time, when the young woman explained it, Michael understood better. Not the best yet, but he had a feeling he'd learn quickly. He considered her explanation carefully, digesting what of it he could. When he finally spoke, it was with a frown. Something that had been bugging him just had to be asked.

"Am I a target now?" It was a simple question, but one of profound importance, given the circumstances.
Rukia sighed softly as he asked his question, she was hopping that he wouldn't realized that but he seemed to be smarter then she thought. "Yes...your high spirit level will attract the hollow to you and most likely your family as well." She didn't quiet know how to handle the situation, she had ever heard or read of anything like this in the public records but then again the higher ups could be keeping humans like him a secerate from the lower ranks like herself.

"Don't worry Michael...i have been assigned to his city to protect it and its people from the Hollows." She reached into her pocket once more now to pull out her phone once more, she typed in a few things but looked around to make sure no one was in eye sight of them and the pressed the last key. Suddenly a ball of blue energy appeared between them and she reached into it to pull out a phone that looked just like hers but instead of it being pink it was blue. As she pulled her hand out the energy disappeared as quick as it had come and she held out the phone to him. "If your ever in trouble and i'm not there soon after the hollow appears, called me. Just punch the 1 and you will get me automatically."
Michael nodded, taking the phone. He could tell she'd hoped he wouldn't notice that fact, but pocketed the phone anyways. He nodded again at her explanation, and then looked at his watch. "So...uh...what now then? I mean, is there anything in particular I need to do? Just stay out of sight? Or should I learn some way to fight just in case?"

He had no idea what to expect in the future, but he wanted to be as prepared as possible for whatever he had to do. Then a thought occurred to him. "Wait a minute. Where are you staying?"
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"Staying out of sight won't help...they can sence your spirit power just like i can and there isn't any place you can hide that will shield it from them." She didn't really know what to do in this situation, she couldn't watch him all the time because she had a job to do and what if two hollows appear at once...she could possible fight and protect him at the same time. "A way to fight?" she asked now as she came out of the thought process that she had slipped into, "No human form of fighting can affect a hollow...soul reapers use weapons which we call zanpakuto that are formed from our power and are manifestations of our own souls."

Rukia stood up now walking around some of the desks as she began to think of any possibility of him being able to do something along the lines of what a soul reapers does to form a weapon for himself. "Your spirit energy might be high enough to form some type of weapon to use but how to go about it as a not sure but i know someone that might know..." she stopped now and turned to look at him again. "Go home, stay there and try not to do anything that requires to much strength. If anything happens or you see anything else call me even if its just a spirit because if their around a hollow isn't far behind them."
Michael raised an eyebrow. It had been an expression, but she'd taken it fairly seriously. It was actually kind of cute, if not for the fact that he'd seen her fighting a complete behemoth earlier that morning. Then she told him to head home, after going into some rather deep thought. He tilted his head, studying her for a moment, and nodded slowly. He slid his notebooks back into his backpack, and then stretched.

He shouldered the backpack, watching her for a moment, then nodded again, and started out the door. "I'll be sure and let you know if anything strange happens. Especially if I see something big with teeth chasing me." He grinned impishly at her at that, then ducked around the corner.
Rukia smiled softly at his words before he left, the boy was in more danger then any human should ever be but he kept on smiling and even made a joke. She had to admire him for that, she reached for her phone once more and flipped it open to make her call. All the while she moved to the window of the class room and opened it so she could jump to the nearby building. She was on the phone for hours trying to get any information she could on how to go about all of this but in the end they could only tell her what she already knew. A soul reaper formed their weapon when their spiritual energy reached a certain level and they awaken in a sence to form it.

Rukia remembered the day her zanpakuto was formed, one of her friend had been in trouble with a hollow and her spells weren't strong enough to fend it off. She was left with a decision to go for help in which her friend could be dead by the time she came back or risk her life to help him. She can to terms that she might die but she would do anything to protect him and that's when her zanpakuto finally formed.

She sighed softly as the memory came back to her, she lay there on top of the school's roof and she let her mind wander as she watched the stars. She was still dressed in her school uniform and still in her human disguise. She didn't know how in the world she could put him into that kind of situation with out getting him killed or injured badly. Maybe she might just forget about the hole thing and just do her best to protect him, he was just one human anyways and there were always acceptable casualties in this crazy fight but that thought didn't sit right with her. She was getting attached to a human and that was a dangerious thing in her job.

He was rather cute, he was strong too to deal with such a difficult situation and still smile. Those strange thoughts had her shaking her head a bit to clear them, now she defiantly shouldn't think like that.

((i just noticed that you haven't really explained what your character looks like. lol))
OOC: lol...when you said that, I immediately jumped to the top of the page to check my first post.

Michael made it home without event. He nodded to his mother, then ducked into his room. He sat there for hours, trying to figure out what he could do. In the end, he'd gone into the bathroom, taken a long shower, and then shaved and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His shaggy black hair was soaked entirely, laying almost flat against his head and neck. It was about the length of his shoulders, maybe a bit more. His green eyes saw the days events clearly, as imaginary lines on his face, as he shook his head.

He sighed, and stepped away from the mirror, running a brush through his hair a few dozen times, before stretching, and walking out into his bedroom again. He stared out at the night sky for a moment, the glow of the moon not really doing much for his tanned skin. He finally sank his frame down onto his bed, and flopped back on it, looking up at the skylight which was the only indicator that they were on the highest floor in the building.
Rukia had drifted off a bit into a light sleep as a hollow appeared on earth, this one took more of a snake like appearance and it formed not far from Michael's home. It easily picked up on his spirit energy and it was too much to resist. It snaked its way up the side of his building to the roof and part of its bony tail scrapped across the sky light but its form was clouded in shadows from the night.

Rukia stirred a bit as her phone began to go off to tell her that a hollow had appeared but she had been so tired from fighting the last one that she could hardly hear it. Now if Micheal called her that was a different store, the ringer was set so loud that it would wake the dead its self.

The hollow moved around on the roof trying its best to find the quickest way to him, it moved is tail over to the sky light now and sent the sharp point down at it to break through the glass sending small bead of glass showering down on him. Its tail moved through the room piercing his desk and the sharp bone tip got stuck in the wall giving him time to move.
Michael had been half asleep when he heard the shattering of glass. He rolled off the bed, and covered his head as a shower of shards rained down. Then he saw the tail stuck first in his desk, then in his wall. He blinked, staring at it for a moment, and made a dive for the phone she'd given him. He dialed it, then rolled out the door instinctively as the tail came free of the wall, just missing him.

"Fuck fuck FUCK...that's not fucking good. No sword, no gun. Not that I think anything I have would do any good against it. Come on, pick up." He sighed, and ducked aside again. He swore, and then dashed for the door leading out, tugging on his clothes and backpack. He hadn't realized he'd tugged on his leather gloves until he was outside.
The ringer on her phone blasted out waking her quickly, she sat upright a bit confused as to what was happening and as she looked down at her phone she stood quickly. She flipped the phone open now, "Where are you?" She asked quickly as she jumped down from the roof, she could sence him but his power was fluctuating and even growing stronger which threw her off.

She reached into her pocket now pulling out a pez dispenser and pulled back the funny head to have a small ball pop out. She swallowed it quickly and was separated from her human disguise. It jumped along side her now as they moved from roof top to roof top, "Find somewhere safe to hide when we get there." It nodded quickly and moved behind her as she turned her attention back to the phone in her hand as she other moved to the hilt of her sword. "Try to calm down and find somewhere out of will slow him down some...Michael what does the hollow look like?"

The snake like hollow once it had its tail free of the wall moved its head to the broken sky light and snaked its way into the house as he ran down the hallway. It wasn't far behind him and as Michael stepped out of the house it came crash through the doorway behind him.
Michael spoke into the phone, still running and dodging. "I'm at home. It broke the skylight and came in." He rolled to the side as the thing made a lunge, and jumped a fence. "It looks like some kind of snake. And it is not stopping for anything." He ran around a pool, then sighed, jumping to a wall when the thing swam over the water. "Didn't think that would stop you."

He jumped over the side and kept going. "Let's see. Cutting down 101st. You know, it's probably a good thing most people can't see these things. I can't imagine I don't look silly right now running from something that's incorporeal." He found himself in an alley, and sighed as he came to a dead end. "That's not good." He heard the slithering noise behind him, and turned to face the creature. "So...uh...if I get does one take these things out?"
"Shit did you say snake...Michael that this is strong don't let it land anything on your or you done for..." she turned to the blank soul that inhabited her human disguise and covered the phone speaker so he could hear her. "Change of plans when we get there you take him as far away from me and the hollow as possible. Do not come back for me no matter what..." that last part she had accidentally moved her finger away from the speaker and he could clearly here her words. She changed her direction as he told her they were going down 101st and she couldn't help but to laugh a bit at his joke of looking silly running from something that they could see."

She was almost there as he asked her how to take it out if he was cornered and she hung up the phone tucking it into her pocket as she jumped down in between two buildings. She landed right in front of him now, "You don't thats my get killed if you try and help me with this one." Soon after the blank soul landed next to her, an exact copy of her but in her school uniform instead. "Get him out of here." she said now and the soul quickly moved his arm over her shoulder and she jumped up into the air to land at the top of the building. She wrapped an arm around his waist now and began to jump from one roof to the other.

Rukia turned to look down the alley way as the Hollow slithered its way in, it no longer paid any attention to Michael but the strong soul reaper that stood in front of it. "Come and get me you filthy hollow." She said as she ran after it looking as if she was going to attack it but jumped over it instead to have it go after her, she was going to get it as far away from him as possible and then the fight would start. Whether or not she was going to survive was a different story.
Michael blinked, confused. He caught what she'd said, and then looked at her as she came down next to him. Then he gasped, as he was lifted and carried off. He watched for several moments, then sighed in defeat. Then he shook his head, and turned to the body. He looked at it for several moments, then knew there was only one thing, one RIGHT thing, to do. "Sorry about this."

That was the only warning he gave before knocking the body she'd been using out cold. Then he ran back to where she'd last been. He followed the path or carnage and destruction, which he briefly realized other people must not have been able to see, and checked his gloves to make sure they weren't loose.
The blank soul went down like a bag of sand landing down on the street knocked out cold. Rukia on the other hand was fighting for her very life, she dodged one attack but then the tail of the thing came swinging at her sending her flying and her back hit against the cement building behind her. She gasped out as the wind was knocked out of her, her vision began to grow fuzzy but she stood any ways as it came after her and jumped out of the way just in time to have the mouth of the thing rip apart the part of the building she was resting against.

She blocked attack after her attack with her sword, jumping out of the way to dodge others but she couldn't get in the lay a single hit on the damn thing until she saw and opening. She took it and charged after it to slice the tail right of the thing but his saw her and before she could get out of the way the sharp bone point of the tail pierced her shoulder. She screamed out in pain as it lifted her off the ground and with a simple flick of its tail it sent her flying into another building. She landed against the wall again, her blood splatter on the cement behind her and she was breathing heavily. She had managed to hold onto her sword but the hollow had injured the very arm she used to fight, it cornered her there now laughing at her now and it licked his lips in its hunger for her powerful soul.
Michael didn't even think. He watched the fight as he ran closer. He studied the movements of them both, and winced when Rukia clearly underestimated her opponent. As she had started to lose the fight, he moved closer still, tightening his gloves again. As the creature moved in for the kill, he picked up a rock, and chucked it at the thing. When the rock hit it, Michael wasn't sure what he was going to do yet.

He figured he'd probably just lure it away so she could get away. But he hadn't counted on the thing's speed. The snake turned, and rocketed towards him. He didn't even have time to do anything except what happened, and even then, he wasn't sure how it happened. One hand shot out, grabbing hold of the mask the creature wore. He started to squeeze on it, and was only slightly amused to see the thing trying to pull away, screeching as if in pain.

Suddenly, he clenched his fist entirely, the mask shattering to dust. The creature started to fade away, screaming, and then disintegrated.
Rukia braced herself for what the hollow might do to her, she didn't care as long as Michael was far away from her and safe. She almost jumped out of her skin as a rock was sent flying at the hollow making it turn its attention to its attacker rather her standing there and bleeding faster then she cared for. Her eyes turned twords the figure that looked a bit blurry to her and as he came into view she swore softly. It was Michael and she some how knew that he wouldn't let her fight it by herself if her life was in danger.

Rukia couldn't move, she was growing weaker by the moments as they passed by and as the hollow charged him she stood up slowly anyways. She moved her good arm to swap her sword, she wasn't good at handling it with just her left arm but she sure as hell would trying but before she could even move Michael did something she could barely believe. His hand shot out quickly grabbing hold of the hollow's mask causing it to cry out in pain and stopping it in its tracks. She could easily see his spirit energy growing stronger as the seconds ticked by and then with one single squeeze of his hand he shattered the mask. The scream of the hollow could be heard easily and as it began to disintegrate she began to fade into unconsciousness.

The blank soul landed not far from him now with a rather annoyed look on her face, "If you wanted to turn back to help u just had to say so..." She huffed softly and ran off after Rukia as she fell to the ground. She lifted her up easily throwing her over her shoulder, "Come on we have to get her back before she bleeds out." She said now waving him to follow her before she took off in a run down the streets turning one courner after the other until she came to small house just out side the major part of the city. She opened the door quickly leaving it for him to closed and she disappear into the darkness of the home.

Rukia lay down on the floor of her room now as the blank soul worked to wrap up her wound and it was the pain of what she was doing that woke her back up again. She eye sight was blurry at first but as it began to clear she saw the blank soul hovering above her, "I told you to keep him hidden..." she said rather annoyed now and moved her good hand to push a strand of hair out of her face.