ROMANCE: The TUB scene, in SiB/20


Really Really Experienced
Jan 17, 2021
ROMANCE: The TUB scene, in SiB/20

I’m a freak. I obsess over things. I have unresolved concurrences running over and over in my head which cannot ever be solved.

And I think Casablanca is stupid.

I will challenge you that Rocky II is the most romantic movie of all time. Cuz it is. (And if it’s not, conclusively, then it Is from a male perspective; hands down).

But THIS. The tub scene in the re-imagination of A Star is Born?

That hits it all.

-He’s not wrong and She’s not. Everything they tell us is True.
While they tell it to each other.

He’s all fucking crosseyed and she is nailing him with legitimate takes while he stays true to why he went in there to begin with; she needs to know this.

Pounding it out. Until he/she goes away.

He wasn’t wrong and She wasn’t wrong.

But he must then go away. And die.

That’s how the books enjoy it.

That’s what chicks like.

Any maybe it’s what I like.

-I’ve been hearing the hum that particular sportscar in the 70s made, and I very much like that blur from afar. I round the corners. And then I nearly miss. I do that some more. I exit my own tape and drop hers in there.

Now I’m gone.

Objectively. Cant we just fuckin fix that shit in the tub when the opportunity presents itself?

Work it out. Don’t ever let that walk away.
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Aww, that's so sweet of you to care.

-about someone else I mean.

(I would agree though; shitty post. I was probably popping a third cork by then. The CONCEPT and criteria was worth posting about but I clearly did not spewl it right. Fair enough.)

A Star is Born, was a complete and utter waste of time, film and money. The only redeeming thing about the film was that the two co-stars had MUCH more talent than the two in the remake. The only good thing about the remake was that it reminded me how much I hated the first one but not as much as the remake.
No comment on Bogie's film.
And Rocky 2, that didn't deserve a mention let alone a sentence.
Casablanca is stupid? That's your opinion. IMO anyone who compares Rocky 2 to Casablanca is stupid. :)

Sophomore English majors think Shakespeare is overrated. Next semester it will be Henry James.