
Apparently "The Tale of two Cities" by Charles Dickens was serialized in the 1800s in two English newspapers

Which ones?

It was the Bicester Times it was the Worcester Times

(this will only appeal to Brits!)
Surrogate mothers who get paid to give birth to other people’s kids are making a living by making the living.
I once got into so much debt that I couldn't even afford my electricity bills, they were the darkest times of my life.
A career choice for kids who just like to sit around and make faces would be a watchmaker.
It’s weird that “you’re shit” and “you ain’t shit” are both insults, but “you’re the shit” is a complement.
If there is ever a famine in Hungary, our media is going to have an absolute blast with those headlines.
What's a prisoner's favorite punctuation mark?
The period because it marks the end of a sentence.
Two lambs are in a meadow. Which one frequents a casino? The one that's gambolling.
Question put to me: "How is your project coming?"

Answer from me: "It's just breathing hard."