Pondering the indelible...

The_Fool said:
The word, ‘couple.’
I like that word.
It personifies an intermingling
of two;
perhaps male and female,
perhaps not.
It also casts an archaic spell
upon a pair
that choose to mingle
in sexual delight.
but in a decided nonromantic way.
I wonder if she would like to fuck?

Is this what you were referring to last night?

About your poetry, I mean. About how a great deal of the emotion your readers feel they bring to the poem themselves?

At any rate, it's very effective. And so are you.

sweetsubsarahh said:
Is this what you were referring to last night?

About your poetry, I mean. About how a great deal of the emotion your readers feel they bring to the poem themselves?

At any rate, it's very effective. And so are you.


Draw the lines and let the reader provide the color... :D

Also the part about twisting the words.

Thank you...... :rose:
The_Fool said:
Draw the lines and let the reader provide the color... :D

Also the part about twisting the words.

Thank you...... :rose:

It's lovely to have a face and a voice behind the words.

Thank you.


Coming together - Pondering
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The_Fool said:
A chaste embrace.
Pondering air kisses
from lips that almost touch.
The air between us,
a small buffer
to keep us honest.

I have no desire to be honest.
Close the gap that separates.
Let our lips touch,
our bodies mold,
and with desire
let them gyrate

in a simple dance.
Quiet music offers background
to tandem breaths
and syncopated strokes
upon bare skin.
I know I haven’t told you lately

how much I desire
your smile
that disappears
when your eyes close
and your back arches.
Shudder for me baby.

Oh, damn!

That's a good one.


Coming together - Pondering
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The_Fool said:
“I love you just as you are…”

Offering a simple platitude,
not realizing those words offer more
Than what is said.
Belittling with a phrase
that bleeds sorrow
with a pat on the head.

or wanting to be,
We maintain
a picture of ourselves
offering of vision
of where we want to go.

There is path that must be taken
strewn with hardship and wonders alike,
meant to distract,
sent to despair.
Maintaining is hard,
creates angst within life.

Help me persevere
to cause that change,
great or small.
With the time I have
hoping I have time to enjoy it,
but satisfied with my achievement.

“I love you as you want to be…”

From that one line you produced this?

I remain in awe.

sweetsubsarahh said:
From that one line you produced this?

I remain in awe.


The first and last lines. The middle came from the conversation that resulted... :rose:
The_Fool said:
You wait until I’m off-balance,
then you shove.

Throwing yourself upon me,
pinning me to a mattress that groans
with me.
Letting me know

in no uncertain terms
That you are in control.
My hands held above my head,
you offer that deliberate kiss,

teasing to please
Before you bite.
We both taste the salt
Of my blood.

It’s not only the nipples
you crush against my chest
that harden
at the thought of you controlling me.

But wait too long
and the situation may change,
the silence broken
by the sound of tearing panties.


You write so deliciously. :heart:
The_Fool said:
I thought you missed it..... :D :kiss:

every time I see a new post by you in this thread, I just have to check and see if you've blurted again. :D
Just a Hug

Coming together - Pondering
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The_Fool said:
Arm wrapped around her waist,
caressing hand
moving up and down her side.
Warmth shared and softness,

Physical touch.
And she leans into my kiss,
her lips tugging at places
other than those in view.

The pleasure of her company,
Sensual and erotic.
Symbiotic rapport
offers pleasure, take and give.

Her head upon my shoulder,
breathe upon my cheek.
Wondering if she would smile
at the maudlin madness of my thoughts.

It's really hard to work up to a good, self-righteous rant after I read one of these.

Don't stop. ;)
The_Fool said:
Arm wrapped around her waist,
caressing hand
moving up and down her side.
Warmth shared and softness,

Physical touch.
And she leans into my kiss,
her lips tugging at places
other than those in view.

The pleasure of her company,
Sensual and erotic.
Symbiotic rapport
offers pleasure, take and give.

Her head upon my shoulder,
breathe upon my cheek.
Wondering if she would smile
at the maudlin madness of my thoughts.


Hold this thought for next time....

There are many kinds of sighs...

This one has to indulge another location...
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