Pondering the indelible...

You're getting better at this all the time, dude. Thanks.
Why that's downright insightful.

Purty too.

Nice one, Fool. :D
Most people would be happy with a relationship like that. It's beyond a one-night stand.

Quite "delible".

Coming together - Pondering
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cantdog said:
You're getting better at this all the time, dude. Thanks.

Thank you sir. I keep trying…

TE999 said:
Why that's downright insightful.

Purty too.

Nice one, Fool. :D

It it’s insightful, I screwed up. Incite (as in riot) might be okay. Purty is always good. Thanks…. :D

glynndah said:
Most people would be happy with a relationship like that. It's beyond a one-night stand.

Quite "delible".

Sometimes the ink is more durable than the paper. :rose:
If you don't start posting or publishing these in a less transient medium than a smut site bulletin board, I'm going to do something drastic. Like tell your mom, or hire some mafia goons to rough you up a bit ("don't hurt his hands, capisc'?").
Nice work, as always, Fool.

I'm rather envious of the way you can catch so much in so little.
impressive said:
Absolutely brilliant! :kiss:

:kiss: :heart:

Roxanne Appleby said:
If you don't start posting or publishing these in a less transient medium than a smut site bulletin board, I'm going to do something drastic. Like tell your mom, or hire some mafia goons to rough you up a bit ("don't hurt his hands, capisc'?").

Working on it sweetheart, got the rejection letters to prove it… :)
rgraham666 said:
Nice work, as always, Fool.

I'm rather envious of the way you can catch so much in so little.

Thanks Rob, I am a pure minimalist mostly due to laziness. :D
The_Fool said:
:kiss: :heart:

Working on it sweetheart, got the rejection letters to prove it… :)

Thanks Rob, I am a pure minimalist mostly due to laziness. :D
oh, please. You're not fooling anyone, it's hard work being minimal!
Removed because it's being published!

Yeah, Fool!
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The_Fool said:


I would be jealous of your way with words, but it's too beautiful for that. I'm just glad you share.

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Stella_Omega said:
oh, please. You're not fooling anyone, it's hard work being minimal!

Not for a well-practiced slacker like me... :nana:

sweetsubsarahh said:

Not even close to amazing, still working on competent. You words are sweet to my ears though… :heart:

SelenaKittyn said:


Thank you for the kind thoughts... :rose:
Clear to Partly Cloudy

Coming together - Pondering
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The_Fool said:
Not much to rest on past laurels...

But since it isn't posted anymore, and since I liked it so well...

What distant memory
Has you looking back?

The curl in your hair
Wraps ringlets round my fingers
As I find you sitting silent
Staring out the window

Hands caress bare arms
Then wrap tightly round
Your body
Silent contemplation

Of your body warm with mine
The beating of your heart
Beneath my hand
Pressing against me with every breath

Sorrow silent memory
Seeking some remedy
Offered slowly with smiles
And deeply with kisses

Lyrical persuasion
Of two heartbeats as one
Warmed by the fires
Of syncopated solitude

I’ll offer up my passion
To fend off distant memories
Share with me your solitude
Share with me your silence

I always loved that one. Thank you for reposting it here. :kiss:
fiction writer

Coming together - Pondering
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The_Fool said:
I am my own fictional character.
Telling stories about me
to myself, some true, some not
some best not repeated in mixed company.

Lonely sounds of silence
sift through a melancholy moment,
threaten a lingered depression,
lend sadness to my alcohol.

Ice cubes crack.
Hearts break.
Lovers quarrel.
Friends part.

What story shall I write today?
Why a romantic comedy filled with pathos,
a tragedy, darkly humorous where the girl gets the girl
and I ride off into the sunset.


Coming together - Pondering
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Well, darling fool, I may not be seeing them posted, but even so, I see your poetry warms the forum, if one but knows where to look. These are wonderful. Please keep sharing.
champagne1982 said:
Well, darling fool, I may not be seeing them posted, but even so, I see your poetry warms the forum, if one but knows where to look. These are wonderful. Please keep sharing.

Carrie, I post my shit everywhere. Okay, I did quit writing it in the bathrooms stalls... :D


Coming together - Pondering
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