Playful's Padded Cell and (In)Sanitarium... pay your penny...

Oh 99 bottles of beer on the wall! 99 bottles of beer!

You take one down, pass it around

98 bottles of beer on the wall!
I'm sitting here watching The Voice.

I'm not usually a bit Xtina fan, but I heard about this story and I gotta give her some props. Good for her.
339 bottles of beer on the wall ! 339!

Take one down.... Wait what? I was suppose to count down?

Well for fucks sake how come no one clarifies this shit?

I mean my voice is pretty freaking hoarse right now!
339 bottles of beer on the wall ! 339!

Take one down.... Wait what? I was suppose to count down?

Well for fucks sake how come no one clarifies this shit?

I mean my voice is pretty freaking hoarse right now!

*snickers* Silly Tigress....

Horses belong in my other thread. :rolleyes:
Ummmm spicy!

Speaking of cats. I bought a cat mask for Halloween. Now I gotta start getting the other pieces.
Ummmm spicy!

Speaking of cats. I bought a cat mask for Halloween. Now I gotta start getting the other pieces.

:cattail: Black cat? Tiger? Inquiring minds you know...

I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath for a pic of you in costume to show up in the other thread... but I'll daydream anyway. ;):rose:
I am thinking more along the lines of this this year.


Ummm, yeah, pics required for that too. :cattail::devil:

I've had good costumes in the past, but nothing spectacular. Was Mother Nature last year, Guy Fieri the year before that. Went as swine flu the year I actually had swine flu. (Good excuse to go wearing a surgical mask so I didn't infect everyone, but was desperate not to have to stay home...)