On what do you write?

Aug 4, 2020
I am a bit embarrassed to admit I don't even own a working computer anymore and write my stories on my phone which is quite laborious and a bit annoying at times. Anyone else?
I write exclusively on my iPhone. Have composed 30k word stand-alone stories on it and 60k word trilogies. I’m up to eighty something in total. I think I used our home PC for some final edits to Heaven & Hole, otherwise all on my phone.

I use my samsung mobile to write my stories. I don't use a computer at all.
I can compose on computer or phone or paper, but it is a bit weird on the phone. With stories I actually compose best on the computer, mainly because it's longer form. With poetry, its gotta be pen and paper. And not just any pen. THE pen. There's something tactile about poetry that the tactile composition demands. I do keep my prompt lists on my phone.
Kindle Fire tablet, mostly. About 1,300,000 words over ten years on a daft little screen keyboard, but it means I can write privately. If I used a proper keyboard, I'd be able to write ten times faster, but it works.
My phone and my laptop.
Laptop definitely easier to write with, but I tend to do my best writing on my phone. I guess because it's slower to write with, my brain has the time to think before my hands vomit words onto the page.
Laptop. I have not trained myself to write on my phone more than outlines, I’m too much of a middle aged fogey.
Laptop. I'm not sure how anyone writes anything on a phone and would struggle on even a tablet. I need the feel of a keyboard to be able to put words down.
My phone and my laptop.
Laptop definitely easier to write with, but I tend to do my best writing on my phone. I guess because it's slower to write with, my brain has the time to think before my hands vomit words onto the page.
That’s actually a really interesting perspective. Hadn’t thought about that. Yes it is slower.

computer. even if it is a piece of shit.

I love the feel of a keyboard on my lap as i type. It gives me a feeling of being back in school learning to type on a typewriter.

If I use a phone or keyboard, Autocorrect has screwed me over so many times, that I've actually had to put it on a computer to edit it. and those were only 300-500 words! now I find I can type about 2000-3000 words a night before I get tired of it.

I've found using Google docs on my tablet tho to be helpful when I wanna read thru my stories before sending to my editor. Helps with the ability to take it anywhere and be able to get to it faster.
Due to life circumstances (as others have also said) I usually write on my phone, which is far from ideal but it's the most practical solution.

Then for editing I always use the home PC so I can actually read it clearly on a bigger screen, and having a mouse means jumping around to make changes is a lot less laborious. And I always submit stories to Lit on the PC, too, so I don't make mistakes...
Google docs, and I flick between a laptop, ipad, and a Samsung Zfold 3 (which I hate).
I write exclusively on my iPhone. Have composed 30k word stand-alone stories on it and 60k word trilogies. I’m up to eighty something in total. I think I used our home PC for some final edits to Heaven & Hole, otherwise all on my phone.

Lady, a word of advice from an oldster with neuropathy. Take better care of your hands. All that iddity-bitty finger business, including thumbs, will give you some major life-long issues down the road. Regular keyboards are my bane these days - pins and needles on every keystroke.
Laptop, because it's faster and more comfortable and I enjoy the feeling of keyboard. I usually use the WordPad, and sometimes the Notepad, but for Literotica I wrote most of the stories on the submission box.
iPad, writing using google docs, with a built in keyboard to the case. Works like a laptop, but half the size and does the job nicely. Can write wherever. Very convenient.
Wow! I feel old when I read people write on iPhones. That would be impossible for me, finger and eye-wise.
When I started here my writing was very secret and obsessive - I didn't have any privae space, so I wrote on something similar, an HP palm computer , about the size of a large smartphone. I had a neat folding QUERTY keyboard I could attach to it and wrote like a motherfucker every lunchbreak and on the commute to work.

Now I sit in my dusty study, surrounded by my piles of books, tap the Trichinoploy out of my Meershaum, and gaze out of the window at the pale dawn, and type on my Intel i9 64Gb laptop:

Laptop. Once an Apple, now an HP. MS Word either way (or, now, Word in Google).

I do take notes on an iPhone, like if something occurs to me out of the blue and I need to get it down right away, and I cannot fathom how I would ever write anything longer than a few sentences that way. An iPad is better, but I'd still be uncomfortable doing a whole story that way.
Yes, I use Writerpad on my Android phone, because GoogleDocs does weird shit to my docs, in particular claiming it's accepted changes to tracked changed text, but then leaving both old and new text in, so I have a published story with various things like 'no-onenoone' 'herthe hadn't etc.

The previous app I used decided to really lobby you into paying (for features I didn't want) and I thought had lost a huge file (but had just hidden it - I found it a few days later).

A writing app with search function would be handy, but I focus on writing and minor edits, then the PC for moving large sections about and final editing, spell-check etc. though my last story managed to make a spelling correction into a new mistake.

I have small hands so holding a phone in 2 hands and typing with my thumbs is as quick as a keyboard, probably quicker thanks to autocorrect options.