On The Motions of Slutty Bodies According To Lewd Grandmother Without Shame or Jealousy


Dec 1, 2018
Story Idea:

Whenever Jack's(18+) dad goes out of town, his mom's friend or the neighbor pays their family a visit and it always leads to the man helping his mom in the bedroom. The thing is Jack's mom needs help on how to fix the computer and repair the glass window or the heater in her room. So she needs a man and as ill luck would have it, these problems always occur whenever her husband is out of town. So, she needs a man in the house.

Jack thinks her mom is a slut and complains about it to his grandmother. What surprises him is, not only Grandma admits she knows what happens but also says to Jack that his dad has given permission to Jack's mom.
But Granny doesn't agree on one thing. That is "Your mom tries her best to be a slut. She gives her best effort to be one, to be known as the slut of the town but she just doesn't have it in her. You wanna know what a real slut thinks and acts? Hmm...... how about this week's summer holiday you and I go on a trip to the beach. It has a club nearby where my friends will also come. We'll have a wonderful time and Grandma will teach you what a slut actually is. But you've to promise you'll be obedient to me."

TAG: BDSM , dom-sub relationship, chastity , gangbang, femdom
There's a lot of things I like in this, like, bossy and unapologetically deprived grandma's taking charge of their grandchildren sex life especially, and spying on a slut mom (and/or an older sister?) is nice icing, but you almost lost me with the chastity tag ambush. Turns out it's the closest thing I personally have for a squick when it's implied our boy is the addressee of it.

Paradoxically exactly because of that I remembered about this while splitting firewood and thought where I would take it... instead? And discovered that the tag actually fits quite well, especially if hold at the same distance the incest is.

Thing is, I accidentally all but married the guy to his second cousin twice removed, a girl he knew as the school's worst slut and a walking scandal he's lusted after forever, but finds her a virgin after taking her home from this grandma's holiday... with is maybe better fitting for a spring break I think, although that's rather insignificant detail ever coming up in potential sequel or some such.

But yes, the mom thing becomes rich backstory and equally misdirection and setting up a theme.
...accidentally all but married his second cousin twice removed, a girl he knew as the school's worst slut and a walking scandal he's lusted after forever, but finds her a virgin after taking her home from this grandma's holiday...

So yes, Grandma takes him to this swinger club at a clothing optional beach to teach him what a real slut is. And one of those real sluts she had in mind and knew will be there is her niece Nancy... who's not yet sixty (for a long running tradition of teenage moms in her side of the family), but a grandmother herself and as it happens, arrived with her granddaughter Mandy...

The aforementioned cheer hot thing much more aggressive guys than Jack are all but shooting each other ower back in school. And it just so happens that the moment they're introduced there at the club as cousins (he had no idea about), Mandy's totally nude, actually the only one nude out of something ower twenty people present.

Jack's a bit in shock, but not surprised, as he as everyone thinks Mandy's a total slut. Spoiler alert, she's not. She behaves like one, being convinced she's one by his born again evangelist father, perhaps, and the social pressure that paint her as one by all the insane amounts of braggart libel the guys going crazy over her and all the jealous girls have produced... but she's never actually gone all the way with anyone.

Mandy's there to finally become a slut as everyone seems to think she should be. Instead, she meets Jack, something that wouldn't really happen if Jack's grandmother haven't prevented him from fully participating in the deprived free use environment going around them. And for the whole week she's wearing nothing more than some little occasional adornments that make her only more naked than nude, and is being groped and even kissed by dozens of people, and she with Jack do practically everything but (indeed, maybe even butt), but both remain nominally virgin and eventually leave as a couple, blessed by their grandmothers.

So, yes, she's moving in right away, and neither the wannabe slut mom nor the mostly absent dad has anything to say.
Grandma ... her niece Nancy... her granddaughter Mandy...

So, yes, she's moving in right away...
Well... if a second cousin twice removed isn't incestuous enough, it's very easy to upgrade her to his secret half-sister... in addition to that. Heck, grandma may be a witch running secret breeding program so the whole thing a setup actually. But or youngers may not find it out... not right away anyway perhaps.
Well... if a second cousin twice removed isn't incestuous enough, it's very easy to upgrade her to his secret half-sister... in addition to that. Heck, grandma may be a witch running secret breeding program so the whole thing a setup actually. But or youngers may not find it out... not right away anyway perhaps.
secret siblings :cool: 🔥 :heart: