old timers time to go

I don't believe in an afterlife. To me, we go into the endless sleep. Unaware of anything, including that we no longer exist.

I don't fear death for me, but my wife has been dealing with cancer(again) and my one fear of dying would be who is going to take care of her?

If I were single, I sure as hell wouldn't mind checking out of this cesspool we call a society.
I don't believe in an afterlife. To me, we go into the endless sleep. Unaware of anything, including that we no longer exist.

I don't fear death for me, but my wife has been dealing with cancer(again) and my one fear of dying would be who is going to take care of her?

If I were single, I sure as hell wouldn't mind checking out of this cesspool we call a society.
I totally get the "leaving your wife" part. I'm now widowed, but after years of being the sole caretaker I had a heart "issue", and my first thoughts were about her.
I'm scared of dying. My hope is when it happens a calm will overtake me.

I had a bloodclot in my lung once. That was the closest to death I've ever been.
I feel older than my age. I expect life will get harder for most people, so I don't expect more than 10 years left in my life. I'm ready to go at anytime.
not scared of death but hope it won't be by fire, drowning or some long, extended, painful disease. but then i guess that's the same for most people.

quick and relatively painless would be the best to hope for but we get what we get, right?

no, i don't believe in an afterlife anything other than my conscious-less molecules will get taken up by other living things and continue as a part of them till they recycle onwards to the next living things
I don’t really fear it, probably because I was so close.

In ‘98, during my 8th angioplasty in 8 years, I had a full cardiac arrest. My only memory of that event was my cardiologist saying, “hang in there, Bill, we’ll get you through this…”. I woke up three days later after the ventilation assist was withdrawn as they brought me out of an induced coma. Recovery from that was a somewhat long and painful journey. That evening after the cardiac arrest, my wife was informed that the cath lab team had done CPR for 50 minutes prior to my care being transferred to an open heart surgical team. That doctor did an emergency 5-way bypass, but he estimated my chance of survival at 50/50…for three days. The surgeon and cardiologist said if I survived longer, that there was a likelihood of a 90% chance of permanent brain damage from the extended period of CPR.

Obviously, I made it past those critical three days. Jury is still out on the brain damage aspect…lol.

Returning to the original question. I just turned 76 a couple of weeks ago, and have had an “extra” 26 years of life, largely thanks to some excellent medical care…and a healthy dose of luck. My cardiologist, with a warm sense of humor, referred to me as a ‘one-percenter’. In those intervening years I’ve made it a goal to enjoy my second life. And, now I’m recovering from my second tussle with cancer.

So, I don’t fear death, but know it could be just around the corner. Sure as hell don’t look forward to the end. Just going to keep enjoying every single day I can, as long as I can.

And please, no comments about it must be “God’s plan”. I’m not a believer in all of that…

Damn, dude. You're invincible.

I'm not really afraid of dying. I hate that I'll most likely leave Bluey behind and that she'll have to deal with all that means.

I'm a little curious to see what happens. Though I lean on just not existing anymore, it will be interesting to be wrong.
i was going to post this in the blurts but decided a new thread would do.

i had some shitty respiratory shit about a month ago. kicked my ass. i think my biggest dying fear is going with breathing difficulties. gasping and turning purple. out of all the ways to go that one haunts me. you get some long term illness, then it’s the allergies that kick you in the ass.

do you have a fear of dying? do you welcome it? if you say you plan on dying mid orgasm, you get blocked on being a thoughtless bastard.
I have a huge fear of dying. I hate it.
I have no fear of dying. I've suffered one heart attack in 2008. Now I'm getting chest pains off and on. I just want death to be swift.
My brother died last Friday. I don’t want to go, but when I do, I want it to be like he went. Quickly.
I don’t fear death I just don’t want it dragging out I often think I’d like to go skydiving and not open the chute as being a hell of a way to go.
i was going to post this in the blurts but decided a new thread would do.

i had some shitty respiratory shit about a month ago. kicked my ass. i think my biggest dying fear is going with breathing difficulties. gasping and turning purple. out of all the ways to go that one haunts me. you get some long term illness, then it’s the allergies that kick you in the ass.

do you have a fear of dying? do you welcome it? if you say you plan on dying mid orgasm, you get blocked on being a thoughtless bastard.
I share the same fear..breathing difficulties and burning..those are my top two fears.. if im really lucky ill die in a heart attack..quick, fast and effective
I have a 60% blockage in my left carotid artery and I'm told I'm a prime candidate for a stroke. I'm not really afraid of the stroke itself I'm afraid of surviving it.
I have a 60% blockage in my left carotid artery and I'm told I'm a prime candidate for a stroke. I'm not really afraid of the stroke itself I'm afraid of surviving it.
Why dont they fix it? I got a stent for 95% blockage of the LAD.
I am not afraid of death, but I am uneasy about the process of dying. Death will be either the good afterlife that I expect or a long sleep from which I will never awake.
I am not afraid of death, but I am uneasy about the process of dying. Death will be either the good afterlife that I expect or a long sleep from which I will never awake.
Right, I dont wanna linger in pain, make it quick. If your is left main, and you arent having angina, you can be fixed.