Obama Repeals ObamaCare

News flash: Ishmael points out a shortage of physicians in sparsely populated rural areas is "proof" of teh failure of single payer medical systems. :rolleyes:


I'm shocked too.. I thought John Hopkins was located in Buttfuck, Montana all this time
Ive never , ever read an intelligent post with the word "meme" in it.
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And you fully admitted that your health care is rationed. And that too is perfectly logical and intuitively obvious. Anytime there is a shortage of anything that anything has to be rationed.


But healthcare under a private insurance plan isn't rationed, no sirree. As long as you have insurance they'll pay for everything. Your cancer treatment costs five million dollars, don't worry, they won't cut you off, they'll just keep on paying forever. Everyone knows that, right?
So they send pitchmen out to the gay clubs.

Shuck&JiveCare goes clubbing.

Gays aren't stupid, if the fucking program was all that great there would be no need to waste even more of the taxpayers money.

Does anyone have a clue as to how much this failed bitch has cost the public so far?
