Nothing much to see here

I have not in many years. I did from about 16 to about 25.

And now that I am thinking about it, I don't carry a wallet big enough anymore that carries anything more than a few cards an a little cash.
I knew a guy who was smaller than the average person, and, unfortunately, embarrassed to admit it. He carried condominiums in his wallet.
I know guys who kept them in their wallets and regretted it later. They have a lifespan of about three years - in a cool dry place. A wallet is not a cool dry place.
This. Keeping it in my wallet would mean keeping it in my pocket, and pockets can get pretty warm.
I never kept them there. Pocket was sufficient, besides I like fine leather wallets and condoms would put a nasty ring mark in them.
I never kept them there. Pocket was sufficient, besides I like fine leather wallets and condoms would put a nasty ring mark in them.
I lost the need for a wallet condom after I got married. Then I started carrying a hair tie in my wallet for my wife. Same ring! Lol
We keep a stash of condoms in our vehicles for those sudden emergencies and replace as needed.
Nope, don’t trust a smashed condom. Always a gas station nearby with that $5.99 three pack
During the covid lockdown I decided to spend a day cleaning out my closet and dressers. On a shelf were a collection of old purses I hadn't used in ages. Going through one of them I found two condoms and a crumpled up twenty dollar bill. I tried to think when the last time I carried that purse and decided it was probably back around the turn of the century when I was going through condoms at a pretty regular rate.

It was nice to find the twenty dollar bill but it doesn't have the buying power as it did back then!! 🤣
I had a vasectomy and I'm married so, no, currently I do not.

When I was dating or simply available, I would keep a condom on my person just in case. I made sure I changed out the condom if one were getting a bit old (that wasn't usually a problem) and every woman who discovered I had one took it as a good sign that I was prepared. No one every reacted negatively like I was assuming I was going to get laid. They appreciated the forethought.
Thanks for the replies. I'm in a steady relationship but I know my bf keeps a condom in his wallet. We use them most of the time for sex so it's not a deal.

When I was a student most of my gfs kept a couple in their bag, like tampons, and you could rely on your friends to help out if you got lucky at a party. I just wondered if guys as they got older made a decision to stop carrying them because they were going steady/didn't foresee it being needed/their partner would be suspicious or if they kept one for old time's sake?

I guess the question could lead on to what precautions you took at college: did guys stop off for the machine in the restroom or did you expect the girl to have something? Did girls have a selection?! o_O Would a woman trust the condom the guy produced?
If he carries his wallet in his pocket, especially his pants pocket (which he probably does), then that could affect the effectiveness of the condom. They're supposed to be kept in a cool place.
When I was in my twenties and early thirtes I did. These days the only reason I would carry one in my wallet, would be for the moths that gather, hopefully... waiting patiently for the glimmer of cash...