New faces, come say hello...

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It has been ages since I visited this thread...though I am absent most of the time I did wish to pop in and welcome all those I have missed in the last few months.
May your positive Lit experiences keep bringing you back.
Enjoy, learn and share.
Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself a bit.

I am fairly new to the BDSM lifestyle and unfortunately, for the moment I am limited to an online D/s relationship. I am finding however that it is forcing us to explore the mental aspects of BDSM pretty in depth...I look forward to what that will bring to the relationship.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. I look forward to the information I can and already have found here.....
Welcome everyone.

Enjoy the forums and feel free to post and aske questions.

Geesh, I hope limity isn't lost in the foyer and can find her way back in!

Ahh...back from the Shadows again...

A treat it is to see You again upon these noble pages, seeming in fine form as well. *iHope that life is giving you all the respect and affirmations you so rightly command.

*iTrust that you and me beloved SoulSister Ebonyfire are dishing out Joy and Terror in appropriate doses to those who've earned Your notice. The world would be a poorer place without Your firm hands, velvet gloves and spiky thorns as well.

limity, i wonder if your limity is next to the other mathematical limits of those curves which run between zero limitx and 1, 1 and pi and/or delta v and infinity. *iAlways wonder though. 'Tis a blessing and a curse.

and Boudicca *iponder whether your Minnesota Queendom shares some lakey front boundary with my own Minnesota Blue Universe. It is occupying ever larger spaces between Eveleth, Lake Vermillion and Epsilon Cygnus with lines bouncing between reality and the imaginary mists of Forever and NeverLand (not that Mikey Jackson place, better termed Well, HardlyEverLand ...closer to the land of Pan the Younger and the LostBoys and Forever Wendy too)

*i've been conquering vast new holdongs of late where there are hardly no humans to speak of, but i wonder if i might have caught sight of you during a moonlight dip during the warmer nights of the Indian Summer we just lost sight of. Could be? Maybe? Hmm? *i Hope.

Blue, ever the dreamer yet ever True by my own lights:heart:
Shadowsdream said:
It has been ages since I visited this thread...though I am absent most of the time I did wish to pop in and welcome all those I have missed in the last few months.
May your positive Lit experiences keep bringing you back.
Enjoy, learn and share.

Long time no see
nice to see you
and do hope you will return again

If nothing else come by my thread and say hi
Re: Ahh...back from the Shadows again...

DRxBlue said:
limity, i wonder if your limity is next to the other mathematical limits of those curves which run between zero limitx and 1, 1 and pi and/or delta v and infinity. *iAlways wonder though. 'Tis a blessing and a curse.

*chuckles* my limity..hmm i'd say i'm more of an infinity person than between zero and 1.. Buzz would say..."to infinity and beyond"
Ahh...back from the Shadows again...
A treat it is to see You again upon these noble pages, seeming in fine form as well. *iHope that life is giving you all the respect and affirmations you so rightly command.

*iTrust that you and me beloved SoulSister Ebonyfire are dishing out Joy and Terror in appropriate doses to those who've earned Your notice. The world would be a poorer place without Your firm hands, velvet gloves and spiky thorns as well.

Ah ha there is a sighting of a Doctor in the house...
It is a pleasure to see you once again grace U/us with your special blend of humour and intellect. I do hope you will drop in a little more if you are able.
Richard49 said:
Long time no see
nice to see you
and do hope you will return again

If nothing else come by my thread and say hi

Hello has been awhile since You and I exchanged words. It is very pleasing to see a welcome from you.
I hope all is well in Your world these days.
Hello all,

In response to wishes, here is an introduction... I can be a little shy about shouting my presence out :)

I've been reading the boards, and loving the stories for quite a while... but only recently have I gotten up the nerve to actually write or post anything myself.

I am a 28 yrs. old, submissive, bi-female. I moved to TX from VA 3 months ago, and am currently unemployed, although hopefully that will change soon, since I've been interviewing like crazy.

Most of my relationships have been r/t or combination of r/t and o/l. Currently exploring, talking to different people, searching for the One. Ideally, I want to find someone who will be my partner and my Dom, someone who I can share a vanilla and a spicy life with. Dream big, I figure, and don't settle for less than you want.
Hello A/all

I am a 36 year old submissive male who has come to terms (finally!) with the fact I need to serve a Dominant Female.

I live in Indiana, and after a false start with a "wanna be" Domme in New Mexico, I have finally found the right Dommes for me:)

The Domme in NM was o/l until I moved there and she decided there was no spark, and only wanted to be friends...IE a roomate who was willing to share the rent and bills. That didn't work out so I moved back to the midwest to be near my family and joined the local BSDM group, started attending munchs, and play parties, where I met my two Dommes:) This weekend we spent a get to know you "vanilla" weekend, and have offered me a training collar, which I gladly accepted.

I am now involved with a r/l relationship with my Dommes, and have finally found happiness.
To lilnymph28 and ghosst_K&H

Do make yourselves at home here. This is a place exactly created for such as you.

*iHope the stories, information and board interaction will help you to expand your horizons, come to grips with your own sexual selves and find some real, live, warm humans to share that grip with you in the form of a loving embrace.

*iHave learned so much here, *i've come close to doing something about it. LOL

Still just a spectator, me* but one who feels like he understands what the lifestyle is all about thanx to the shared wisdom of the many you'll meet on the boards.

Mix and be well, learn and share your love,

Joyful in the Loving Light of Knowledge,
Doctor Blue*:rose: :D
Re: To lilnymph28 and ghosst_K&H

DRxBlue said:
Do make yourselves at home here. This is a place exactly created for such as you.

*iHope the stories, information and board interaction will help you to expand your horizons, come to grips with your own sexual selves and find some real, live, warm humans to share that grip with you in the form of a loving embrace.

*iHave learned so much here, *i've come close to doing something about it. LOL

Still just a spectator, me* but one who feels like he understands what the lifestyle is all about thanx to the shared wisdom of the many you'll meet on the boards.

Mix and be well, learn and share your love,

Joyful in the Loving Light of Knowledge,
Doctor Blue*:rose: :D

thank you for your well wishes! *kiss*
Just dropping by to say hello to the folks who have dropped in since my last greeting....glad to have you. If you get a chance, why don't you check out our sticky, it holds the usual rules and regs, as well as a couple of interesting essays. I'd also encourage you to read the cafe' sticky--it'll give you some valuable guidelines about both Boards. We also have a great resource here, namely, our Library--filled with all sorts of threads, on all sorts of BDSM topics. If you have any questions about it, drop me a PM, I'll be happy to help.

I look forward to getting to know you through your posts!

~anelize, BDSM Librarian
OK yooz guyzzzez

thththis thing ON?
OK This is the LAST time i'm
gonna ask ya!

Would you rather


Blue Up*:D :rose:
Re: OK yooz guyzzzez

DRxBlue said:
thththis thing ON?
OK This is the LAST time i'm
gonna ask ya!

Would you rather


Blue Up*:D :rose:

Hello Blue Darlin....

It is wonderful to see you make an appearance again...

I miss you more than words can say... and am so glad you are here to welcome all of the new ones...

Oh and I have a piece of pumpkin cheesecake for you! Homemade of course!

:kiss: ;)
Glad you found the site

It does open your eyes to imagination and perfection of your desires. So much easier to undertake something when you know your not the only one that feels the way you do. Welcum.

LustforPain said:
Thanks for the welcome...I've already found some very interesting things that I think I will have to share with my guy. I can tell that I am going to enjoy this website very much :)
Coming Out

Hi, after months of lurking about. I thought I'd finally come out of the closet. I am a college student in my early 20's. Although I have no experience, it is becoming increasing clear to me that I am a submissive bi girl. At least in regard to my desires. At least for now.
Be nice
Re: Coming Out

You'll feel much better now. Look around this web site. Lots of people that share your feelings. Live is too short. Many of my subs were in the late 30's and 40's before they let themselves get what they always needed. What a waste of time. Enjoy without regrets.

cascade2 said:
Hi, after months of lurking about. I thought I'd finally come out of the closet. I am a college student in my early 20's. Although I have no experience, it is becoming increasing clear to me that I am a submissive bi girl. At least in regard to my desires. At least for now.
Be nice
Re: Coming Out

cascade2 said:
I am a submissive bi girl.

Yay, the best kind! :D

Welcome cascade. Do join in -- there are many others here of similar persuasion, and many here who will do their best to persuade you into their evil clutches!

Ah, evil plans of dominance! I love them! *laughs insanely*

Ooops, scuse me, that just slipped out.
Re: Coming Out

cascade2 said:
Hi, after months of lurking about. I thought I'd finally come out of the closet. I am a college student in my early 20's. Although I have no experience, it is becoming increasing clear to me that I am a submissive bi girl. At least in regard to my desires. At least for now.
Be nice

cascade...i hope you enjoy it here...i know i have:)
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