Naughty Places!

There is a Shitamaring Creek in Garfield County, Utah. As you might expect the water of the creek is poisonous and very diarrheic. I am NOT making this up. (In Utah Place Names by John W. Van Cott)
Speaking of Utah, there’s a Little Hole in Daggett County south of the Green River, but no Big Hole. You have to go to Montana for Big Hole (Ravalli County) where a famous battle was fought between the Nez Perce and US Army in 1877.
Speaking of Utah, there’s a Little Hole in Daggett County south of the Green River, but no Big Hole. You have to go to Montana for Big Hole (Ravalli County) where a famous battle was fought between the Nez Perce and US Army in 1877.
That's another good one!
Period, a station on the Soo Railroad line in Luce County, Michigan, no doubt appeared faithfully in the company’s monthly reports. Until . . . .
Have fun with Google maps:

Find the town of "Bumpass". There's a rental property there shown on Google maps named "She's a Brick Lake House". (Someone apparently enjoyed 70's disco.)
Not related but the very first IT company i worked for I got this ticket to call this person. I looked at the name and had to go to the ladies to make sure it was right: Kathy Hiscock. I am not joking!