My Latest Experience with Literotica

For me to enjoy reading a novel-length story, or even a novella, there needs to be more than sex in it. I want a story type of story where sex is only a part of what's going on. If it's just sex, it should be short for me to enjoy myself. I like longer stories with good plots, subplots, characters that are three-dimensional, and enough characters for us to have paths this way and that.
Just get rid of it; it's blatant sexualization. You just don't want to admit it.

Having said that, the quality of your writing is really good.
The two of them, juxtaposited, occur 14 times in one story. I realize this is a novel, but that's a lot titty sucking by a baby and sex at the same time.
You’re under an understandable mistaken apprehension. Just because I had mentioned there are no descriptions of breast-feeding juxtapositioned with descriptions of actual adult sexual activity after the fourteenth chapter, doesn't mean that each and every one of the first fourteen chapters contain such descriptions. In fact, I think there are at most four such instances in total in those chapters. The plot of the novel consists of Eino proposing marriage to Vivian after less than seventy-two hours of actual acquaintanceship and she accepts. And they do get married within two months. Two chapters are devoted to describing how he was inspired to propose marriage and the arguments he used to obtain her acquiescence. And the reader is privy to her thoughts in accepting his proposal. A couple of other chapters describe the wedding and the honeymoon. IMHO if this novel does eventually see the light of day in Literotica, you would be entertained should you read it.
For me to enjoy reading a novel-length story, or even a novella, there needs to be more than sex in it. I want a story type of story where sex is only a part of what's going on. If it's just sex, it should be short for me to enjoy myself. I like longer stories with good plots, subplots, characters that are three-dimensional, and enough characters for us to have paths this way and that.
I'm vain enough to suggest that my proposed novel would fit the bill of your reqirements.
So there was one scene, then there were no such scenes, now there are four of them?
There were four scenes in total in my initial submission back in August. I'm prepared to submit revised text with all such scenes deleted. However, I would ask that one scene be included and I'm submitting that request first. If Literotica accepts then great! If not well then there will be no such scenes when the novel finally appears in Literotica.
However, I would ask that one scene be included and I'm submitting that request first. If Literotica accepts then great!
Seriously? What makes you think anything will be any different than the other times it's been rejected?
Dude! You lose
What part of the word NO are you having the most difficulty with?
The referenced sentence was included in my initial submission back in August. Since then, in my three subsequent submissions, I have revised the text to delete the description of cunnilingus while breast feeding but Literotica has other issues to continue rejecting my novel. I would point out that you have overlooked the fact that such a similar sexual description was included and accepted in two of my other novels. This is an example of the inconsistency in application of the rule of no underage sexual activity.
The referenced sentence was included in my initial submission back in August. Since then, in my three subsequent submissions, I have revised the text to delete the description of cunnilingus while breast feeding but Literotica has other issues to continue rejecting my novel. I would point out that you have overlooked the fact that such a similar sexual description was included and accepted in two of my other novels. This is an example of the inconsistency in application of the rule of no underage sexual activity.
The entire body of this post is your inability to realize that Literotica is not your website. Laurel makes the rules and if you don't like it, there's scores of other websites to submit your "novel." I had a story rejected because I used the time worn euphemism "smooth as a baby's butt" when describing how closely a character shaved.

Yeah, I came here and whined and pouted that a story was rejected, then I found her reasoning I missed earlier. What I did was change the entry and resubmit with an apology because I would like to see my work posted on Laurel's site.
The referenced sentence was included in my initial submission back in August. Since then, in my three subsequent submissions, I have revised the text to delete the description of cunnilingus while breast feeding but Literotica has other issues to continue rejecting my novel. I would point out that you have overlooked the fact that such a similar sexual description was included and accepted in two of my other novels. This is an example of the inconsistency in application of the rule of no underage sexual activity.

Man, take the L and move on.
My considered response to this extensive, specific and closely reasoned manifesto is: WTF?

Let me dot the “eyes” and cross the “tees” for you regarding my point of view and at same time answer the various negative reaction I have received since starting this thread.

First of all, I’m not obtuse. I am fully cognizant that Literotica is a private web site and not under any obligation to accept any proffered submission. Not only that, but I do accept such reality. Nevertheless, the site exists to invite potential authors to submit erotic stories for publication on the site. It is understandable that the site sets up rules or standards as to what they would accept and what they will not accept. By the same token such rules should be objective not subjective otherwise as an author you’re sometimes at a loss as to how to shape your story line.

Literotica’s guideline for underage sex is stated as follows: “No sexual activity involving underage persons will be considered”. Seems like a forthright easy to understand objective rule. It’s a rule especially easy to adhere to when you understand the logical implication that so long as an underage person is not involved in a sexual activity, it is OK to describe such sexual activity.

If you go beyond that simple objective rule such as not permitting a scene where an underage person is thinking of sex, you enter the realm of capricious and inconsistent rulings. I pointed out a couple of instances in past rulings involving past novels I had submitted. This makes it difficult to plan a story if even the most innocuous scene can be deemed to contain descriptions of underage sex.

As I had advised, I had originally submitted my new novel on Aug 16 and the issue is still not resolved. There has never been such a long standoff in my previous submissions. Usually, I either agree with the objection and make a change or the change required is no big deal and does not impair the storyline. A couple of times Literotica has agreed with my submission and withdrew their objection. This is my seventh novel I’ve submitted, and this is the only time I’ve been in such loggerheads wherein I’m unable to convince Literotica to accept what I’ve written and whereby I’ve been reluctant to make further revisions.

The thing is that my descriptions of the breast feeding juxtapositioned with descriptions of adult sexual activity happens to be crucial to my narrative. It is not simply included for gratuitous sexual titillation thrill for the reader. The plot is simply this: Vivian, an American citizen but with Estonian ancestry and is fluent in Estonian has a five month old baby in tow and is vacationing in Estonia to satisfy her curiosity regarding her ancestral homeland. In Tallinn she discovers a married distant blood relative and visits them. They in turn promptly invite Vivian to stay with them during the rest of her vacation.

During her stay, Eino, a dairy farmer and a brother-in-law to the hosts, happens to come to visit, as he was in town for three days to negotiate a bank loan. Vivian had grown up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, and so there was a commonality in their conversation. As a result, Eino invites her for dinner. The dinner date was so successful that he propositions her to accompany her to his hotel room and she accepts. Thereafter, they are in each other’s company for the next two days and on the third night he proposes marriage and she accepts.

I agree that the plot at first blush is improbable but not impossible. In my own case, my first date with my wife was on Mar 1 and we were married on Oct 12 in that same year; we just celebrated our 48th wedding anniversary. I understand from the biography of President George W Bush he knew his wife, Laura, for only four months before they were married in 1977, and so they had their 45th anniversary this year. Just two examples off the top of my head.

To reiterate the only instances remotely resembling underage sexual activity in my novel are the descriptions of breastfeeding either preceding the adult sexual activity or following the adult sexual activity. To suggest that such juxtaposition between the two separate actions is tantamount to describing underage sexual activity is pure sophistry.

However, since Literotica is a private website, I have to take the “L” as you all put it. I would have no problem were this novel to be independent without any reference to any previous writing. I would simply describe Vivian as childless, and the novel could proceed without any loss of plausibility. However, this novel is a sequel to a previous novel wherein I ended up mentioning that Vivian with her five month old daughter went to Estonia and happened to marry an Estonian dairy farmer.

When I wrote that, I had no intention of offering a sequel, and I did submit two novels after that. In my last published novel, I inserted a cameo appearance by Vivian describing her as now the Estonian ambassador to the United States. That then prompted me to write this sequel to explain how she achieved that position. So, I was stuck with the fact that Vivian is a mother of a five month old infant.

So, to eliminate any descriptions of breast feeding I would have to suggest that to accept the initial dinner date with Eino, Vivian would have had to have left her baby in care of her hosts, who in reality are virtual strangers to her. Not a very realistic possibility. But even were I to say that the baby was left with the hosts and is not present at the dinner, so what happens when Eino proposes sex? Her first instincts would have to be to decline no matter how attractive the possibility of sex would be to her.

Even were Vivian to agree to a quickie, spending the entire night with him would be out of the question. In that eventuality it would only be a one night stand and there would be no further daytime activities between the two of them to recount. That in turn would mean there would be no proposal of marriage, no real story as Vivian would logically return to the United States.

I have tried to come up with a plausible narrative for this story to eliminate any mention of breast feeding, but I can’t. So as a result, I’m submitting a truncated version of my novel wherein what would otherwise be chapter 15 becomes chapter one and go from there. I will offer a synopsis of those first fourteen chapters in a preface to the start or work those facts in a revised text.

In my view it is a shame that Literotica has such an unreasonable attitude towards what constitutes underage sexual activity and won’t even engage in dialogue to work out a compromise.
Just give them a hotel suite with two seperate rooms. Keep everyone's clothes on with the baby around. Have the baby sleep in the other room throughout their love making.
Literotica’s guideline for underage sex is stated as follows: “No sexual activity involving underage persons will be considered”. Seems like a forthright easy to understand objective rule. It’s a rule especially easy to adhere to when you understand the logical implication that so long as an underage person is not involved in a sexual activity, it is OK to describe such sexual activity.

If you go beyond that simple objective rule such as not permitting a scene where an underage person is thinking of sex, you enter the realm of capricious and inconsistent rulings. I pointed out a couple of instances in past rulings involving past novels I had submitted. This makes it difficult to plan a story if even the most innocuous scene can be deemed to contain descriptions of underage sex.

I think you are making this way too difficult.
If you have a scene where two adults are having sex, and meanwhile an infant is suckling at the woman's breast, that is "sexual activity involving an underage person." The underage person may not be himself/herself engaging in sexual activity, but the definition still applies. You have to grasp the spirit of the rule. It's not that hard, but it seems to vex and puzzle so many people, not just you. This is a site where people come to read kinky sexy stories. The site doesn't want stories where children are the erotic focus of the story. No sex. No daydreams. No breastfeeding where pervy readers may get off on the idea. No memories of seeing sister in the shower. None of it. Period. Is it sometimes inconsistently applied? Sure. So what? There are two people managing an influx of over a hundred stories a day. There's no way to expect perfect consistency.
I have personally never found the under-18 rule here at Literotica to be that difficult to understand or to navigate. But it seems to vex so many people. You have to grasp the intent of the authors of the rule, and then it all makes sense.
Let me dot the “eyes” and cross the “tees” for you regarding my point of view and at same time answer the various negative reaction I have received since starting this thread.

First of all, I’m not obtuse. I am fully cognizant that Literotica is a private web site and not under any obligation to accept any proffered submission. Not only that, but I do accept such reality. Nevertheless, the site exists to invite potential authors to submit erotic stories for publication on the site. It is understandable that the site sets up rules or standards as to what they would accept and what they will not accept. By the same token such rules should be objective not subjective otherwise as an author you’re sometimes at a loss as to how to shape your story line.

I only read this far because you've gotten very tiresome, long-winded, and, yes, obtuse. I've bolded what you've said that becomes the bottom line here. Posting is Literotica's choice, and it's not obligated to adhere to your (or my) "shoulds" in making that choice. They don't post everything I write and wish they'd post, either, but I don't unload lengthy rants on the discussion board irrelevantly (irrelevantly because the users of the discussion board aren't in a position to do a damn thing about your hurts and your "it shoulds").

What part of "this is between you and the site editor, not other users of the discussion board" have you been too obtuse to absorb?
It seems a shame that Literotica can’t be bothered to negotiate and find some common ground with me so that this novel could see the light of day for my readers.
Why should they care? Getting your work published is your problem, not theirs. Meeting the requirements is your problem, not theirs. Following the underage guidelines is your problem, not theirs.

Your feeling that you deserve to be negotiated with? That’s your problem, too. They get reams of new content every day. You really think yours is so special that they’ll break their own rules just to accommodate you?

FWIW, I’d have rejected your story too. It’s in clear violation of their policy. Accept that and change the story, or publish elsewhere: those are the choices. All the rest is just long-winded rationalization by you.
Let me dot the “eyes” and cross the “tees” for you regarding my point of view and at same time answer the various negative reaction I have received since starting this thread.

First of all, I’m not obtuse. I am fully cognizant that Literotica is a private web site and not under any obligation to accept any proffered submission. Not only that, but I do accept such reality. Nevertheless, the site exists to invite potential authors to submit erotic stories for publication on the site. It is understandable that the site sets up rules or standards as to what they would accept and what they will not accept. By the same token such rules should be objective not subjective otherwise as an author you’re sometimes at a loss as to how to shape your story line.

Literotica’s guideline for underage sex is stated as follows: “No sexual activity involving underage persons will be considered”. Seems like a forthright easy to understand objective rule. It’s a rule especially easy to adhere to when you understand the logical implication that so long as an underage person is not involved in a sexual activity, it is OK to describe such sexual activity.

If you go beyond that simple objective rule such as not permitting a scene where an underage person is thinking of sex, you enter the realm of capricious and inconsistent rulings. I pointed out a couple of instances in past rulings involving past novels I had submitted. This makes it difficult to plan a story if even the most innocuous scene can be deemed to contain descriptions of underage sex.

As I had advised, I had originally submitted my new novel on Aug 16 and the issue is still not resolved. There has never been such a long standoff in my previous submissions. Usually, I either agree with the objection and make a change or the change required is no big deal and does not impair the storyline. A couple of times Literotica has agreed with my submission and withdrew their objection. This is my seventh novel I’ve submitted, and this is the only time I’ve been in such loggerheads wherein I’m unable to convince Literotica to accept what I’ve written and whereby I’ve been reluctant to make further revisions.

The thing is that my descriptions of the breast feeding juxtapositioned with descriptions of adult sexual activity happens to be crucial to my narrative. It is not simply included for gratuitous sexual titillation thrill for the reader. The plot is simply this: Vivian, an American citizen but with Estonian ancestry and is fluent in Estonian has a five month old baby in tow and is vacationing in Estonia to satisfy her curiosity regarding her ancestral homeland. In Tallinn she discovers a married distant blood relative and visits them. They in turn promptly invite Vivian to stay with them during the rest of her vacation.

During her stay, Eino, a dairy farmer and a brother-in-law to the hosts, happens to come to visit, as he was in town for three days to negotiate a bank loan. Vivian had grown up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, and so there was a commonality in their conversation. As a result, Eino invites her for dinner. The dinner date was so successful that he propositions her to accompany her to his hotel room and she accepts. Thereafter, they are in each other’s company for the next two days and on the third night he proposes marriage and she accepts.

I agree that the plot at first blush is improbable but not impossible. In my own case, my first date with my wife was on Mar 1 and we were married on Oct 12 in that same year; we just celebrated our 48th wedding anniversary. I understand from the biography of President George W Bush he knew his wife, Laura, for only four months before they were married in 1977, and so they had their 45th anniversary this year. Just two examples off the top of my head.

To reiterate the only instances remotely resembling underage sexual activity in my novel are the descriptions of breastfeeding either preceding the adult sexual activity or following the adult sexual activity. To suggest that such juxtaposition between the two separate actions is tantamount to describing underage sexual activity is pure sophistry.

However, since Literotica is a private website, I have to take the “L” as you all put it. I would have no problem were this novel to be independent without any reference to any previous writing. I would simply describe Vivian as childless, and the novel could proceed without any loss of plausibility. However, this novel is a sequel to a previous novel wherein I ended up mentioning that Vivian with her five month old daughter went to Estonia and happened to marry an Estonian dairy farmer.

When I wrote that, I had no intention of offering a sequel, and I did submit two novels after that. In my last published novel, I inserted a cameo appearance by Vivian describing her as now the Estonian ambassador to the United States. That then prompted me to write this sequel to explain how she achieved that position. So, I was stuck with the fact that Vivian is a mother of a five month old infant.

So, to eliminate any descriptions of breast feeding I would have to suggest that to accept the initial dinner date with Eino, Vivian would have had to have left her baby in care of her hosts, who in reality are virtual strangers to her. Not a very realistic possibility. But even were I to say that the baby was left with the hosts and is not present at the dinner, so what happens when Eino proposes sex? Her first instincts would have to be to decline no matter how attractive the possibility of sex would be to her.

Even were Vivian to agree to a quickie, spending the entire night with him would be out of the question. In that eventuality it would only be a one night stand and there would be no further daytime activities between the two of them to recount. That in turn would mean there would be no proposal of marriage, no real story as Vivian would logically return to the United States.

I have tried to come up with a plausible narrative for this story to eliminate any mention of breast feeding, but I can’t. So as a result, I’m submitting a truncated version of my novel wherein what would otherwise be chapter 15 becomes chapter one and go from there. I will offer a synopsis of those first fourteen chapters in a preface to the start or work those facts in a revised text.

In my view it is a shame that Literotica has such an unreasonable attitude towards what constitutes underage sexual activity and won’t even engage in dialogue to work out a compromise.
My considered response to this extensive, specific and closely reasoned manifesto is: WTF?
Mate, you can keep tilting at windmills, but you're just wasting everyone's time.
This is my seventh novel I’ve submitted, and this is the only time I’ve been in such loggerheads wherein I’m unable to convince Literotica to accept what I’ve written

There’s a first time for everything.

…and whereby I’ve been reluctant to make further revisions.
Well, again, this is your problem. Not the site’s.

We get it. There’s no need to reiterate your plot yet again. Sure, there’s a mammary subtext to the fact that everyone is a dairy farmer and the baby is suckling. Cool beans.

But whether you agree with it or not, you tried to put an infant into a sexual situation. YOU did that.

Now you’re trying to get away with emphasizing the nude mom and the nude baby and you’re making sure the man thinks the sight is “exotic,” to use your word.

You’re barking up the wrong tree, trying to publish that here.
This time Literotica did point out a specific passage in the text that they did find troubling. It was in connection with the first night at the hotel where Vivian first breast fed Maia and then putting her baby back in her portable bed before she and her lover get it on. I had written:

“Thereupon, Eino handed the naked baby Maia, to her naked mother to complete a visually exotic mesmerizing tableau of a mother breast feeding her child au naturel. Eino was truly captivated by the scene. Despite the alluring seductive visual he was witnessing, Eino disrobed himself without taking an eye off her breast feeding chore.”

The comment by Literotica was as follows:

“The sexualization of the breast feeding with explicit descriptions of a "naked infant" being present during (and to some degree the focus of) a sexual act does not meet our guidelines.”

I was astonished by the degree of such disingenuous and faulty reasoning not to mention ignoring of what the actual text says. First of all just because Vivian had disrobed to total nudity does not sexualize breast feeding. She knew she was going to engage in sex with Eino after the breast feeding chore was completed, so it was convenient for her to disrobe completely. She certainly didn’t disrobe for the reason to seek sexual gratification while she was breast feeding.

As to the implication that by describing baby Maia as being naked which in turn causes the breast feeding to be sexualized surely is laughable. To state the obvious, breast feeding is not a sexual act except in case where the mother’s adult lover is sucking on a milk laden breast for sexual gratification. Actually that happens in this very same scene. After Maia had detached herself from her mother’s nipple, apparently having satisfied her hunger, she is placed in her portable bed whence she falls back asleep. At this juncture Vivian’s breasts are sore, since the abbreviated breast feeding from her baby daughter did not completely empty the milk from her breasts. As a result she asks Eino to suck on her tits to extract the extraneous milk and of course he complies.

You will notice that this part of the text is not mentioned in Literotica's explanation for their rejection, as obviously if that described event is considered to be a sexual activity, it only involves adults. But that in turn puts paid to the allegation that the baby Maia is present in the sexual activity over all and therefore a focus or partially a focus of the sexual activity. The initial description of the breast feeding as I pointed out is obviously not a sexual activity especially once I’ve removed the description that Eino was eating out Vivian while simultaneously she was breast feeding her baby daughter.

The real sexual activity between Vivian and Eino that night only occurred after baby Maia was fed and then had fallen asleep in her portable bed. Thus, to say that baby Maia was present during the sexual activity and thereby was the focus of the sexual activity is totally inaccurate. Now it’s true that baby Maia was in the vicinity while Vivian and Eino were engaged in sexual activity. However, if we are to equate “to be present” as synonymous to being “in the vicinity” we would arrive at a startling conclusion. Logically it would mean that Literotica believes that any married couple or for that matter any committed couple living with children under the age of eighteen years are committing underage sexual activity whenever the said children are on the premises.

Despite the absurd rationale for rejection, I did though revise the text once again in answer to their specifically stated objection. So Vivian only exposed her breast while remaining mostly clothed. Eino actually put a fresh diaper on Maria, before handing the baby over to Vivian. This time I submitted only the first fourteen chapters to ascertain if we are now OK. Once I discern that Literotica is prepared to accept them I would naturally submit the remaining thirty chapters.

Now a very strange thing occurs. I hear only crickets from Literotica as a result of my third attempt to have my new novel published. They do not send back the submissions as rejected. Instead the submissions remain identified as pending, or in other words my novel is now in limbo. During this time I sent an email and I even submitted a bogus story, which still is listed as pending, to fully plead my case that my novel should be published.

At this point in time, I can only surmise that Literotica must find it appalling that I have inserted descriptions of breast feeding juxtapositioned with descriptions of actual adult sexual activity. Incidentally FYI, if you google: “Images of Virgin Mary breastfeeding Baby Jesus” you will find a screenshot of multitudinous artistic paintings produced over the centuries depicting exactly just that. In fact one of the paintings shows Joseph witnessing the breastfeeding chore. I find it ironic that devout Christians, who might otherwise be disturbed by most of the contents of this website have no issue with such artistic images, whereas the presumably secular Literotica management find breast feeding as a negative moral issue.

Consequently, I was considering deleting every breast feeding description in the novel, but there would be one scene I would like to retain. It occurs in the fourteenth chapter where Vivian and Eino are now married and having sex for the first time as husband and wife in their matrimonial home. Their reaction to their simultaneously reached climaxes was loud enough to wake up baby Maia sleeping in the adjacent bedroom. Vivian immediately jumps off the bed and bolts out of the room to attend to her baby. At the same time her mother-in-law, who lives with them, appears out of her bedroom and sees the naked Vivian with a telltale vision of a cream pie sticking to her labia. Vivian assures her that she has the matter under control and that Maia only needs a middle of the night feeding. The text of the remainder of the scene reads as follows:

“... once Vivian had entered the nursery, she cleaned up her baby and disposed of the dirty diaper. Then she grabbed a clean diaper but decided that she did not want to nurse Maia in the nursery. Accordingly, she picked up her baby along with the clean diaper and returned to the master bedroom. Wordlessly she got on the bed to sit upright with her back against the headboard. She then placed a nipple to Maia's mouth and her baby latched on to start receiving her nourishment.

Meanwhile, Eino wordlessly donned on a robe and descended to the main floor to fetch a bottle of wine and two glasses. The two of them had been so aroused in anticipation of their first sexual intercourse as husband and wife in their matrimonial home, that neither had thought to bring any alcohol libation for the afterglow. When he returned to the bedroom, Eino was again mesmerized in witnessing Vivian nursing her daughter with both of them naked.

After baby Maia was satisfied with her meal, she detached herself from the nipple and fell instantly asleep. Vivian placed the clean diaper on Maia and for this night allowed her baby to sleep in their bed between Eino and her. At this point Vivian quipped, "You know Eino darling, they say that children are the perfect birth control measure to ensure against having further children."

I defy anyone to be able to articulate a cogent persuasive argument to assert that this scene contains a description of underage sexual activity. I’m committed to going to the mat on this particular scene while quite willing to delete all other described breast feeding scenes. This scene reminds me of my own personal experiences with my wife breast feeding each and every one of our three children. She had the droll habit of waking me up when she had to breast feed in the middle of the night. Her rationale being that if she had to be disturbed in her sleep, there is no reason why I shouldn’t likewise be inconvenienced.

Mind you, she had advised that she didn’t wake me up on each and every occasion. If I had been good to her, in her estimation, during the preceding day, why she would allow me to sleep undisturbed. But if I had annoyed her during that time period, why that was the occasion when she would wake me up. I actually was and still am a very heavy sleeper and it takes a great deal of effort for anyone to wake me up from a deep slumber. So I’m thinking that on some occasions she might have been too listless to persevere in waking me up.

I am and was aware that she did have this penchant to wake me up when she was called upon to breast feed any of our children in the middle of the night. My memory of it, though, suggested that those occasions were rather infrequent. Then again given my sleeping habits, I can’t take comfort in assuming I had infrequently annoyed her.
I have so many inspirational stories of my early years of discovery. It's a shame I can't share them.
Oh, oh glory, it's the sweet smell of gangrenous thread.

Step right up, step right up, bits of zombie thread, two shillings a bushel! Buy one toe, get one toe free!
I have so many inspirational stories of my early years of discovery. It's a shame I can't share them.
You can. Just not on this site, and not under 750 words.

Maybe you should take a look at the tens of thousands of authors who do get their content published here, and ask yourself, how do you guys do that? Because it's really, really simple. We follow the site's guidelines. This tilting at windmills is ridiculous.