Litsters as Cats

That cute black cat at post 3029. The 1 w/the little white streak on his/her bottom lip? I had 1 almost like him/her a few years ago. He was so freaking smart! He simply disappeared.

Loved that cat. When he was a youngin', he'd sit on the kitchen table meowing for it's mom. (She was ran off by some other badass kat that showed up. I hated that other badass kat for a short while, so I gave it to my mom and she loves him. Badass kat still keeps his distance from me. ) He, the cute and cut black one, would prance around in front of me trying to talk. Sometimes, I understood him. He was soooo kewl.

But one day, the black kat's brother, will seek revenge on badass kat. He tried to once, but came home all torn up and I 'fixed' his wounds. He's been beefing up, listening to Rocky songs. :cool: