Last movie you watched

Another movie from Netflix, the documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated. I'm not big on documentaries, but this was actually pretty interesting and enjoyable, and I would say it's worth checking out for anyone who's curious about the way films get rated here in the USA.
last night we watched The Pentagon Wars - absolutely hilarious because it is so very true!!
X-men First Class - Awesome movie. Highly recommend it. Easily the best since X2 and might even be better, but I need to see it again before I make that call.
Watched some of Mr and Mrs Smith again earlier... nearly came in my pants... :rolleyes: Bloody Jolie is seriously hot in that.

Last full film I watched was probably Ratatouille.
Prince of Persia. Now I remember why I didn't watch it last year - STUPID!!!

Right there with you on P Of P. I fell asleep half way through and I had the volume turnned right up. Talk about a waist of film.

Last movie I saw was "Cowboys And Aliens." Brain Candy of the highest order. Recommended for rainy day in when you don't want to think about anything and gaze apon the hottness of Olivia Wild.
Don't be afraid of the dark.. Hard to explain how bad it was bad it was worth watching:rolleyes:
Our Idiot Brother -- good for some laughs but I thought they could have done more with Paul Rudd's character to make it funnier