Justice League: Origins (OOC)

Haha! So I brought you in, eh? You already know this, but anytime you want to jump into one of my RPs, just say so and you're in :).

That old Titans RP lasted from September to November in 2006, though I think there were a few posts after that. But the bulk of those 1100 posts were written within that two month period. I think at it's peak, we had like seventeen active characters, both heroes and villains. That was also the first RP where I played with Remec. He, of course, was Beast Boy and has been that character in just about every Titans/YJ I've done in the last eight and a half years.

How long have you been RPing? I've been at it since I was 18 -- I'm 32 now. I think it was late 2000/early 2001 when I got my hands on my first Dungeons & Dragons adventure kit. I didn't have any friends at the time, so I would play by myself, acting as both the DM and the characters. I sometimes even used my DBZ action figures in place of the miniatures. Then I discovered a D&D site online called Nexus City, though I didn't really play there that much. It was my first exposure to online RPing, though. When I was about 19 I discovered another site called Setting Sun Games, and that was where I found a home as a GM. I was on there for years, from about 2002 until I discovered Lit in 2005. The creator of that site is actually one of my good friends on Facebook to this day. In my old SSG days, I GMed games based on D&D and DBZ, co-GMed a Final Fantasy VII game, and joined a Shadowrun campaign as a normal player. After joining Lit, most of my RPs were only slightly popular, until I started that first Titans RP. I discovered that superhero-based threads seemed to have the most success, thought many of them started off strong and then died off. I think I attempted to restart a Titans thread at least seven times between 2006 and 2012, before switching to Young Justice, lol.

And there is the life story you didn't ask for :p.
Hahhaa. You know, if this were *SALES*....I'd get part of that commission....for "reeling her in" and all! *grin*

But awesome. That rocks! :)

Now which roleplay are you doing again? Because I think you're joggling a thousand different ideas at the moment...if I'm not mistaken? Did you even TELL her(throw a pitch) or just *LOCK* her down...in general?


I suspect YJ/TT something or another? Maybe....hm. Maybe I can do a "guest appearance" or "cameo" or something. What's funny, I actually am playing Bart in a roleplay on the Online Roleplaying side -- I'm trying to get them to set a banner up so I can add it to my signature! ;) But there's an awesome, if not hardcore group of roleplayers over there. And some of them are in charge of that roleplay I'm a part of. Star City - The Heroes of Tomorrow....based off the Arrow-verse(dc-verse) tv shows ten years into the future. Couldn't resist playing Impulse! ;)

As to my own writing experience. I must have started back similarly when you did, time frame wise....in an online roleplaying "chat" site. On the WebChat Broadcasting System. The chat room was called The Realm of Elahrair or something like that. If you can even believe something like that. Waiting for people to hit "send" and then going from there. Obviously the chatting experience became too fast for me, especially when I started becoming the one telling the stories....so I took the group of people(irl friends and online friends) and with all of our original characters(fantasy/d&d-esque style) turned it into an *EMAIL-ROLEPLAY* where I'd send out installments like every two weeks. Then eventually MONTHLY. Everyone would send me their responses, I'd compile everything.....include my reactions and progress of the overall story......and.......*phew*.......yeah. It was a lot of work. But lots of fun.

For me though, writing is a lot more personal. Back then I'd be channeling...heh......my 'sadness' into my stories. And not to delve into it, but sometimes that would almost implode on me itself. As to stop me from writing further! Thank god I've evolved as a person and am at a different stage in my life, as to be able to write. Without all the 'chains' that tied me down. Back then. So to speak.

I had experience with dungeons and dragons as well, in person. Since some of my friends are into that. Some still are. But the writing part didn't really, really kick off.....until.....well right about the time for you. If not a little before hand.

Sometimes, people just need to express themselves. And it's fun to share that experience with others! :)
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Cool! And yeah, I've been talking back and forth with Tighty. She wants to play M'gann again in a TT/YJ setting, and we were also discussing an original superhero setting. So a TT/YJ RP is definitely coming, and maybe a brand new superhero universe. Remec has said he'd be cool with coming back, but he wants us to have more females, lol.
I'm down, either as Ben 10 or. . . I haven't worked out the details yet but it's based on a character I played in a Naruto RP a few years back. Hell it's on here somewhere.
Ah, that "Remec". He suuuure is a *swell* fella, that guy! ;)

Very cool on Miss "tight_n_ready" and the upcoming thread ambitions! I look forward to hearing updates...*grin*
Haha. "Sean_Renaud". Have you ever played a DC cannon character before in one of "The_Jeffinator's" roleplays? *tease*

I mean, for real, for real??

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I think once or twice, maybe. The DC characters for me have kind of two camps. . .the ones Jeff reserves for himself right out the gate (You know two out of three Robins) and either boring or OP especially with the younguns.
If you want, Sean, you could play Jason Todd or Tim Drake or Damian Wayne. We could find a way to work it in.
You know I don't keep up with the comics as well as I might, I only recently (As in watched the movie a month or so ago) became introduced to Damian Wayne. What a pratt. Yeah leave him open, but I have kinda wanted to try out this Naruto character in an RP that lasted more than twenty posts.
I usually choose Dick Grayson as my main character in every single Titans/YJ RP because he is usually the default leader and playing a leader role makes it easier to guide the overall story. I'd be willing to give up Dick Grayson as a character, but I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable giving up the leader role. I suppose I could use Roy Harper or Aqualad as a leader, though. What do you think?
If you wanted to bring in a ninja-type character from a Naruto RP, he could have ties to the League of Shadows or some similar organization. We could also bring in the Illuminati from the comics, a secret society headed by Vandal Savage.
Damian Wayne is the fourth Robin. Dick Grayson was the first, Jason Todd was the second and got killed by Joker, depending on the continuity. He is then resurrected in a Lazarus Pit and returns as the second or third Red Hood -- Joker was the first, prior to falling in the vat of chemicals and going insane. Tim Drake became the third Robin, and then he became Red Robin and the regular Robin Mantle passed on to Damian.
Jason Todd's death was actually decided by the fans -- at the end of the issue where Joker supposedly kills him, it shows Batman holding an unconscious Robin, with two phone numbers on the page, one for him to live and the other for him to die. The majority of callers chose to kill him, though Frank Miller still got a bit of heat for a while as "the man who killed Robin," lol.
Yeah, I know most of that stuff at least in broad strokes. If it's been made into an Animated movie or is part of one of the cartoons it's a good bet that I know it. If it ties into a Crisis I might know it, after that I get real lost real fast.

And I know why you pick Dick and I don't begrudge you it.

And I really do enjoy playing Ben 10, I like his personality and I love his scale. He's very easy to take from say roughly around Killer Croc and Clayface level power all the way up to about Starfire and Kid Flash (which ever the slow one is. I know between Flash, Impulse and Kid Flash one of them is much, much slower but I always forget which. OF course I think that's because there are three or four Flashes and one of THEM is explicitly slower. Like they do it with a metagene instead of the Speed Force so they top out around the speed of sound not the speed of light.) And with just a few tweaks Ben can match damn near anything.
And Wally West was originally faster than Barry Allen, I believe, but at some point they retconned that to make him slower.

You do always play a pretty awesome Ben 10, though if you bring him in, we need to decide how we're going to incorporate the Plumbers/Omnitrix/Vilgax plot element. Instead of having a thriving galactic society like in other version, I think it would be cool to have a galactic civilization that was destroyed like four thousand years ago, along with the Guardians and most of the Lantern power rings. Now only a few hundred remain and those who bear them are scattered around the galaxy or something. Maybe they used to have a network of zeta tubes, but most of them were destroyed in some massive galactic war, maybe an alliance of Kryptonians, Martians, Rannians, and others against a dominion of Red Lanterns led by Darkseid, Vilgax, and their ultimate weapon, Doomsday, an organic android made from the DNA of multiple species. Maybe somewhere in the battle, Doomsday ended up beneath a layer of ice on a Hoth-like planet, where he was been for four thousand years, lying dormant.
We'll work something out. I honestly think we might be best going with the simplest answer. Just like in the series the Omnitrix came to him in a meteor shower, in this case it killed his Grandfather and that's why he has nobody to answer his questions (not that Max answered shit until season 5 or something) and he thinks they are some kind of monsters.

I might make him slightly more anti-hero if I go with him. I've always felt like he wasn't really a hero. He was a guy who liked to fight and there were a lot of villains and no heroes. So he fought the bad guys. I have little doubt he'd be an anti-villain, something like Red X if the situation was flipped.

Anyhow the basics of my ninja character are thus.

His main "super" trait is the chakra push/pull which allows him to push on objects with his ki, or pull on them. It's difficult/impossible to do on moving objects except at short distances. So he can walk on water with some effort but because he can "feel" the bottom, in theory he could walk on air or even climb it but in practice nope. He can use it to grant,

Mild super speed (something like 25-35 mph. Faster than any human but you'd really only notice if you got in a race. Mildly above human strength, roughly on par with Captain America.

However his only main use of it is wrestling. Once your in his grip it's really hard to get away.

Since Spidey's grip is unbreakable in cannon (to the point that lots of pics show him vs Hulk and the WALL gives out before his grip does) I honesty don't get why he doesn't use it to chain wrestle. He'd beat the ever loving shit out of Wolverine if is strategy was ARMBARS FOR EVERYONE!
LOL. Armbars for everyone!

So... By Chakra/Force Push/Pull, you mean telekinesis? That character could work out in the Titans RP, or you could use him for the other thread me and Tighty were discussing where we all have original characters.

And if Ben has no idea what the Omnitrix is or even what it's called, then that could serve as a story arc for the team when they find out. Maybe in this world, there have been no Green Lanterns yet on Earth -- Green Arrow takes his place as a founder of the JLA. Maybe Abin Sur first comes to Earth looking for the Omnitrix at some point after our team has formed, and we can incorporate larger parts of the galaxy into that arc instead of deciding it all at once. That arc could lead to Abin Sur's death, a betrayal at the hands of his best friend, Sinestro. We could even bring in Hal Jordan or one of the other GL characters as a member of our team.
I could post a link to a video. Basically in Naruto the way you are walking on water is actually that you are pushing against the bottom, there is no official pull (well ignore Pein, he does his own thing) but my basics were the same power that let you run up walls because you're sticking to it should make you great Greco-Roman wrestler. With you know enough super powers to pull some Street Fighter shit.

I really like the Ben in the dark idea and your idea works fine. Or if someone wants a Green Lantern it could simply be they have no clue either and we both go "wow, our symbols are oddly similar for being so different."
Cool. I'm trying to think of ways to make this forthcoming RP more popular, and since we're already universe-bending with Ben 10, we could also implement a little Marvel without overdoing it. That would allow more character choices for potential RPers. Plus then if Elegant Emotion ever returns, she could use X-23 as a potential member if the Titans/YJ. It would give me a bigger collection of villains to throw at the team and certain parts would tie in well -- Amanda Waller is an agent of SHIELD and she's Nick Fury's niece or sister in law, Thanos and the Chitauri are in with Darkseid and Vilgax, Captain America was the leader of the Justice Society in the 40s, etc. I dunno. That may be overdoing it, lol.
When I get home, I'm gonna get to work on the OOC and my character bios. I still want to use the Raven/Children of Trigon arc I imagined for my Nightwing/Raven RP as the arc that brings them together. And instead of previous YJ settings where the team is a junior Justice League of sorts, I want is to be an independent team, like the Titans.