I'm Straight, but wanted to tell everyone welcome


Spinster Aunt of Lit
Nov 29, 2002
Don't you think you can hide from me in here, those of you whom I count as friends and stalk on a regular basis.

And for new friends I haven't met yet, HELLO! *big waves*

I'm the fairy god mother of a very nice gay boy, my daughter is bi.

So, don't be a stranger, come by the GB and shout too, and I'll visit you all from time to time too!
For those who don't know PoliteSuccubus, she is one of the kindest, most supportive people on Lit, and I hope everyone will make her welcome here.
Ah, 'Setti, you make me blush!

You ever wonder why I call you 'Setti? It's because of what the father of of that young man who was beaten to death said:

"I am not the father of a gay son, I am a father of a son who was gay."

And it helped me focus my feelings on the subject. I focus on people AS people frist, and then whatever else they are after that.

Esp nice people like you, 'Setti.:rose:
I can still stalk both of you here? Right?

Pfft. As if you had a choice. ;)
PoliteSuccubus said:
Ah, 'Setti, you make me blush!

You ever wonder why I call you 'Setti? It's because of what the father of of that young man who was beaten to death said:

"I am not the father of a gay son, I am a father of a son who was gay."

And it helped me focus my feelings on the subject. I focus on people AS people frist, and then whatever else they are after that.

Esp nice people like you, 'Setti.:rose:

You are just fantastic.

When I took this name, I wasn't trying to be "in your face" in an aggressive way. I just didn't want anyone on the GB to think I was hiding who I am,nor did I have any intention of hiding it.
I have found that it makes it really easy to separate out who the quality folks are.
dearest succubus::
thanks very much for the welcome...i followed you here and until i saw Your post...i wasn't even aware of this forum...i will be chasing you all over the place asking you silly questions as always...til next time...:rose:
I have stalkers? Wow. Who would have thunk it!:cool:

Ask anything petty-pooh, you know I'll give you the staight;) answer!

And yes, Death is one of my faves. I have a 3ftx2ft silkscreen of her over my bed. She's my inner me :)
PoliteSuccubus said:
I have stalkers? Wow. Who would have thunk it!:cool:

Ask anything petty-pooh, you know I'll give you the staight;) answer!

And yes, Death is one of my faves. I have a 3ftx2ft silkscreen of her over my bed. She's my inner me :)

hmmm don't act like you did not know...you know you DID!!!!
And believe me...you are the first person i think of when i have the stupidest questions to ask...cuz i know you won't laugh and Your answers are always *str8* to the point!!!:rose:
PoliteSuccubus said:
I have stalkers? Wow. Who would have thunk it!:cool:

Ask anything petty-pooh, you know I'll give you the staight;) answer!

And yes, Death is one of my faves. I have a 3ftx2ft silkscreen of her over my bed. She's my inner me :)

I think, if you are willing, that a lot of people here would be very interested in your perspectives as the parent of a bisexual woman.

How did you find out, how did you react?
Do you ever wish she were not bi?
Well, my daughter and I have always had a very open and honest relationship. More of a partnership. When she was young she had no power in our partnership, and I had all the power. As she grows older (and I do too) then the power becomes more equal, but sometimes she'll need me more, and sometimes I'll need her more. Then, when I'm much older she'll have the power and need to take care of me, because I'll be weak.

Or, as we joke with people "I took care of her when she shat her drawers, had no teeth, and no one knew what she was talking about, and I exspect her to do the same for me!"

One of the things that we've always been open about is sex. I fully exspect her not to "go all the way" until she's 18 or older. (so far so good) I've gone over the reasons why, and she's agreed (tho now she's been in her relationship for over a year with her bi-boyfriend it's harder!) but we still talk about it and how it should be a loving expression and not a tool.

So, now that I've laid the very boreing foundation....

One day she comes up to me and says: "Mom, I think I might be bi." and I said: "I don't care as long as you give me grandchildren."

This took her aback and she paused for a moment and she said "That was a lot easier than I thought."

Even more recently she asked me "Mom, I asked Brit if it was ok with Van and you if I could ask her out. Ivan said yes, and she said yes, what do you say."

I thought it over and told her "Between work, and homeschool, and Van I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to start another relationship."

She said "That's what I love about you Mom, you don't just say no for no good reason."

So, see 'Setti, my telling people my story isn't very helpful since I'm a very open and loving person in the frist place. A lot of kids have problems coming out to themselves, let alone their parents. And some parents are so shocked by the news they say stupid and hateful things and then are too prideful to take them back gracefully.

I'll ask my girl what she thinks and write that down.

One funny thing happened: I was taking a friend of my girls home and she said "Well, you know some bi people, right?" and I said "That's funny, my daughter is bi! And so is her boyfriend!" She was utterly shocked that I knew and I was dumbfounded that she would think I wouldn't know. Her parents don't, apprently.

It just makes me wonder sometimes how much attention parents pay to their kids, anyhoo.
Post Script

I forgot to answer your other question:

Do I wish she wasn't bi?

Wouldn't that be a bit like wishing she wasn't the unique and wonderful person she is, whom I adore?

Silly 'Setti!
Thank you for telling your story.

I think it will mean more to people than you realize.
Oh dear. I've been found out.

I posted a review for Hollywood Homocide. I guess that's the wrong spelling? (I tried!) and someone pointed it out to me. They also said:

Although perhaps Homocide was some subconscious statement about your hatred of homosexuals.

How ever can I live with myself with this subconscious hate?

*throws herself on the couch melodramatically!"

I'll have to drown my sorrows in cabana boys and Mai Tai's I guess.

PoliteSuccubus said:
Oh dear. I've been found out.

I posted a review for Hollywood Homocide. I guess that's the wrong spelling? (I tried!) and someone pointed it out to me. They also said:

How ever can I live with myself with this subconscious hate?

*throws herself on the couch melodramatically!"

I'll have to drown my sorrows in cabana boys and Mai Tai's I guess.


PS, ur a hater!!

But I still :heart: :heart: :heart: you!

Now - about the maitai's and the cabana boys...