I'm so old that ....


Um... I still have one of these on my wall :eek:

So old I started college with an actual typewriter.
And yes, b/w TV's. record players that you needed to buy new needles for and to get good sound you bought enormous speakers the size of end tables.
My dad who fancied himself an audiophile had a reel to reel set up in the 70's. Ridiculous.
Brittainica Encyclopedia...the whole set...was my Google.
I remember when streetcars were common sights in American downtown cities. Not light rail ... real streetcars that stopped on the corners like buses did.

And I remember a sort of candy that consisted of sugar water in wax bottles. You'd bite the top off and suck out the sirup. Mmmm. Do they still have those?


Seems rather appropriate for this site.
My current town was once proud of having the first traffic lights in the whole county. They were operated during daylight hours by a policeman standing at the side of the road. Locals would use side streets to avoid confronting the wonders of modern technology (and the fierce policeman!). At night they were switched off.

It was at least twenty years before the traffic flow was sufficient to justify the existence of the traffic lights, and another twenty years before our town had a second set.

The town I grew up in had two stoplights...they've now decided that both were apparently not needed as now it has one.
The town my wife grew up in, had a gas station/repair shop, a general store/post office a Church with Cemetery and two Funeral Homes. No stop lights, not even a stop sign. There was one road in and the same road out. The road did go thru town, but ended at the Ohio River about a mile past the town. Now there were three other churches within five miles of the town limits. But everything else was farmland.

It's still there, still the same...except they now have an eighteen hole golf course and a strip mall about a mile outside of town. Still no traffic signals or stop signs.