Idea inspired by an story ending (link to story & idea)


Me and myself
Nov 18, 2017

Now that would be a great story to tell about. Two Rvs bumping and crashing around the city like a County Fairs Derby started by a Pharmaceutical Company Hazard leak that spread out to nearby water reservoir that suppliesa campground and a gate in community of the local high society 1%-ers. The stories could just expand from there like a can of worms
Wait .... what? o_O
In the story is basically a wife claiming to be taken "abducted" by a group of guys ravished all night and then dropped off by her car. She goes home to waiting husband yelling and complaining he should have been there to protect her blah blah blah. The only thing was that where the story begins is it was the seventh time that this situation has happened. Husband leaves to buy a rv to travel and never to come back. Wife finds out she was spreading a STD around the city friends, family and the church abandons her soon wife has to sell everything buys an rv packs up what's left and goes off. The story jumps to a scene of some cops at a intersection talking about the crash that occurred there. Two RVS driving into each other and blowing up. The cops finding the identities of the drivers thinking it was weird of them having the same last name. THE END (That was it really)
I was making a comment and my mind started to wonder off. Thinking WTF the "LW" are drinking to act that way to end up like that. Then idea popped up of some kind of drug/chemical from a Pharmaceutical Facility somehow gets out affecting the women the city slowly morphing into the why the people were acting that way. Just think zombie movie without the being dead part and at a slower pace
Wow your mind went to a creative place. I gave that story a read and I would have never thought off a sex zombie idea based on what I read. That's not a criticism, that's me saying you have a creative mind.

The idea of a drug (ie aphrodisiac) turning women into being sex-obsessed isn't itself new, but your idea of playing off of a zombie story is fun.
Wow your mind went to a creative place. I gave that story a read and I would have never thought off a sex zombie idea based on what I read. That's not a criticism, that's me saying you have a creative mind.

The idea of a drug (ie aphrodisiac) turning women into being sex-obsessed isn't itself new, but your idea of playing off of a zombie story is fun.
They wouldn't be zombies. My thought process is that the storyline would have the same kind up and downs "flow" of a zombie movies and eventually having similar fate as movies do. Now thinking of something like the movie "CRAZIES". after reading your reply on the drug/aphrodisiacs idea it really doesn't suit what I'm picturing in my head. The people who I am thinking about are basically the run of the mill average homebodies and after being affected by whatever disease, a glitch in the matrix, even a natural or supernatural occurrence happens it would be a slow burn process hell it could a new type STD that spreads "MAD BEAVERS DISEASE" OK I'm stepping out and away from the rabbit hole