How much more crutch time do some women obviously need to reach socialist equality?

Fair point.

I'm unwilling to assign full blame to their indoctrination process because either they are so intellectually incapable that they should never have been in an institution of higher learning or they want to believe what they're being told because it doesn't make any logical sense.

I'm on the fence as to whether or not they are aware of how absolutely offensive their entire point of view is to those like me that are blamed for their shortcomings. I consider all discussions of white privilege just as vulgar as I would imagine they would find the word we must only refer to by its initial letter. I suspect that some of them do and are simply trying to provoke me to respond in kind. I refuse, because I know too many people I value that I would never so profane and because i was raised better than that.

Why a simple "disabled" works fine for me. :D
On iggy, this thing goes! But I know how these rightists roll, they will be back with alts in no time, not man enough to show up with true screennames. Punk asses.

Bye bitch.
On iggy, this thing goes! But I know how these rightists roll, they will be back with alts in no time, not man enough to show up with true screennames. Punk asses.

Bye bitch.

Says the coward perpetually being run into her iggy bunker by different opinions.

You're as bad as Hypoxia.
Any thinking person understands that historically women have not had equal opportunity. And only a tiny bit more thought is required to understand that changing "the rules" but leaving all the same systems and decision makers in place didn't level the playing field automatically.

Some pressure in the opposite direction - a counter balance - is required. That isn't special treatment. It is a perfectly logic way of neutralizing the inherent advantage enjoyed by men because of the unconscious bias of those in power. A male being interviewed by an all male management team has an advantage over women regardless of the written rules.

It stands to reason that at some point equality of opportunity will exist. The challenge is that to presume that is the point at which equal outcomes exist is some combination of intellectually lazy and politically correct. We know that not all groups of people are equally adept or suited to all things. We don't like to talk about that because it brings out the sexists and the racists but it is just silly to think that in a world free of bias that every profession, trade, neighbourhood, etc. would be populated by people from every identifiable group in exactly the proportion they are represented in society.

So what is the point at which we can say that equality of opportunity has been achieved.

This Oxford example is trite. Even if women were given more time to complete an exam that doesn't mean they are less capable or intelligent. It is a distinctly male construct that presupposes speed is the key criteria. For example maybe men and women lack sufficient time to finish the test. But men respond by rushing and guessing while women respond by being methodical but not finishing.