How far are you from someone having sex right now?


Really Experienced
Sep 13, 2022
Sex isn't just something people do in porn. Right now at this very moment, millions of people all around the world are engaging in a game of hide the sausage.

The chances are as you're reading this someone in your local neighbourhood is having sex. As night sweeps across the Earth and people head to bed that number increases. As you lie under the cover with a bedtime book or one last look at Facebook, you're surrounded in every direction by people having sex. If you live in a city there could be thousands, perhaps millions all around you banging away.

Now go look outside. Look at that long street, that tower block. Behind any of those windows, perhaps all of them someone could be taking a ploughing but you'll never know. Have you ever wondered how close you are to a sexual encounter? Sex is like a snake, they're everywhere but so well hidden they go unnoticed. They say you're never more than 10ft from a rat, I reckon 10m from a sweaty couple.

Family, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues, they all do it in complete secrecy without leaving a single trace of evidence. Sure you've heard the rumours but where's the proof? If millions can do this unnoticed with the efficiency of an MI6 agent then what else are they keeping from you? Probably aliens, it's always the aliens. I never see the woman next door with food shopping, just saying.
I bought a very small condo that was right above the condo below me. The floors were very thin. I used to have a lot of sex and I am sure they heard and listened to me many times over. In return I heard her many times. Times when I am sure she is masturbating because her man’s car isn’t there unless she was cheating. And times when he was there. One time they were going at it so hard I quickly went downstairs and thought about peeping in their sliding door which leads right to their bedroom. But I didn’t have to. They had their window wide open and I can hear skin on skin slapping. Sounded like doggystyle to me.
At the time the OP posted this question, my wife and I were going at it on the living room floor.
In looking at the time of posting this morning ......... my wife has woken me up with her mouth sucking on my cock. She was so hungry for my cum that she honestly had me exploding in her mouth far too soon. What a way to start a Tuesday morning 😜
In looking at the time of posting this morning ......... my wife has woken me up with her mouth sucking on my cock. She was so hungry for my cum that she honestly had me exploding in her mouth far too soon. What a way to start a Tuesday morning 😜
Reminds me of the couple who made the promise whoever wakes first wakens the other with oral. He woke up first and she choked to death.
Sex isn't just something people do in porn. Right now at this very moment, millions of people all around the world are engaging in a game of hide the sausage.

The chances are as you're reading this someone in your local neighbourhood is having sex. As night sweeps across the Earth and people head to bed that number increases. As you lie under the cover with a bedtime book or one last look at Facebook, you're surrounded in every direction by people having sex. If you live in a city there could be thousands, perhaps millions all around you banging away.

Now go look outside. Look at that long street, that tower block. Behind any of those windows, perhaps all of them someone could be taking a ploughing but you'll never know. Have you ever wondered how close you are to a sexual encounter? Sex is like a snake, they're everywhere but so well hidden they go unnoticed. They say you're never more than 10ft from a rat, I reckon 10m from a sweaty couple.

Family, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues, they all do it in complete secrecy without leaving a single trace of evidence. Sure you've heard the rumours but where's the proof? If millions can do this unnoticed with the efficiency of an MI6 agent then what else are they keeping from you? Probably aliens, it's always the aliens. I never see the woman next door with food shopping, just saying.
No sex in my house... sob, sniff
Right now, there’s a married couple a few doors down. I assume they’re having sex.