Have you ever_____?

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Not that I am aware of.........but I have eaten in some tiny cafes in small towns so one nevah evah knows.

HYE really been kissed while standing under mistletoe?

Yes! And I blew it...she actually liked me...:rolleyes:
Damn 14 yo lakesailer...what a tool!

HYE wished you could go back and slap your younger self silly?
more times than I can count

HYE missed out on a first chance and been given a second one?
Not directly, no .... but strangers have been present when I've sung :)

HYE won anything on one of those radio station giveaways ?

Yes, tickets to a movie priemere, but I didn't go.

HYE had some call a radio station and dedicate a song to you in the air?
Yes, though it was some years after they had broke up.

HYE made a pass at, and been rejected by, a friends current SO?
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