Global Warming To Global Cooling And Back To Global Warming


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

From Global Warming to Global Cooling to Global Warming​

Mark Lewis | Apr 10, 2023

"Snows are less frequent and less deep. They often do not lie below the mountains more than one, two, or three days and very rarely a week. They are remembered to be formerly frequent, deep, and of long continuance. The elderly inform me that the earth used to be covered with snow about three months every year. The rivers, which then seldom failed to freeze over in the course of the winter, scarcely ever do now. [This] change…in the spring of the year is very fatal to fruits…I remember that when I was a small boy, say 60 years ago, snows were frequent and deep in every winter.

That was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1799, before fossil fuels dominated the energy industry, and when the earth’s population was far smaller than it is today. From all indications, there was indeed notable warming in the 18th century from the previous “Little Ice Age” period.

But let’s move ahead to the 20th century. The weather changes, of course, and Paul Ehrlich, who was always wrong about everything he ever said, told us in 1969, “We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.” Twenty years passed, no blue steam, people were still on the earth. I guess we were lucky. And Ehrlich was rich.

Global cooling was the craze then. Here are a few representative quotes from the 1970s:

Boston Globe (1970): “Air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century”

LA Times (Oct. 24, 1971): “New Ice Age Coming—It’s Already Getting Colder”

Brown Science Dept. to the White House (1972): “Deep concern with the future of the world...falls within the rank of processes which produced the last ice age.”

The Guardian (1974): “Spy Satellites Show New Ice Age is Coming Fast”

Time Magazine (April 8, 1977) front cover: “How to Survive the Coming Ice Age”

More here:

What we've been saying for years now. Just thought the underachieving woke would like a little history lesson. :D
I'm coming to the idea that the whole global warming thing is a scam. The sky is falling! Technological advances will find solutions well before we feel any real impacts. Cutting back on carbon emissions makes sense, but not in the way we are doing it. Not by impeding energy usage or creating millions of (toxic waste) solar panels. Some well-connected elites have gotten very rich with this scare.
I'm coming to the idea that the whole global warming thing is a scam. The sky is falling! Technological advances will find solutions well before we feel any real impacts. Cutting back on carbon emissions makes sense, but not in the way we are doing it. Not by impeding energy usage or creating millions of (toxic waste) solar panels. Some well-connected elites have gotten very rich with this scare.
It's not as if they haven't been pushing the panic button for decades and lying about it. Their nipples tingle about something and they hit the button with more bullshit in support of the same global order.

From Global Warming to Global Cooling to Global Warming​

Mark Lewis | Apr 10, 2023

"Snows are less frequent and less deep. They often do not lie below the mountains more than one, two, or three days and very rarely a week. They are remembered to be formerly frequent, deep, and of long continuance. The elderly inform me that the earth used to be covered with snow about three months every year. The rivers, which then seldom failed to freeze over in the course of the winter, scarcely ever do now. [This] change…in the spring of the year is very fatal to fruits…I remember that when I was a small boy, say 60 years ago, snows were frequent and deep in every winter.

That was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1799, before fossil fuels dominated the energy industry, and when the earth’s population was far smaller than it is today. From all indications, there was indeed notable warming in the 18th century from the previous “Little Ice Age” period.

But let’s move ahead to the 20th century. The weather changes, of course, and Paul Ehrlich, who was always wrong about everything he ever said, told us in 1969, “We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.” Twenty years passed, no blue steam, people were still on the earth. I guess we were lucky. And Ehrlich was rich.

Global cooling was the craze then. Here are a few representative quotes from the 1970s:

Boston Globe (1970): “Air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century”

LA Times (Oct. 24, 1971): “New Ice Age Coming—It’s Already Getting Colder”

Brown Science Dept. to the White House (1972): “Deep concern with the future of the world...falls within the rank of processes which produced the last ice age.”

The Guardian (1974): “Spy Satellites Show New Ice Age is Coming Fast”

Time Magazine (April 8, 1977) front cover: “How to Survive the Coming Ice Age”

More here:

What we've been saying for years now. Just thought the underachieving woke would like a little history lesson. :D

Good thing for the EPA!

All of those quoted article dates were when pollution was literally blocking out the sky. On the one hand, opaque pollution blocks out the sun, making it cooler, on the other hand it traps some rays causing a greenhouse warming effect.

Do you remember the smog clouds and open industrial pollution in the 70’s before the clean air act made a bunch of regulations that cleaned up air quality and industrial pollution over most US cities? I do, my grandfather called us Californians “smog eaters”.

Without environmental regulations we would still be there.

Take a look at the pictures from the unregulated days MAGA wants to get back to:

“Baltimore, Birmingham, Cleveland, Delaware, Denver, Kansas, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and San Francisco all feature here, in shots filled with smoke, smog, acid, oil, rubbish, and sewage.

None of the 35 photos are pretty (other than the film-photo haze), but it's worth remembering what US cities used to be like before we cared what we put into the air, soil, and water.
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It's as simple as looking at the smog levels of major cities before and during the lockdown.
After that, come back and try to tell us that man-made warming isn't real.
It's as simple as looking at the smog levels of major cities before and during the lockdown.
After that, come back and try to tell us that man-made warming isn't real.

I worry more about the toxic plumes that aren’t visible. They can cover huge areas but are easy to deny and ignore.
Trying to argue with Rightguide is like trying to argue with an autistic four year old that the Easter Bunny isn't real. Only the Autistic four year old is actually smarter, and his belief in the Easter Bunny doensn't really impact our society in the way Rightguide's hateful Orwellian fantasies do.
It means little that global cooling used to be predicted, now the problem is global warming. As more scientific evidence is accumulated, scientific theories change.
Sargassum’s growing well this year.

I’ll miss New Orleans. Miami, not so much.
Have you been to NOLA? A hurricane couldn’t clean the grime. Not that I wish that upon them. But man, walking with the kids past quintessential passed out drunks in a doorway on our way to the quarter was educational.
The scientific community has NEVER had an almost universal consensus about anthropogenic climate change until fairly recently.

Scientific measurement of the environment has ADVANCED by leaps and bounds in the past 50 years.

Anyone who doesn’t accept the CURRENT UPDATED scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change is a fool.

👉 RWCJ “members” 🤣

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It's as simple as looking at the smog levels of major cities before and during the lockdown.
After that, come back and try to tell us that man-made warming isn't real.
The air was so much cleaner during the lockdown. It was amazing. It will be like that again as ICE* driven vehicles become the exception and electric cars become the norm.

*ICE = internal combustion engine

From Global Warming to Global Cooling to Global Warming​

Mark Lewis | Apr 10, 2023

"Snows are less frequent and less deep. They often do not lie below the mountains more than one, two, or three days and very rarely a week. They are remembered to be formerly frequent, deep, and of long continuance. The elderly inform me that the earth used to be covered with snow about three months every year. The rivers, which then seldom failed to freeze over in the course of the winter, scarcely ever do now. [This] change…in the spring of the year is very fatal to fruits…I remember that when I was a small boy, say 60 years ago, snows were frequent and deep in every winter.

That was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1799, before fossil fuels dominated the energy industry, and when the earth’s population was far smaller than it is today. From all indications, there was indeed notable warming in the 18th century from the previous “Little Ice Age” period.

But let’s move ahead to the 20th century. The weather changes, of course, and Paul Ehrlich, who was always wrong about everything he ever said, told us in 1969, “We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.” Twenty years passed, no blue steam, people were still on the earth. I guess we were lucky. And Ehrlich was rich.

Global cooling was the craze then. Here are a few representative quotes from the 1970s:

Boston Globe (1970): “Air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the next century”

LA Times (Oct. 24, 1971): “New Ice Age Coming—It’s Already Getting Colder”

Brown Science Dept. to the White House (1972): “Deep concern with the future of the world...falls within the rank of processes which produced the last ice age.”

The Guardian (1974): “Spy Satellites Show New Ice Age is Coming Fast”

Time Magazine (April 8, 1977) front cover: “How to Survive the Coming Ice Age”

More here:

What we've been saying for years now. Just thought the underachieving woke would like a little history lesson. :D
Do you garden?
That would require going outside.
I understand the impulse that prompted this post, but I really struggle to see people with views that I find incomprehensible as actual human beings, rather than stereotypes. This can be a challenge at times. Certainly, it is possible that Rightguide spends all of his time in a basement staring at computer screens. But there is certainly a contingent of climate change deniers who are very active outdoors (with or without guns).
I also feel that someone who responds to scientific observations and predictions in the fashion that he does reflects badly on our educational system and is not just a personal reflection on him. I am really fortunate that, when I went to high school, I was fortunate enough to have a couple of teachers who took the time and made the effort to teach us about the scientific method. This is being lost in the US. And that is not only the fault of the right. Efforts at educational reform have contributed to the loss of scientific literacy.
I understand the impulse that prompted this post, but I really struggle to see people with views that I find incomprehensible as actual human beings, rather than stereotypes. This can be a challenge at times. Certainly, it is possible that Rightguide spends all of his time in a basement staring at computer screens. But there is certainly a contingent of climate change deniers who are very active outdoors (with or without guns).
I also feel that someone who responds to scientific observations and predictions in the fashion that he does reflects badly on our educational system and is not just a personal reflection on him. I am really fortunate that, when I went to high school, I was fortunate enough to have a couple of teachers who took the time and made the effort to teach us about the scientific method. This is being lost in the US. And that is not only the fault of the right. Efforts at educational reform have contributed to the loss of scientific literacy.
I agree. He's an ineffectual moron with a piss-poor education. Luckily for us, he can only howl at the moon from the porch of his trailer.
I guess that is a possiblity. I have not been following him for that long.
Nevertheless, another of my odd characteristics is a tendency to try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Unless they are rich or powerful, in which case I look out for abuses of that power and usually can spot them.
But even some rich and powerful people are well intentioned.