For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

I haven't checked in awhile - how is the MAGA Trumper who started this thread? Is he doing okay? 🤔
When you take out their emotional and religious embellishments, redefinition of actual words and appeals to "higher authorities" and just present the policy perspectives, it tends to take the wind out of his sails. He needs those things to demonize and delegitamize the opposition. Funny how I mentioned that in my initial response and he has yet to acknowledge it.

In the end, a theocracy is what he wants. And being a "true patriot", he is not able to openly say it.
I am pretty exhausted with those who can't seem to separate support for a person's policies, or at least many of them, from blanket support for a man. Agreement on some key points does not, nor has it ever, equated to a cult following. For example, I agree with much of the moral teachings of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and could have a very good conversation about the state of society today. But I could never join with them on any other level because there are key components to their teachings that I consider to be dangerous and that make them horrible cults. In many ways, cults of personality are worse.

So, for those of you who are unable to distinguish enough to have a nuanced conversation, I am going to post here four MAJOR areas where I disagree with Trump's stated platform. I understand that on three of these issues it's because I don't think he goes far enough or gives too much, but that alone makes the point that I do not consider, nor have I ever considered, him a conservative in any sense of the word. He is a populist and a pragmatist. But I do prefer him over the alternative currently out there.

Having said all that, here are my four points of major DISAGREEMENT with Trump.

1: His stance on tariffs. He did this before and I had a major beef then too. Tariffs do not help any economy, not does the intended target of a tariff, especially if they, fairly or unfairly, control much of that market, ever actually take the biggest hit. This should be basic economics 101. When prices go up, the consumer, not the company, is going to pay them. So using tariffs to punish China and other bad actors on the national stage is just a bad idea. It has never worked. If he does this, it will easily at least partially undercut the economic benefits of a Trump presidency.

2: His willingness to leave abortion laws up to the states. Abortion is a human rights issue. A baby is IN a mother's womb, but it is not PART of her body. We know this to be scientifically true. The baby has separate DNA, can be a separate gender, has different needs, and is not legitimately a "my body, my choice" issue. That is a human life. That life, no matter how it is conceived, is precious. There are other options if the mother is in danger, or it was conceived in a horrific way, but to murder a baby because of crimes not its own is horrific. Abortion, taking the life of an innocent, is ALWAYS murder. We would not leave the right to murder a baby 1 hour out of the womb, even born prematurely, up to the states. The location of that baby's body has no bearing on whether or not it should be considered a crime of the most heinous nature. Instead of taking the easy route of leaving it up to the states, there needs to be support for treating murder as murder on a national level. Period.

3. Funding for Israel in their defense, short of actual crimes and corruption, which they have not been part of at least up to this point, should never have even the consideration of qualifiers beyond the consideration of what we can afford. I know there are a LOT of you that will flip out on this statement, but I stand by it. That is a much longer discussion I don't feel the need to get into here. But his willingness to add caveats to funding and aid makes me very nervous.

4. Heavy pushes on the so-called vax for Covid-19. These things are a nightmare and are making things worse. Again, because of the purpose of this thread, I am not going to engage in the debate over the position. There are great threads and posts out there that have that debate. You can make up your own mind on that subject. I am very nervous that a push compromise on this, though, can and will lead to taking away freedom of choice on this issue. As with any vax issue, I believe failure to allow individual and family liberty on this is in fact a fundamental constitutional violation of individual rights and opens the door to far more egregious violations. Give a government an inch, they will take... everything!

There are, of course, other minor issues, but these are huge deals for me. But given the choice between these and dealing with a radical leftist socialist agenda being pushed forward, I have no issues voting for the man. I just want there to be actual conservatives around him to keep him in check.
Trump has 1 policy , just one #1 ( Protect Trump at whatever and whoever the cost)
If you even think for a second he cares for country, siblings, wife, employees, other Republicans.....history has shown the results of his relationships both professional and personal and its not over. Further if you think Trump has any foreign policy plan or agenda once again you are mistaken, China was a buddy of his when Ivanka got her patents to sell her jewelry line at the dinner with PM as we wasted 12 missiles on Syria runways when you should have hit the Home with one Dictator, Russia is a great friend as Putin uses Trump like a puppet , telling him how wonderful he is....laughing behind his back, and wow lets mention N. Korea shall we? Do U not see a Pattern here ...huh? To even mention Israel and Trump in same sentence...Trump the racist , anti-Semitic voice of the White House during his term, Israel is a discussion for another time, but I ask why is world blaming Israel for this conflict, when Houmas instigates with civilian deaths and rapes , Israel responds, The Palestinians are upset , sure as they discover the government they elected spent billions on tunnels and tech while letting the people starve, and have no chance to prosper due to no education, no funding no support for infrastructure development . But yet they have many tunnels and weapons tech costing billions. So lets not blame Israel for a thing, they stopped humanitarian aid because they were pushing weapons through and what aid they let in was taken by Humas the govt they elected , I am sick of the world supporting these folks who point fingers and do not look within pure ignorance. If you don't like the weather move , you elect a group , known terrorist's and think you are gonna get a democratic environment?
That's where the ignorance comes in , blame Iran, Blame ALLAH Blame Hamas , But do not blame Israel . It's amazing isn't it that in Israel multi religions worship at peace , they respect the right to worship whomever u wish, yet this group wants Israel and Jews extinguished ....never happen the jews are to smart it reminds me of Hitler blaming the Jews for economy because the Jews owned the banks , the businesses etc, Well then get off your butt and go get a business , go to school get education read a book something do something, but stop pointing fingers ...look at yourselves , stop building tunnels , use the money to educate , its too too easy to blame , do for yourselves.
I am pretty exhausted with those who can't seem to separate support for a person's policies, or at least many of them, from blanket support for a man. Agreement on some key points does not, nor has it ever, equated to a cult following.
Very true. But unfortunately, the radical leftists are incapable of understanding such nuance, and swallow every lie and story fed to them about Trump if it's negative and reinforces their TDS.
Very true. But unfortunately, the radical leftists are incapable of understanding such nuance, and swallow every lie and story fed to them about Trump if it's negative and reinforces their TDS.
Nuance doesn't matter - supporting a fascist manchild like Trump just does not have any justification.
the radical leftists are incapable of understanding such nuance

"Nuance" in the context of your post suggests the difference between support of the man and support of his policies is subtle.

That's not what you wanted to say.

Maybe you should leave usage of such words to people who've finished high school? 🙂
Neb. Have you never heard the chant "The Jews will not replace us!"? If you've watched the news anytime in the past 5 or 6 years, you may have seen a bunch of white men wearing khaki pants and carrying Tiki torches shouting that...

So you might want to avoid saying "The juice will not replace us" out loud at the grocery store.
I haven’t watched the news in years. Why were they wearing khaki pants and carrying tiki torches?

I know where I heard it- Family Guy. 👍
I haven’t watched the news in years. Why were they wearing khaki pants and carrying tiki torches?

I know where I heard it- Family Guy. 👍
You sure? I remember the joke, or one very similar, on American Dad. Unless McFarland recycled the joke for Family Guy too...
Very true. But unfortunately, the radical leftists are incapable of understanding such nuance, and swallow every lie and story fed to them about Trump if it's negative and reinforces their TDS.
^^^This sounds like the argument made by Charles Lindburgh and Henry Ford during a prior America First movement, which was that you should respect Adolph's economic policies without swallowing all the "lies" about him seeking absolute power and hating Jews.

You know, little subtle differences like that...
You sure? I remember the joke, or one very similar, on American Dad. Unless McFarland recycled the joke for Family Guy too...
I would say American dad recycled the joke from family guy. No I don’t know who said it first but I can distinctly here it in my head in Peter’s voice
Oh - I get it. "Juice" sounds like "Jews". 🙄

Someone as brilliant as Seth MacFarlane, and you humor-challenged Deplorables naturally choose one of the most ho-hum jokes from his shows to howl over. That tracks. 🙂

Thread 'Challenge to Lit Deplorables: try to be funny!'
I wouldn’t say it was being howled over. More just trying to establish its origin? Well it’s cartoon origin.
But my opinion doesn’t matter. I’m not a deplorable. I’m Lits 3rd darling 😁
Oh - I get it. "Juice" sounds like "Jews". 🙄

Someone as brilliant as Seth MacFarlane, and you humor-challenged Deplorables naturally choose one of the most ho-hum jokes from his shows to howl over. That tracks. 🙂

Thread 'Challenge to Lit Deplorables: try to be funny!'
I did not choose the joke. However, I do chuckle at it because I find wordplay and sound puns amusing. The brilliant social commentary jokes he does tell that I find hysterical are the ones you likely would lose your mind over.
The brilliant social commentary jokes he does tell that I find hysterical are the ones you likely would lose your mind over.

I followed his animation before Family Guy, and personally know one of the directors on that series, so I seriously doubt it.

But keep telling yourself you have a good sense of humor. We have more than enough evidence to see that's the joke. *pat on head* 🤣
I am pretty exhausted with those who can't seem to separate support for a person's policies, or at least many of them, from blanket support for a man. Agreement on some key points does not, nor has it ever, equated to a cult following. For example, I agree with much of the moral teachings of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and could have a very good conversation about the state of society today. But I could never join with them on any other level because there are key components to their teachings that I consider to be dangerous and that make them horrible cults. In many ways, cults of personality are worse.

So, for those of you who are unable to distinguish enough to have a nuanced conversation, I am going to post here four MAJOR areas where I disagree with Trump's stated platform. I understand that on three of these issues it's because I don't think he goes far enough or gives too much, but that alone makes the point that I do not consider, nor have I ever considered, him a conservative in any sense of the word. He is a populist and a pragmatist. But I do prefer him over the alternative currently out there.

Having said all that, here are my four points of major DISAGREEMENT with Trump.

1: His stance on tariffs. He did this before and I had a major beef then too. Tariffs do not help any economy, not does the intended target of a tariff, especially if they, fairly or unfairly, control much of that market, ever actually take the biggest hit. This should be basic economics 101. When prices go up, the consumer, not the company, is going to pay them. So using tariffs to punish China and other bad actors on the national stage is just a bad idea. It has never worked. If he does this, it will easily at least partially undercut the economic benefits of a Trump presidency.

2: His willingness to leave abortion laws up to the states. Abortion is a human rights issue. A baby is IN a mother's womb, but it is not PART of her body. We know this to be scientifically true. The baby has separate DNA, can be a separate gender, has different needs, and is not legitimately a "my body, my choice" issue. That is a human life. That life, no matter how it is conceived, is precious. There are other options if the mother is in danger, or it was conceived in a horrific way, but to murder a baby because of crimes not its own is horrific. Abortion, taking the life of an innocent, is ALWAYS murder. We would not leave the right to murder a baby 1 hour out of the womb, even born prematurely, up to the states. The location of that baby's body has no bearing on whether or not it should be considered a crime of the most heinous nature. Instead of taking the easy route of leaving it up to the states, there needs to be support for treating murder as murder on a national level. Period.

3. Funding for Israel in their defense, short of actual crimes and corruption, which they have not been part of at least up to this point, should never have even the consideration of qualifiers beyond the consideration of what we can afford. I know there are a LOT of you that will flip out on this statement, but I stand by it. That is a much longer discussion I don't feel the need to get into here. But his willingness to add caveats to funding and aid makes me very nervous.

4. Heavy pushes on the so-called vax for Covid-19. These things are a nightmare and are making things worse. Again, because of the purpose of this thread, I am not going to engage in the debate over the position. There are great threads and posts out there that have that debate. You can make up your own mind on that subject. I am very nervous that a push compromise on this, though, can and will lead to taking away freedom of choice on this issue. As with any vax issue, I believe failure to allow individual and family liberty on this is in fact a fundamental constitutional violation of individual rights and opens the door to far more egregious violations. Give a government an inch, they will take... everything!

There are, of course, other minor issues, but these are huge deals for me. But given the choice between these and dealing with a radical leftist socialist agenda being pushed forward, I have no issues voting for the man. I just want there to be actual conservatives around him to keep him in check.
Just one question…how do you feel about Adolph Hitler and could something like the holocaust ever happen again?
I followed his animation before Family Guy, and personally know one of the directors on that series, so I seriously doubt it.

But keep telling yourself you have a good sense of humor. We have more than enough evidence to see that's the joke
First, I seriously doubt you know even the second cousin of the Family Guy director. Second, I can laugh at genuine humor, even if it offends me a little, if it is funny. You can't deal with conservative comedians BECAUSE all you want is the liberal applause line
Just one question…how do you feel about Adolph Hitler and could something like the holocaust ever happen again?
Hitler... One of the worst villains in history.

Could it happen again .. yes, if liberal Democrats and their terrorist and racist members and counterparts get their way on policy.
First, I seriously doubt you know even the second cousin of the Family Guy director. Second, I can laugh at genuine humor, even if it offends me a little, if it is funny. You can't deal with conservative comedians BECAUSE all you want is the liberal applause line
Seth MacFarlaine is a serious liberal
Hitler... One of the worst villains in history.

Could it happen again .. yes, if liberal Democrats and their terrorist and racist members and counterparts get their way on policy.


JaySecretions obviously hasn’t seen the studies showing the correlations / similarities between Hitler and the corrupt orange traitor.



Far left radicals DO NOT vote for Democrats - just like MAGAts DO NOT vote for Democrats.

I think I see a pattern developing.


👉 JaySecretions 🤣

You post those in random order, and not ranked, right? Like who could tell, it's hard to see where his racism ends and his misogyny starts...
I hate him because he poses a significant threat to my children, grandchildren, and my country. The fact that he is a liar , crook, and carnival barking wannabe fascist dictator, are secondary. I have a full cup of TDS.