Food fetish


Sep 1, 1999
Umm heres an idea, food. A couple cover the bed with a shower curtin and the girl is tied down and blind folded, the guy (or another girl) uses all types of food on her, feeds her, plays with her, makes love to her with fingers, mouth, bannanas... this is something I have been thinking of doing. Think sort of like 9 1/2 weeks but with out the abuse.
Well, the abuse in 9 1/2 weeks was mental, but she asked for it eh. Rourke lost the one he wanted, yet had no choice in keeping her (his fault). When you capture a woman in that manner - how do you reach for her when she walks away? Just curious.

On topic: Thanksgiving Feast was just recently posted (didn't bother with plastic sheets). I doubt it's as extreme as you were looking for, but the idea is in the fold. I'm with you. Use every damn thing you can in the experience. Consider them endless adjectives.....
9 1/2 weeks! yuuuuuuuuck! that food would
be grose, and yad have to send a health inspecter in there buddy boy, just tah get the bits and bites outta her snatch!
I'd stick to something safer like silly putty
or ostrich eggs. less chance of odor and breakage
possibilities presenting themselves clearly
within view of the precarious paradoxical peredicament brew ha ha , ya got me!!!!!!!!!
As long as you wash the food before using it, ie hot dogs, vegetables; and as long as you do not leave any meat products out long this should be relatively safe. I mean, leaving the polish sausage, pepperoni, hot dogs, bratworst, etc out for a few hours before playing is NOT a good idea. Fresh out of the fridge is the best thing, so that they have not had time to grow any bacteria or whatnot. Food can add a delectable twist to making love! Pour some wine inside her pussy then lick/slurp it out. When the bottle is gone use the bottle in her pussy. It is a good way to get both of you drunk! The blood vessels in her vagina will absorb the alcohol and you will drink it to get toasted, so if you like to be a tad inebriated give iot a try. You can use wine, beer, shots...
Are you serious nurse?? You can get drunk by sipping with your other lips (so to speak)? I didn't know that and I still don't know if I believe it.

That is quite interesting!
SpecialK-- yes! you can get drunk from absorbing alcohol in your vagina. It is the new fad in some colleges in the U.S.-- both guys & girls are inserting tampons into the vagina/anus and then soaking them with alcohol. The blood vessels absorb the alcohol. If they get stopped for driving drunk they pass a breathalizer test because they did not drink the alcohol. They will fail a blood-alcohol level, but the police officer may not initiate that test unless they are involved in an accident or whatnot. Now, please don't anybody take this info & go out & drive drunk. That is not my intention in explaining this practice-- just that it ids possible to get a buzz in other ways than oral consumation.