Erectile Dysfunction and Covid


Really Experienced
Feb 27, 2020
Would men be more cautious about the coronavirus if they knew erectile dysfunction was another one of the complications of COVID-19?

There is growing evidence that COVID-19 can produce a wide-range of health problems. Pneumonia was among the first to be identified, but inflammation, heart complications, blood clots, kidney failure and neurological problems are also complications of COVID-19. Strokes, seizures, confusion and movement disorders are more common than you might imagine.

Italian researchers are now reporting that some men may suffer erectile dysfunction as a long-term COVID-19 consequence (Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, online, July 13, 2020).* They point out that the virus targets the endothelium.

The endothelium is the layer of cells that line many organs in our body. In particular, all your blood vessels have an inner lining of endothelial cells. If that inner lining is disrupted and becomes dysfunctional, blood clots can form. That is why so many COVID-19 patients have experienced clots and strokes.
The Italian investigators point out that:
“…a growing body of evidence seems to support the theory that the endothelium is targeted by the SARS-CoV-2; most importantly, the endothelium expresses the protein angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), through which the virus can access host cells. Endothelial dysfunction is, therefore, a pivotal determinant of COVID-19 symptoms.
“These findings can be extremely relevant for male sexual health: indeed, based on these premises, there is quite enough evidence to hypothesize that consequences of COVID-19 can extend to sexual and reproductive health.”
The health of the endothelium in the blood vessels of the penis is crucial for proper erectile function.

Testosterone and COVID-19
The Italians note that some men with COVID-19 develop hypogonadism. In other words, testicular dysfunction. Decreased levels of testosterone are a common consequence.

The conclusions of the Italian article are worrisome:
“In conclusion, there is quite enough reason to suspect that male sexual and reproductive health could be affected in the survivors, by the sequelae of the COVID-19, both in the short and long terms. Erectile function, as a surrogate marker of cardiovascular/pulmonary health, could also become extremely valuable as a quick and inexpensive first-line assessment of the pulmonary and cardiovascular complications for COVID-19 survivors.”
It remains to be seen if there will be an epidemic of erectile dysfunction after millions of men recover from COVID-19. To avoid the complications of COVID-19, the best solution is to avoid catching the virus.
We know that is getting harder. Until the vaccine becomes easily accessible, that means staying as far away from people outside your pod as possible. You already know all the other recommendations. For macho men who prize their potency, perhaps the threat of ED will encourage them to take appropriate precautions.
this might be a worry if any of the anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers were still able to get it up in the first place. or even had a possibility of having sex.