"Doctor Who: Powers of Ten" (OOC)


started off hilarious & went dark right after I posted.

still was pretty damn good.

have "Army of Ghosts" playing while I write.
This one's for you, Abraxas.

A Brief History of Nine, WoW-style.

Chicas and gentledudes, please welcome a new wolf into the fold.

This is gonna be awesome.
Hey, Uumie?

Point of speculation. Minimum of spoilering.

Will this Mysterious Oneiric Entity (let's call 'em "Moe") return Donna to where she was last in the timestream, or to wherever/whenever The Doctor's relative "present" is?

hmm good question... I honestly haven't decided yet (which is horribly sad) since I was going to take my cue from the IC (which I have yet to catch up on fully and that's worse) but when the 'Moe' mentioned the space of time Donna would not exist ...that was the time in relation to those who would normally notice her to be gone (Doctor, Children of Time, Family) etc.... when/where she pops up will be around one of those categories... I do know that for sure
also I just got back from working *counts on her fingers* a shitload of hours so I'm hoping that non-spoilerific ...maybe... answer made enough sense to count