"Doctor Who: Powers of Ten" (OOC)

That works.

So you'd be cool with me triggering the next event, moving into the next arc?

Or would you prefer I keep the story approximately where it is until Donna gets back?

I'm cool with either, just asking.
I am entirely cool with you going into the next arc.

Lead on, fearless leader *salutes*

... but go post to Avatar first so I can sit amazed at Xia and Katara's potential love scenes :p
ok, just watched "The Runaway Bride" & met Donna Noble for the first time.

I gotta catch a few more episodes with her in them, because right now I mostly just want to put her over my knee & spank her mouthy ass!!

on a side note, got the grill checked off of my man card

check this out!!


going to get it cleaned up & seasoned today. hopefully get the smoker on too. plan to have it going all out for Fathers day!
ok, just watched "The Runaway Bride" & met Donna Noble for the first time.

I gotta catch a few more episodes with her in them, because right now I mostly just want to put her over my knee & spank her mouthy ass!!

First, there will be Martha, who is nice to look at but kind of... squeaky. You'll find out what I mean.

And then Donna comes back, and she's brilliant. Possibly still spankable, but brilliant.

"Runaway Bride" is when she says the five words that save Ten's life.
Well that was.

That was.

That was awesome enough to make my day better which, really, I didn't think that was possible.
frakking cliffhangers!!!

on the bright side I am getting the 7 & 8 year olds into Dr. Who

o_O MAgic? You have magic? How do you get them into Doctor Who? Did you shove them in sideways? Was it a difficult spell? Can yo cast it on me? Did you cut the Doctor Open? Was he icky inside or was it all glowy and cool and stuff? o_O
o_O MAgic? You have magic? How do you get them into Doctor Who? Did you shove them in sideways? Was it a difficult spell? Can yo cast it on me? Did you cut the Doctor Open? Was he icky inside or was it all glowy and cool and stuff? o_O

He's bigger on the inside.

Also, there are tesseracts.