Dear Younger Self/Dear Older Self



In my classes, I have my students write letters to their older versions, and we use a website to have it sent to them 5,10, even 15 years in the future. What would you tell your younger self? Older self? Let's have some fun!

Dear younger self, you should have gone back to the Voice and tried a third time. You were closer than you think. I'm convinced it could have been special.
Dear Younger Self,

Watch out for that redhead you met online, she only ends up hurting you in every way in the end. Also know things will work out for you, don't worry so much.
DYS, it's okay to be the emotional boy. You become the stronger man because of it.
DYS, you will meet a girl in college, and she will be the one. You will know it the minute you see her. So don't fuck it up!
DYS..***** is precious, live in the moment and don't stress so much about the future. It's more enjoyable that way.
DYS- Yes u are only young once... But u really should start attempting to grow up and start acting close to ur age before u look back and it's to late to do one of the things you didn't know u wanted to do. (Have babies for example)

Don't wish you were older

When you are older you'll wish you were young.
DYS....Be nicer to your mother. She really does love you and only wants the best for you. Listen to her advice. Oh and when she tells you she has eyes in the back of head......she really does.
DYS....Be nicer to your mother. She really does love you and only wants the best for you. Listen to her advice. Oh and when she tells you she has eyes in the back of head......she really does.

Ha! Nice!
DYS: You're going to go through some pretty tough times. Don't worry and do not be afraid. You'll come through it stronger than you ever thought you could be and you'll learn to feel compassion for others. It's worth it. It's all worth it.
DYS, people will make fun of you, and assume things about you that just aren't true. Who you are has nothing to do with anyone else. The only mirror reflection you can trust is your own.
DYS...write a series of books about a boy wizard and his friends, I guarantee you'll make a fortune! Also sparkly vampires, and softcore d/s.....
DYS....Be nicer to your mother. She really does love you and only wants the best for you. Listen to her advice. Oh and when she tells you she has eyes in the back of head......she really does.
And for heaven sakes, put on clean underwear !:)
DOS: remember that time when you were in your early 50s? You got through it. You go, girl!
DYS- Don't drift away from your friends, they will be there for you when other stuff fades away. Finish school! Don't let him change who you are. You have value, don't let him make you feel like you don't. Learn to love exercise earlier in life!
Dys- act on your fantasies because the older she gets the less likely she is to do it.
DYS, when you get that opportunity to continue your show in Italy, keep going!
DYS- on Sept. 11, 2001, some assholes will fuck everything up for everyone, and the world will become a scarier place......don't let that happen!
DYS...stop worrying about what's beyond your control...your going to have some amazing adventures, meet some incredible people and love and lose. It'll be more fun then sad, I promise you...;)
DYS- When someone says they can out-drink you, don't take it as a personal challenge. Yes, you will always win, but it's not worth it. It's never worth it.
To my Dear Younger Self: With all that you had thrown in your plate so far, you did good, kid. Real good.

To my Dear Older Self: Even though I am sure you will deny this later down the road, I hope that by now you have accepted and learned that what you can actually control in this life is so very little. That asking for help or guidance isn't a sign of anything else or less than what you are: a simple, stubborn human. It will bite you back in the end. If you still haven't gotten there, please keep trying.
DYS, don't get married, ask for sperm donations. The kids will be great, and he's not going to help raise them anyway. Fuck that guy who asked you to try out the water bed, though.. Most beautiful blue eyes.. Ever... And DON'T fuck the rocker dude. He's just trouble walking.