Day Drinker's Club

I’ve always been a big Hemingway fan. Read most of his works but find I’m much more enamored of the man than his works nowadays.

In all his books he told you exactly what he was drinking at the time and as a bonus, how to make it! So from Islands in the Stream, here is Hems version of a Tom Collins (a drink dating to the 19th century British in India).

2oz gin (must be Hendrick’s or Plymouth), 3/4oz lime juice, 2-4oz coconut water, 2-3 dashes angostura bitters. Bonus points if its a roadie, wrapped in a paper towel, held in place with a rubber band.

I have a bartender in Washington that loads the drink up with and it‘s good that way also. Play around and enjoy on the stream or your yacht!😀
Sounds like a great drink! I'll have to try it sometime ... I like Hemingway, but was always a great Steinbeck fan too ... I'll have to go back and see if he mentions any drinks! Ha.
Sounds like a great drink! I'll have to try it sometime ... I like Hemingway, but was always a great Steinbeck fan too ... I'll have to go back and see if he mentions any drinks! Ha.
Everyone I’ve made it for and given it to LOVE it! It’s my go to drink nowadays.
I fell in love with Italian Mango Margarita's this weekend, drinking them nude! So refreshing ... Also had my share of Brandy (a particular favorite) , in small amounts ... Drink up Lit ... And tell us about it!!!
Rare for me to drink in the day time (after 9pm different story) but it is usually a Guinness with lunch, or a G&T or an A&T after classes.
Yesterday was bad. Cracked a beer at 5.45pm to take the edge off - three wanks having failed to do so.
Sorry you had a bad day ... I also work in education part-time ... I recommend trying a little brandy instead of the beer ...
Sorry you had a bad day ... I also work in education part-time ... I recommend trying a little brandy instead of the beer ...
If I drink hard liquor it is usually whiskey, rum, or akvavit. Gin has something against me. I only like good brandy, which does not quite work with a part-time lecturer's salary.
I understand your point of view ... My problem (or fortune) is that I consider Paul Masson good brandy ... Ha ... Otherwise, I just stick to vodka mixed with something; never straight.
I'm just having a couple of beers as I need a (relatively) clear head in the morning. I'm also celebrating a slightly unexpected encounter with my Muse. She was delightful as ever.
Well, I kinda do ... I'm not guzzling it! Ha. Just sipping and soaking up some sun!