Chasing Married Men

Prefer married men myself..
‘I’m not out to anyone and just feel better and safer with another married guy.
think they are more discreet
Hey Greytruck, I agree with you 1,000 %!
I do believe that when both guys have a wife and family they care about and don't want to hurt them in any way, both will be extra cautious in every way so that there will not be any ripples in the water, so to speak.

Both guys under these particular circumstances will also be extra careful, to not catch anything.

The mentality is safety, safety, safety!

Knowing and fully understanding all this will allow both married guys to be less stressed and less nervous when communicating and ultimately be able to relax and enjoy conversations without worrying about being discovered.

Comfort, safety and mutual respect is everything. Being well mannered gentlemen is icing on the cake.

Does it sound like I understand where your coming from?
