Best and worst experiences related to erotica fandom


Lech Master
May 19, 2006
My personal Worst- Never bring a bodice ripper romance novel to summer camp as an adolescent. I won’t say more, site rules, but I’m sure imaginative people can guess what sex-phobic trolls made of my reading material. Not easy to explain to such people you’re into the opposite gender over your own… hence my advice.

Best- having your wife and sister tell you your success at writing adult material is okay with them. They have not read my work in depth far as I know, but they allow me to be an adult. :) I fulfill their trust.
I'm not sure if Simon's propensity for writing incest stories makes it more believable or less believable that he's working for a secret breeding agency.

LRH talked about homosexuality being part of a birth control conspiracy in his writings. I guess he never thought of bisexuality or adoption. As for incest, well, I have no idea about that. The shrink in my ficverse may be descended from a family named Looney, but she lets her patients deal with their own birth control issues unless prompted otherwise. She isn’t that nuts.
I'm not sure if Simon's propensity for writing incest stories makes it more believable or less believable that he's working for a secret breeding agency.
@SimonDoom is all about the mission.

Son, we live in a world that has fantasy, and these fantasies have to be written by men who understand "it's just a bit of fun."

Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Bamagan? He has a greater responsibility than we can possibly fathom. You weep for a couple of fictionally messed up families, and you curse the people's dreams. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that incest thoughts, while sometimes tragic, more often probably saved normal, healthy, sex lives; and his existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to some, opens repressed thighs.

(my wackadoodle Few Good Men still better than 50 Shades)
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LRH talked about homosexuality being part of a birth control conspiracy in his writings. I guess he never thought of bisexuality or adoption. As for incest, well, I have no idea about that. The shrink in my ficverse may be descended from a family named Looney, but she lets her patients deal with their own birth control issues unless prompted otherwise. She isn’t that nuts.
Did you intend to quote me? I feel like I missed something between what what I said and whatever it is you're referring to.
Well, yes, actually. In theme, at least, although I'm just on my first tour, not a veteran campaigner like him.
Consider it a blessing. He's coming up on forced retirement where we mind wipe him and leave him to rot in a rural Post Office.

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Yeah, and it's not like tentacle and hucow smut is going to do much for declining birth rates, either.
Well, I mean, I guess inbreeding and hybridization might help, if you're aiming for quantity over quality...
worst: being myself, age... sixteen I think, clandestinely browsing over a leased line that ran to my dad's office, and accidentally hitting printscreen, thus spooling half a page of really, really lurid girl-on-girl-on-girl to the dot-matrix printer on the desk next to him...

"Wanda, I found this. Is it yours?"
"Oh my god, Dad! No, eeuw!"
"What are you reading then?"
"Um... astronomy stuff?"

we never spoke of it again.

best: Literotica and you lovely bunch of misfits.
Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Bamagan? He has a greater responsibility than we can possibly fathom. You weep for a couple of fictionally messed up families, and you curse the people's dreams. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know -- that incest thoughts, while sometimes tragic, more often probably saved normal, healthy, sex lives; and his existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to some, opens repressed thighs.
Immediately read that in Jack Nicholson's voice.
Best experiences:
1. Having a (female) fan calculate the # of male ejaculations my stories have inspired. I snorted my coffee.
2. Reader comments on some of my stories

Worst experiences:
1. Can't actually say I have had any that qualify as a "worst" experience.
Best experiences:
1. Having a (female) fan calculate the # of male ejaculations my stories have inspired. I snorted my coffee.

Knowing that my stories have made people achieve orgasm is a unique and special pleasure of writing erotic stories. I'd chalk it up as one of the "best" things.
Personal worst - I was trying to buy groceries and somebody said "HEY! I KNOW YOU! YOU'RE THAT DULEIGH GUY!" The next thing you know I was swamped with fans, some of them were carrying a copy of The Pilot's Conjugal Christmas and were asking me to sign them, other people were taking signs off the produce and asking for my autograph of that. Then there was shoving, an old lady got knocked down over by the fingerling potatoes, the management had to sneak me out the back.

Personal Best - I don't know, I just enjoy the chance to fire up the ol' laptop and be totally honest with my fans and fellow authors. It's refreshing.
Best: The response to Love at First Sight, and the general consensus about how disturbing it is.

Worst: Not too bad compared with other people's experiences, but some of the messages/comments I've had on my two I/T stories have been quite sick.
Best: Making like-minded friends and reinforcing some existing friendships.

Worst: large chunk of my family learning about it after I shared it with one who was less discreet than I'd expected. They were lovely about it; one of my aunts bought an e-book and then told me "I always wondered what lesbians did!" But I'm shy about that kind of thing where family is concerned and I wanted to hide behind a potted plant.

worst: being myself, age... sixteen I think, clandestinely browsing over a leased line that ran to my dad's office, and accidentally hitting printscreen, thus spooling half a page of really, really lurid girl-on-girl-on-girl to the dot-matrix printer on the desk next to him...

"Wanda, I found this. Is it yours?"
"Oh my god, Dad! No, eeuw!"
"What are you reading then?"
"Um... astronomy stuff?"

we never spoke of it again.

This is why I put astronomy stuff in my erotica.
My best had been the positive responses from both readers and other writers. And my worst would be a lone comment on my LW story that was so irate and rude that I deleted it. Sometimes your story pushes the wrong buttons on readers and there's nothing you can do about it.