ban the person above you (FUN)

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Banned for having a pink station wagon. Ew.

Banned for taking an airplane to Europe, renting a yellow mini so that you can drive on the wrong side of the road but then never hitting countries where you have to drive on the other side of the street than you would at home...
Banned for taking an airplane to Europe, renting a yellow mini so that you can drive on the wrong side of the road but then never hitting countries where you have to drive on the other side of the street than you would at home...

Banned for exploring the fields of skin on a giant woman you discovered, including a couple caves, a couple mountains, and a ditch.
Banned for folding his arms under his chin when they're supposed to be folded behind your back for a good belly rubbing.
Banned for seperating buttons from zippers, attempting a form of segregation amonst inanimate objects.

Banned for imitating a circuit on a computer board all the while realising that the ghost on the board will not actually conduct information.
Banned for imitating a circuit on a computer board all the while realising that the ghost on the board will not actually conduct information.

Banned for exploding shirts all over the midwestern United States in an attempt to initiate some form of mass toplessness.
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