Back-to-back thread title goodness


Sun of a gun
May 29, 2006
I am sure this has happened to you before: you see thread titles back to back that create a humorous or odd effect. Like a bit ago, I saw this:
Daddy's Little Girl/Between your legs.

Feel free to share yours. Go!
What music are you listening to now?
What music are YOU listening to now?

It was like the threads were talking to each other. I had such a laugh that day.

In one word, how are you feeling right now?
Have you stalked the person above you?
The last thing I Googled was.../Would you kiss the person above you 5.0
Ask Me a Question v. 4.28.16

What are you thinking right now?
What's in your inbox today?
What music are y'all listening to?

I did 4! :D
Would you kiss the person above you 5.0.
Which will be the bigger "scandal"?
HEY YOU! What Word Comes to Mind/Breakfast ~ Here, there and everywhere