Ask Me A Question v. 1.9.19

Yeah hotel room balcony - just lifted my partner back inside and drew the drapes after hearing our audience commentary at 3am.

What's your least favourite supposedly sexy thing

Least favorite sexy thing is a guy who thinks he is a perfect lover.

How do you know you are in love?
Wine with dinner, whisky for dessert.

Do you like dessert?

I love dessert, but as an accompaniment to whatever I'm drinking before, during and after. I don't feel that whiskey is a dessert - it's a chaser.:)

What is the dessert you eat most often?
I love dessert, but as an accompaniment to whatever I'm drinking before, during and after. I don't feel that whiskey is a dessert - it's a chaser.:)

What is the dessert you eat most often?

Probably ice cream. It's the easiest.

What once-popular slang do you wish would make a comeback?
Probably ice cream. It's the easiest.

What once-popular slang do you wish would make a comeback?

Aces! Can you tell I'm a child of the 80s?

If you could go back in time, what is the one decade you'd visit and why?
I'd go back to the 80s to tell myself to never start smoking cigarettes. They have ruined my life.

If you could travel to the future, how far would you like to go?
I wouldn’t go if it was.

Do you think there is life on other planets? What kind?

Absolutely. And it's probably beyond our imagination to describe. Most likely not humanoid.

Do you think we will ever travel to other solar systems?
Yes it is important in that the more we discover what is out there, the more we may learn about ourselves.

How are you feeling today?

My back's a bit sore, but other than that not too bad. Thanks for asking!

How long between showers is too long?
My back's a bit sore, but other than that not too bad. Thanks for asking!

How long between showers is too long?

I think a person can get by with one day, but anything after that, yeah, too long.

Cold cereal or hot eggs, bacon, grits, and biscuits?
I think a person can get by with one day, but anything after that, yeah, too long.

Cold cereal or hot eggs, bacon, grits, and biscuits?

Depends on the morning. Weekends where I am not working? Big breakfast.

Work week? A big meal leaves me useless in the morning.

What's your go-to cereal?
Depends on the morning. Weekends where I am not working? Big breakfast.

Work week? A big meal leaves me useless in the morning.

What's your go-to cereal?

Used to be Wheaties, then Fruity Pebbles, then Grape Nuts, but now Frosted Mini Wheats.

Ribs: Beef or pork?