Aroused whilst you write?

That's the sort of plot/character stuff that's OK for me in what I call simple erotica. A lot of ElectricBlue's stories are like that. (I keep using him as an example because he's such a good writer... and example of how good writing can raise a "stroker" out of that disparaging category. I know I'm a smidgen off topic here, but you describe the phenomenon that I'm interested in so well!
I agree, that's what it is for me too. Good characterization enhances the eroticism. And that might be what it hinges on: are you developing your characters to enhance the eroticism, or using eroticism to enhance your character development? For me, at least with what I post here, it's the former. And I think maybe that's what you mean when you talk about "simple" erotica?
I agree, that's what it is for me too. Good characterization enhances the eroticism. And that might be what it hinges on: are you developing your characters to enhance the eroticism, or using eroticism to enhance your character development? For me, at least with what I post here, it's the former. And I think maybe that's what you mean when you talk about "simple" erotica?
Aroused? Rarely. But I write stories which typically skirt around the raw details, and set the scenes instead.

I am far more likely to shed tears. Some of what comes out of the dark recesses of my mind is more poignant than anything else. Sex, but with feelings.

Just wrote about a group scene, with the MMC counseling two of "his" women who could not be more different in personality - one rough in character and expert to the point of being cynical about it all and especially love, the other fairly needy in a discovering there was much better, more connected intimacy than she thought possible. The expression of the flying emotions even caught my wife's attention as she was sitting catercorner to me as she worked on her Sudoku.
Interesting thread. I'm not aroused when I'm actually putting pen to paper, but I definitely am as I create the fantasy that will be recorded in my story. And it's a test of whether the wording of a phrase is the one to use or not as I mentally fine tune the story. I had expected most authors of erotica to have this experience, but I've learned that many (most in AH) place a lot of importance on things like plot and character. Their stories have a lot of content that is not particularly erotic, so wouldn't cause arousal... I wouldn't think. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone.
As you know from sitting in my cafes, a shadow falling on a table can be blisteringly erotic, and you should see what I've done with a napkin, falling to the ground!
I don't think I can write erotica if I'm not aroused. Granted, I haven't written much and never too long that needs attention, but what little I write usually happens with me on the bed, grinding my husband's pillow
If it's a sex scene/dynamic that I personally have interest in, I get aroused every time, because I have to visualize the scene in order to write it. Since most of what I write is suited to my personal preferences, it makes the sex scenes the most difficult to write and is usually the part of the piece I work on last.
If I'm not aroused when I write then I have to wonder why I'm writing that particular story. It's not as if I'm getting paid to write. I do it for myself, to put my dirty thoughts and fantasies out in the wild, give them flesh, and exorcise the demons in me that want to enjoy a plethora of women. 😈
I write about stuff that personally turns me on. I don't think I could write something I didn't find arousing myself.

The novel I'm working on is hard work, and takes so much time. It hasn't really made me feel aroused so far. But with most of my short stories I'll write the first draft in a bit of a frenzy, and usually when I'm feeling a little frisky to begin with.
Oh, for sure. All the best bits of my stories were written one-handed.
I should jolly well hope so :). I can only write a couple of pages before Nature impinges with its importunate urgings. Fortunately, I have privacy, although I try just to edge so that I can get back to writing with renewed vigour or vigor if you're in Rhode Island.

The stories and poems link doesn't worl. It used to - years ago. However, the link to my stuff is at the bottom, in tiny print
I write about stuff that personally turns me on. I don't think I could write something I didn't find arousing myself.
Agree. And emotionally involved with the characters.

My opinion, for what it's worth... if you don't get aroused and/or emotionally attached to the story and characters, how would you expect readers to feel the same?

Just saying.
Ernest Hemingway once said, "Write drunk; edit sober."

For erotica writers, that might translate: "Write hot; edit cool."
There's copy editing, where that's excellent advice. But most of my fine tuning editing involves checking to see if particular phrasing arouses me.
Before writing, when I am brainstorming or working out the choreography, absolutely. When I am actually writing the story out, I am usually focusing on what I am writing as well as arguing with myself. It is too granular for me to be aroused, usually. But occasionally, I get that magic moment where I write something out, read it back, and say "whoa, that worked!"
That's a great word for part of the act of writing. Is it a known technical term for writers? Or did you just come up with it?
It is one I have always used, and I don't remember seeing it elsewhere , but I wasn't looking for it either, heh.
I find that I get extremely aroused while writing and that honestly, it helps me with it. I like to find myself going back into the memory of the scene that I am writing, it helps me to be back there, physically, mentally and emotionally and I think (I hope) that carries into what I put on the page.
I commented earlier that I basically don't get aroused... until a couple of nights ago writing a group scene. I found it particularly hot, so hot that I felt I wasn't in my right mind while writing it, it violated my normal style, and three pages' worth would have to be deleted and rewritten in the morning.

It's mostly intact at this point, although I'm reviewing it again because the timeline is a little jagged and needs some transition fill.
YES! Writing, re-writing and editing makes me very aroused indeed. Discussing parts of a story in a PM with a fellow litster is incredibly intimate and sexy.
During a conversation about what we'd written or read recently, my wife asked if I got turned on whilst writing. Made me curious as to what other's answers might be, as ours diverged considerably.

For her; Yeah, to the point she twitches and jumps quite obviously, and has to make sure she's either alone, or only with me in order to avoid awkward questions.

For me; Nope. Not even slightly whilst I'm writing; reading back a while later, a few weeks or so after the fact (long enough to forget what I'd written exactly), yes - but in the process of writing, no, nothing. I'm far too busy focusing on the task at hand to be in the mood..

So, do YOU get aroused whilst you're writing?
Nope. I do cry though.