Are Homewreckers even real? Or just fantasy?


Mar 27, 2023
Let me say I’ve never cheated. But the past 5 or so years. It’s all I can think and fantasize about. I’ve been married almost 20yrs, and I love her. But I’m starting to get that itch and ya the idea of cheating is hot. But the idea of a hot manipulative girl working my nerves. Testing the boundaries, homding my marriage by the balls and ruining me or the marriage. That’s what drive me insane. And it seems to be niche. Hard to find good porn or even good stories here about it. Just wondering if any can help with suggestions or ideas.
The answer is obviously yes, but the truth is that you probably won’t find them on here, but in your real world.

You also need to be way more than just a man who fancies younger birds. You need to be appealing to them and approachable. If you make sure you’re as strong as you can be in those departments, you’ll end up with some horny younger thing trying it on.

IT IS OBVIOUSLY HIGHLY RISKY THOUGH, personally I’d look for someone else who’s also taken. Let both sides carry a bit of risk.