9th Circuit Shoots Down CA Magazine Ban


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
There'll be a lot of wet diapers on the left tonight. Rob will personalize his protestation in his backyard flogging his balls in a debasing act of self flagellation. Tonight a great sadness has befallen the American left.:rolleyes::D

9th Circuit Declares CA Magazine Ban Violates 2nd Amendment

Posted at 3:00 pm on August 14, 2020 by Cam Edwards

In a move that could ultimately have legal ramifications nationwide, a three judge panel on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has invalidated a California law banning the sale and possession of ammunition magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition, ruling that the state law violates the Second Amendment rights of residents.

Judge Kenneth Lee, writing for the majority, declared that “even well intentioned laws must pass constitutional muster,” arguing that California’s ban on so-called large capacity magazines should be invalidated because it “strikes at the core of the Second Amendment – the right to armed self defense.”

California’s law imposes a substantial burden on this right to self-defense. The ban makes it criminal for Californians to own magazines that come standard in Glocks, Berettas, and other handguns that are staples of self-defense. Its scope is so sweeping that half of all magazines in America are now unlawful to own in California. Even law-abiding citizens, regardless of their training and track record, must alter or turn over to the state any LCMs that they may have legally owned for years — or face up to a year in jail.

The state of California has latitude in enacting laws to curb the scourge of gun violence, and has done so by imposing waiting periods and many other limitations. But the Second Amendment limits the state’s ability to second guess a citizen’s choice of arms if it imposes a substantial burden on her right to self-defense. Many Californians may find solace in the security of a handgun equipped with an LCM: those who live in rural areas where the local sheriff may be miles away, law-abiding citizens trapped in high crime areas, communities that distrust or depend less on law enforcement, and many more who rely on their firearms to protect themselves and their families. California’s almost blanket ban on LCMs goes too far in substantially burdening the people’s right to self-defense.

That's very good. That means Frodo will never get his proposed trigger ban.
For the sake of the movies, all guns should hold the same amount of bullets.

6 was easy to manage. I usually knew when the bad guy was out of ammo.

Now it’s just crazy. Standards!
Awwwww......sad day for the civil rights loathing (D)emocrats/leftist.

Looks like the poor commies are going to have to come and take it themselves. :D

For the sake of the movies, all guns should hold the same amount of bullets.

6 was easy to manage. I usually knew when the bad guy was out of ammo.

Now it’s just crazy. Standards!


I love in the westerns they shoot almost a hundred times with a six shooter without even reloading!:cool:

One guy missis at six foot after shooting several guys at hundred and fifty yards with .45 colt pistol! One shot one kill:confused:
BLM was hoping for a disarmed populace so those who won't voluntarily turn their homes over to poor black people on demand could have a mob simply take it from them without any bloodshed. BLM's new reparations policy, you know. Now every street in suburbia will be a murderous kill zone for BLM bandits trying to appropriate by force a new home. :D;)

I love in the westerns they shoot almost a hundred times with a six shooter without even reloading!:cool:

One guy missis at six foot after shooting several guys at hundred and fifty yards with .45 colt pistol! One shot one kill:confused:

Yep, they don't make marksmen like the Lone Ranger anymore.;)
We're all waiting on the sua sponte call for en banc to arrive sometime in the next 14 days.
have any of you penis extender compensators heard or read of any dems crying about this? especially on lit? no? thought so. go celebrate your victory by staying indoors and reading alt-right blogs. ;)
We're all waiting on the sua sponte call for en banc to arrive sometime in the next 14 days.

Yep, me too. The Commie AG is threatening to do so, but the court is almost evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. I think one more Trump seat will flip the court. Am I wrong?
have any of you penis extender compensators heard or read of any dems crying about this? especially on lit? no? thought so. go celebrate your victory by staying indoors and reading alt-right blogs. ;)

Instead of shaking your sex partner's hand, you should admonish him to slow down his stroke. The friction is starting a fire in the seat of your pants and ruining a good suit of clothes.:rolleyes:
Yep, me too. The Commie AG is threatening to do so. but the court is almost evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. I think one more Trump seat will flip the court. Am I wrong?

I think (don't quote me) that the count is 13 - 16 so 1 more won't flip the circuit.

The current "advice" out of the plaintiff's attorneys is not to buy right now because the lower court hasn't reversed it's stay on the injunction it ordered.

When a higher court makes a decision, the lower court and everyone else is bound by it as soon as the decision becomes "final". (which is 30 days after publication.) The only way for the decision to not be binding at this moment in time is that the decision remands the matter back to the trial court for final disposition. However, since the trial court MUST do what it's ordered to do, the decision is controlling as of the moment it's issued regardless of whether the trial court has done the paperwork yet or not.

I think the "advice" that's being given is using the "it's not final" reasoning to avoid having to say that they're waiting on the almost guaranteed en banc call.
Instead of shaking your sex partner's hand, you should admonish him to slow down his stroke. The friction is starting a fire in the seat of your pants and ruining a good suit of clothes.:rolleyes:

in the past two days, you have:

  • fantasized about another man stretching out my ass
  • fantasized about me jerking off
  • fantasized about me having a male sex partner.

come on out, vette, we see you hiding in there. we are an accepting bunch :rose::kiss:
I think (don't quote me) that the count is 13 - 16 so 1 more won't flip the circuit.

The current "advice" out of the plaintiff's attorneys is not to buy right now because the lower court hasn't reversed it's stay on the injunction it ordered.

When a higher court makes a decision, the lower court and everyone else is bound by it as soon as the decision becomes "final". (which is 30 days after publication.) The only way for the decision to not be binding at this moment in time is that the decision remands the matter back to the trial court for final disposition. However, since the trial court MUST do what it's ordered to do, the decision is controlling as of the moment it's issued regardless of whether the trial court has done the paperwork yet or not.

I think the "advice" that's being given is using the "it's not final" reasoning to avoid having to say that they're waiting on the almost guaranteed en banc call.

I wonder if this judge will demand an en banc hearing and appoint an amici?:D
have any of you penis extender compensators heard or read of any dems crying about this? especially on lit? no? thought so. go celebrate your victory by staying indoors and reading alt-right blogs. ;)

A very angry gay man, Schism sounds to be.

Have some Pride! We all accept you here!
in the past two days, you have:

  • fantasized about another man stretching out my ass
  • fantasized about me jerking off
  • fantasized about me having a male sex partner.

Those aren't fantasies of mine, just concerns for the ever diminishing evidence of your manhood.:rolleyes:
in the past two days, you have:

  • fantasized about another man stretching out my ass
  • fantasized about me jerking off
  • fantasized about me having a male sex partner.

come on out, vette, we see you hiding in there. we are an accepting bunch :rose::kiss:

Have some Pride! We all accept you here!

poor little lance. can't even come up with his own shit. gtfo, plagiarizer.

Those aren't fantasies of mine.

ok, boomer.

i bet it's difficult for someone in your advanced years to be a closeted homosexual. not too many people your age will be as accepting as we are here.
have any of you penis extender compensators heard or read of any dems crying about this? especially on lit? no? thought so. go celebrate your victory by staying indoors and reading alt-right blogs. ;)

Let's check the Luk-Math™

As the top respondent to the original poster in his own thread with twice the posts of any other poster, you sure seem to be crying about it
Let's check the Luk-Math™

As the top respondent to the original poster in his own thread with twice the posts of any other poster, you sure seem to be crying about it

care to show where i was crying, trannyboi? no? didn't think so.