Lost Her Mind (closed for BassPlayerRob)


Really Experienced
Oct 15, 2011
Chloe's hand trembled a bit as she penciled in 5:25pm on the sign out sheet at the reception desk of Golden Halo Labs. Her stories had become far more interesting since she left the Channel 9 News for the Weekly Beat, a small tabloid newspaper, but nothing that would help propel her career. Then came the anonymous tip, Project Lost Wings, while she was investigating some false sexual harassment claims against Golden Halo. When she finally found a former employee that recognized the name, the expression on his face told her that this was big. The problem was that aside from some vague rumors no one seemed to know what it was and the trail went dry. That's when Chloe decided that she would need to see for herself.*

She knew that the easy part of her plan was over and now that the moment had arrived to take the next step, she was terrified. She was a journalist and not trained in sneaking around, at least not like this. She looked up at the receptionist, a tall brunette with short hair and dark rimmed glasses, and whispered, "Excuse me. Can you point me in the direction of the ladies room?"*

"It is right around the corner here," she replied with little expression. "Let me show you." The receptionist towered over Chloe as they walked quickly down a short hallway and around a corner, where they stood in front of side by side doors, one adorned with a picture of a male angel and the other of a female angel. "Think you can find your way back?" the receptionist said sharply. The building had pretty much emptied out at 5 o'clock and she was obviously anxious to be on her way as well. Even the Human Resources Rep that she had met with to discuss college recruiting seemed eager to be rid of her around that time.*

Chloe nodded, "Yes, thank you very much," before pushing open the door and walking in.*

Much like the other parts of the facility that she had seen, the ladies room was spotless. The walls and sinks were white with an opaque frosted glass counter top. The stalls were also white with frosted glass doors that matched the counter. Chloe moved quickly to the sink at the far end and looked in the mirror. Her face looked pale, even for her and her stomach started to feel queasy. "If you don't have the stomach for this, walk away now," she thought to herself. "If you take the next step, there are only two ways out; on your terms or in police custody." She cringed at the thought of her husband having to come pick her up at the police station.*

She took two deep breaths, and stared into the blue eyes staring back at her from the mirror. She felt her resolve begin to return and the adrenaline beginning to coarse through her veins. Her mind was made up. "Lab D34. Project Lost Wings. *You won't be a secret for long." She unbuttoned her white blouse quickly and let it drop to the floor, then unhooked her bra. In her mind she could hear loud music playing, like she was in a movie. She slipped on a tight black tank top that strained around her large creamy white breasts and put her shoulder length blonde hair into a pony tail. She looked back into the mirror. "I look badass," she thought. Then she unzipped and slid down her pencil skirt and quickly replaced it with a pair of tight black spandex. She grabbed her phone and texted her husband, "Gonna be really late tonight. Don't wait up."
Dr. Ken Rochester was working late this day in Lab D34, finally putting the finishing touches on his nerve augmenting collar known as Project Lost wings. The military had expressed specific interest in his collar, but the Doctor had a secret ulterior motive for its use: the perfect sex slave.

Despite being his handsome features, his stunning green eyes, his thick locks of brown hair, his well-toned physique, and his well-endowed member, Ken had never had much luck with women. It seemed his work always seemed to push him away from female companionship. He knew one day his work on this collar would give him a woman that would never leave him, but he couldn't have known just how soon that would come.

Dr. Rochester finished tweaking the collar and set it down in its glass protective case. He left the lab making sure to turn on the security measures and strolled into his neighboring office to make note of his final adjustments to the collar before its final test.
Chloe looked back towards the reception desk and the tall woman had been replaced by two armed guards. She slipped down the hallway and started up the stair case. As best she could tell, the Lab D34 would be lab D on the 34th floor. She jogged up the stairs quickly, staying light on her feet to try to be as quiet as possible and reached the 34th floor slightly out of breath. She paused for a moment before opening the door to the hallway. "Almost there," she told herself trying not to lose her nerve.

She moved down the dark hallway, staying close to the wall to avoid being too much out in the open. She passed A34, then B and C, before stopping in frustration as she reached E34. She continued down the hall and passed F and G, and wondered what she would do if she couldn't find D. "Is it hidden?" she wondered, "Or maybe it really doesn't even exist." The hallways seemed like a maze, but she kept passing all of the same doors and labs, until she finally turned a corner that looked a little different. The white floor was now gold, and she hurried down the hallway certain that she had found what she was looking for and wondering if she was going to be able to find her way back. She reached the door which read D34.

She opened the door and walked in. The lights were off except over one table where there was a case and inside, what looked like a collar. She moved her hand to open the case, and felt a sudden shock and her legs fell from underneath her. As she fell to the ground, she noticed a red light on the wall behind her, probably a silent alarm but couldn't figure out what shocked her and why she couldn't move.
Dr. Rochester just finished saving the file to his latest updates for the collar when a window popped up on the screen telling him that someone had tripped the defenses in his lab. The poor fool who walked into the defenses he installed in this lab would be paralyzed for 20 minutes to an hour.

He swiftly got up from his desk and entered the security code to disable the defenses and shut down the alarm. He turned on the lights to find a beautiful blonde woman clad in skin tight clothes laying on the floor, rendered helpless by his defenses. Dr. Rochester quickly realized that the perfect test subject for Project Lost Wings had just fallen into his life.

He walked over to her and removed the collar from the case. "Hello, my gorgeous cat burglar. I am Dr. Ken Rochester and you are trespassing in my lab." He grinned down at her and waved the collar before her eyes. "Were you looking for this? Well since you seemed so eager to steal this little invention of mine, I'm sure you won't mind being the first test subject."

Dr. Rochester lifted Chloe's limp head and snapped the collar in place around her neck. Then he went over to a control console to configure the controls correctly before turning it on. Immediately Chloe would feel much more sensitive all over her body, and would feel herself becoming quite turned on.

"Do you know what you've stumbled into, dear? Your life, your body, and your mind will soon be mine.'
Chloe's eyes searched the room before a man walked into her line of sight. She tried to ask for help, but her mouth refused to move and despite her attempt, she remained silent on the floor. He taunted her with an awkward confidence that seemed to stem more from pride in his work than from being comfortable around women. If she could only move or speak, she was sure that she would be able to flirt with the lab rat enough to convince him to let her go.

His hand felt warm on her chin in contrast to the cold floor and she helplessly watched as he lifted her chin and strapped the light weight metal collar snugly around her neck. She wondered what the collar would do, but assumed it would simply prevent her escape until the armed guards downstairs could arrive and bring her to the police. The man said something about her body and mind belonging to him, but it sounded forced, almost like it was something he had heard a villain in a movie say.

As he stood behind a computer, Chloe could feel a tingle throughout her body. The collar and floor suddenly felt colder against her skin. She became more aware of how tightly the material of her tank top and spandex clinged to her body. She could feel her nipples pressing against the soft material of her tank. Her cheeks felt flushed while the rest of her body seemed cold. *She could see a smug smile across Dr. Whateverhisnamewas's face, just now realizing that she had been too preoccupied by her own paralysis to catch his name. She hated that smile, but as she watched him, she could feel her pussy getting damp. What was going on? Why did she feel so strange?
((Sorry for taking so long. If you would in your response, add some nice description for Chloe's naked body when he strips her. Thaks.))

Ken grinned as he saw Chloe's breathing quicken when he turned on the collar, her face flushed with arousal. He called out to her, "What you are experiencing is the augmentation of your central nervous system through the collar you are wearing. It has made your body much more sensitive and placed you in a heightened state of arousal. In other words, you will become a slave to pleasurable sensations and soon won't be able to think about anything else than sex. I am Dr. Ken Rochester, and soon you will belong to me."

He pushed another button on the console and a specially modified operating table arose from the floor, with restraints built in as well as various sex toys fitted into the side to be used on his new subject. He approached her and picked her up, placing her gently face up on the table. He saw the fear in her eyes as he removed her tight clothing, exposing her gorgeous figure to the cool air in his lab and to his leering gaze. He then attached the restraints, cuffing her wrists and ankles to the table.

"You'll be regaining the ability to speak soon," He remarked matter-of-factly. "Then after that you'll gradually regain control of your legs and then your arms." He chuckled and continued, "However by the time you regain complete control of your body I doubt you will want to escape. Now shall we begin?"

The Doctor reached out and grabbed her sensitive breasts, caressing and teasing her into a higher state of arousal.
Chloe's lungs struggled to expand, fighting against her motionless body, making her breaths quick and shallow. Dr. Rochester's voice sounded calm and steady as he described the sensations coursing through her body with a frightening accuracy. With every word, her body seemed to respond and the sensations grew stronger. Her heart pounded. The lace of her panties rubbed lightly against her pussy with each short breath, teasing her body into a frenzy. For a moment, she forgot where she was and imagined herself at home, alone while her husband was working late, laying in bed, her fingers sliding in and out of her wet pussy, before his voice woke her from her fantasy. His words seemed to echo in her ears, "and soon you will belong to me."

When he stopped talking, she heard a noise coming from the floor out of her line of sight and cursed her body for its immobility. She focused, trying desperately to regain control, thinking about how arrogant that last statement sounded. She was not some slut from a porno just looking for an excuse to let a man control her, nor was she some virtual girlfriend that could programmed to do as he wished. It was obvious how little experience he had with real women. He had vastly underestimated how easily she, or any other woman would break.

She watched his footsteps as he approached her. He slid his muscular arms beneath her, and lifted her slender body effortlessly and gently laid her on a table. She looked up at his face, that smug handsome face. She wanted to look away but her body wouldn't let her. She could feel his fingertips against the tops of her hips as he slowly rolled the bottom of her tank top up her body, past her flat tummy. When the cool air from the lab caressed the soft underside of her breasts, she felt goosebumps rise across her body. Her tank released its firm hold on her large breasts, her light pink nipples lifted, no longer confined by tight fabric. He lifted her arms over her head, and lifted her slightly with one powerful arm, sliding the tank off with his other. She could feel his eyes on her breasts, leering at her awkwardly with those amazing, yet repulsive green eyes. His hands reached for her wrists, stretching her lifeless arms over her head and cuffing them with leather restraints to a pole at the top of the bed.

For a moment Dr. Rochester was out of sight, but she still felt his eyes burning through her. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she felt his touch by her hips again, as he slid the spandex from her waist. He moved slowly and methodically, stopping for a moment to admire the wet, dark purple, lace panties that remained to cover her most private area, before continuing to slide the spandex down her smooth, slender legs. Chloe knew that her panties hid little, and that he had likely noticed that she was shaved clean. She wondered if he may leave her panties on, since it seemed that he went out of his way to leave them. His eyes were on her again, never straying from her body for more than a moment. His hand tugged at her panties for a moment before he tore through the string around her waist with little effort. He stood back admired his work for a moment before tearing through the other side, leaving her completely exposed.

He spoke again, taunting her with his matter of fact tone, as he explained that she would begin to regain control of her body, but that by the time she did, "I doubt you will want to escape." Her face became flush with embarrassment as she felt her body responding to his taunts. He reached out and began to caress her breasts, driving her wild as she fought her body's impulses.
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The doctor chuckled as his beautiful captive struggled against the sensations of her body. He began speaking to his smooth calm voice, and the voice seemed to resonate with in her.

"The best part about this particular configuration of the collar are the long standing operations it can make to your neural pathways and the way your mind works. This works in two ways. The first is that you get a psychological addiction for the sexual pleasure and sensations with prolonged use. The second is that it leaves your mind open to suggestion. For instance, the more I repeat a phrase while giving you sexual pleasure, the more you'll associate that phrase with it. Like so."

He then began pinching and massaging her breasts at an increased pace as he began to chant the words to her, "You love to obey me. I make you feel good. You love to obey me. I make you feel good...."