Dating site bans 30,000 'ugly' members

Eye of the beholder

I guess it comes down to your idea of beauty- personally I find much of what goes on the the name of beauty appauling - -maybe it is being the mother of daughters, but I long for a world a little bit less enthralled with the idea it is a good thing to alter the body in search of an ideal that can never be attained. Do you remember the Twilight Zone episode of the same name?

Getting on my soap box now . . .it will never stop until people stop supporting the magazines, "reality" shows, and ultimatly advertisers that promote values that are not yours . . .it is after all how you choose to spend your dollars that dictate what is and what is not acceptable, desired and admired.
I guess it comes down to your idea of beauty- personally I find much of what goes on the the name of beauty appauling - -maybe it is being the mother of daughters, but I long for a world a little bit less enthralled with the idea it is a good thing to alter the body in search of an ideal that can never be attained. Do you remember the Twilight Zone episode of the same name?

Getting on my soap box now . . .it will never stop until people stop supporting the magazines, "reality" shows, and ultimatly advertisers that promote values that are not yours . . .it is after all how you choose to spend your dollars that dictate what is and what is not acceptable, desired and admired.

No matter what a man or woman considers to be the ideal form of beauty, we all choose from the pool of available people. Within that small group, our idea of attractiveness is very flexible.
You really need to get a life, Cade. Is this a replacement for one of the dozens of alts you've had nuked in the last few months?

Welcome back Kybele but please get my name right. You know who I am. Remember our discussion back in 2007. Think sean think.. Get back to me when you remember who I am you sick fuck.
I just wish that I could remember my password to my account.
A dating website that caters specifically to individuals deemed "attractive" by their peers recently dumped about 30,000 members because, it claims, they were only granted access to the service due to a rather peculiar virus — and not because they met a standard of "beauty."

this is an awesome marketing move! look at all the free press they received. is it a pay or free web site? anyway, I'm sure more people have signed up now, since this posted just to check the web site out
this is an awesome marketing move! look at all the free press they received. is it a pay or free web site? anyway, I'm sure more people have signed up now, since this posted just to check the web site out

Free advertising is the best kind.