To a new life... She will get her revenge...~The OOC Thread~


Jun 9, 2003
To a new life... She will get her revenge... Has generated a little interest so going to start an ooc board for everyone to post their character bios and I can get info out to people as a whole.

Beth Malone (Me)
Sabrina Johansen (Me)
Shayla Winters (RpCg)

Ezekiel "EJ" Johansen (DeathsKnight)

Miranda Winters friend of Beths adoptive family ((smallncute))

Any more people want to jump in feel free and if you two want to start up a scene with Shayla complaining about having to miss a day for whatever minor medical reason that kept her out of classes today go for it while we wit of others to join in.
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Beth Malone

Long blondeish brown hair
Slender toned body graced with scattered well healed scars mostly faded the only real visible scars on her wrists and around her neck still fairly young scars though she does what she can to hide them well and only a few people know about them intentionally.

She had grown up in an abusive home but not what you would think... after her mother died her step father figured he would use her to make money. The most perverted and twisted guys he knew paided well for her. She had learned more from the age of 14 than most hookers learn in a lifetime. At 16 she began to run away from home and finally at 18 she managed a few times to suceed but someone always found her and took her back till now.

A kind couple saw her one night after she had run away from home... again and took her in. He was a powerful business man and his wife worked with battered and abused teens. SO with his money and power and her sway in the socially concious circles they adopted her... Only to have her endure one more pain of her past.

Her first summer with the family she had gone back to the shabby apartment where she was living when she ran away. She had gone there to pick up a few things she did not want to lose ... a really run down don't ask don't tell kinda place. On her way home she was grabbed by one of the more twisted "Friends" of her step father only to find herself in a van tied down in restraints that also had barbed wire meshed through them. her ankles wrists and neck were held down tight... without seeing the face she knew who it was as this sick freak always called her "Princess" during her unfortunate encounters with him. Rescued but not before he had attacked her. The van door flew open and a bodyguard of her fathers grabbed the man pulling him out and fought with him but he managed to get away. Not however before the body guard tagged him with a bullet.

Back at home she stayed indoors mostly that last experience having taken its toll on her mind till finally the school year started and she was sent to the best private University money could buy in a city where her new family had businesses and homes. Suprising to even her it didn't take long for men who had used her for one night flings that they didn't want their rich friends and associates to find out about pointed her out to their sons that also went to her school... Older students also and professors who recognized her much to the professors horror nothing suprising there though it could mean them their jobs or scholarships.
Ezekiel Johansen

Name: Ezekiel "EJ" Johansen
Height: 6'4"
Hair: straight, cheek length
Eyes: Intense Green

Bio: EJ is slender, but has a reputation that makes people avoid him. He got the reputation the hard way, a football player tried to push him around during break time and had his arm broken. His friends wanted to teach EJ a lesson, but they ended up hurt much more than he was, one night at party one of the school bullies tried to humiliate EJ by picking him up to throw him in the swimming pool, the bully had to be rushed to the hospital with a stab wound in the gut. By then EJ's reputation was growing, one day during break a drug dealer had a girl cornered and if he wanted money or sex is to this day not sure, EJ had told the man to leave the girl alone and when the man pulled a gun, the gun went sailing out his hand as his wrist was broken and the tendons sliced off. Under the clothes there is various scars, most caused by blades, some by blunt objects, two bullet wounds and the other is unidentifiable. He wears black all the time, even though it can't be found it is a well known fact that he carries a stiletto knife on him. He does well in all his subjects and those who knows him a bit, know that he is a great artist. Nobody really knows where EJ lives and nobody actually wishes to find out. There is nobody who claims to be family of EJ, but there is a girl who also has the surname Johansen, but she is outgoing, friendly and some has observed that she has a total fascination with guns of any kind
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Sabrina Johansen
Long brown hair
Deep brown eyes
Athletic... Cheerleader... Polar opposite of her brother... But in some ways a lot like him. She has a thing for firearms... Leaning more towards handguns. A guilty little pleasure in contrast to her outgoing Popular girl attitude. She has in a way has taken to helping Shayla keep an eye on Beth... Only she and her brother knows that she has already actively threatened two guys about them getting anywhere near Beth after she heard them merely talking about her in a bad way. She is friends with Beth though like Shayla she is a grade older so she recruited her brother to help not that it took much she really thinks he likes Beth but he won't say and not like Beth is ready for a relationship right now anyways.

Miranda Winters:

Age: 5'2
Dress size: 8-10
Bust size: 34B/C
Hair: brown and wavey naturally

Miranda is in her early 40's and is a widower. Her husband was a great friend of the couple who adapted Beth, and Miranda became close to both his friend and more recently after becoming a widower his wife. Since his death ~5 years ago Miranda has abstained from sex, and trying to be both a mother and a father for Shayla who has sporting ambitions.

Miranda is petite at 5'2 but has a toned, curvaceous form with naturally brown wavy hair, that is often worn as a pony Tail. Her measurements are a 34B/C bust, her husband used to joke about being able to predict her period by the increase in the swell of her cleavage. Even now she often has the double glance, especially by the lads who work on her projects.. Intelligent, Miranda is now an interior designer.

She has the ability and confidence to become a project leader, but so fa r has declined promotion to look after her daughter Shayla. Besides she doesn't need the money; as long as she is sensible, she wil not have to worry about her finances, at least until Shayla has graduated.

Sexually, whilst at college she was albeit discretely a bit of a tearaway at least sexually. She rarely had one night stands, but she enjoyed herself. During university she also became bi-sexual, though soon after realising he was Mr Right, she calmed down, though he was aware of her past, he was content for it to remain there.

As Shayla grew up, Miranda started to rekindle her bi-sexual urges, or rather being in close proximetry to Shayla's friends had started to remember her university days. Not so much because she was attracted to them (though she was esp Sabrina), but more so because it was when she was their age that she became bi-sexual...

Very quickly, when she met Beth, she took a liking to her. Not so much because of sympathy, but rather she liked the girl. She felt that Beth had potential as a human being, though every now and then saw a glint in her eye that made Miranda shiver.
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Shayla Winters


Standing 5'10", with a 36c-30-34 figure, Shayla tends to draw her share of attention, but ignores it and politely declines most of those who approach her for dates. For the moment, she intends to focus on her studies in the hopes of earning a scholarship to finance her Ivy League aspirations, and has little free time between that and her waitressing job. However, this attitude has caused her to have a reputation of being snobby and down-right bitchy...and, no thanks to her last name, she's caught several jokes floating around about her being frigid. Thankfully she had her friendship with Beth through it all, and does her best to reward that friendship by being there for her. She doesn't know all the details of Beth's past, but Shayla has seen the scars, and wants to do what she can to help Beth keep that part of her life securely behind her. And part of that is keeping an eye on EJ when he's around, knowing about his violent, dangerous reputation.
Shayla EJ is the good guy who eventually gets the girl... but for now is sort of her guardian angel and His sister Sabrina and you can be friends if ya want. She knows who Shayla is and that she watches over Beth too so I was thinking a united front so to speak? Distrusting EJ though is fine should prove for fun storyline
Yeah, I know he's a good guy. But for the story line, Shayla doesn't quite trust him, not entirely. She never pried into where all Beth's scars came from, and worries that getting too close with EJ could draw Beth into more trouble.
And all EJ will do is handle the problems that may be too big for the three ladies to handle? Hahahaha was wondering, Asa you mentioned that EJ and Beth could have some classes together? Could they get partnered in one of these classes? Like a Chemistry (no pun intended) or Biology class?
Sounds like a plan to me. In fact was plotting out that the Chem Professor knew Exactly who Beth was from long before she was a student... Maybe EJ could catch how he looks at her before she notices. She may not even recognize him at first... *EG* So many devious ideas for a Chem prof later on.

Pic idea for the thus far NPC Ben

Background idea for him... His Uncle had bought him time with Beth almost two years ago for his 18th B-day. He then in turn went back a few times till his dad found out made him stop going due to "family image" and standing in the city... Now all the sudden she is here at his university... too easy... if it were not for her guardian angel and bodyguards though he might go after the pompous cheerleader too.
I like the Ben idea. He will be the NPC we use...well until he winds up dead...or worse *evil grin*

Well since EJ is somebody who likes to learn how to deal out pain the prof is in for a hell surprise once he tries to mess with Beth.
Hey WHo better to try to slip something in her food or drink than a Chem proff *EG*
Yep. So you going to post on both srps tonight *lol* or just this board and the srp that goes with it *lol*
LOL I'm busy typing up something for the other one and will think of something for this thread :)
The story line is getting quite interesting...

As I am new to this style of role playing, I will Other than the Shayla of shoot) remain quiet until an opportunity arises to seduce Sabrina or even Beth?

And then of course the possibility of seducing or being seduced by EJ
Hmmm I'll say good luck with trying to seduce EJ. If he turns out to be the character I want him to be, you will have to show some violence :D

Just kidding. EJ is very anti-social so the big thing would be to get him out of his room. As the story line goes along I think the only person that would actually get closer to him than even his sister will be Beth, so there is basically a point to get into EJ's good books :)

Been wondering, would we RP about our home situations as well?


Smallncute you can maybe every now and then just drop a RP about what your character is doing or thinking? That's just my opinion, don't know what the others think
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Hmmm I'll say good luck with trying to seduce EJ. If he turns out to be the character I want him to be, you will have to show some violence :D

Just kidding. EJ is very anti-social so the big thing would be to get him out of his room. As the story line goes along I think the only person that would actually get closer to him than even his sister will be Beth, so there is basically a point to get into EJ's good books :)

Been wondering, would we RP about our home situations as well?


Smallncute you can maybe every now and then just drop a RP about what your character is doing or thinking? That's just my opinion, don't know what the others think

Please call me Miranda that is my real name as well...

If you read any of my stories there is nearly always a character with my name...

On another thought your character has an artistic role - photography? painting?

Maybe Shayla's mother discovers that some how? and as a result of you helping/rescuing Miranda offers to pose for you? just a thought

If I forget to call you Miranda please forgive me, I'm really bad with names. My name is Tertius, but please feel free to call me DK :D

He draws, mostly fantasy creatures and comic style characters, dabbling with Manga, but it doesn't really attract him so he sticks with fantasy creatures. As for your idea...Miranda could maybe come across him drawing and ask if he could do a drawing for her for some reason/card/page she want done
If I forget to call you Miranda please forgive me, I'm really bad with names. My name is Tertius, but please feel free to call me DK :D

He draws, mostly fantasy creatures and comic style characters, dabbling with Manga, but it doesn't really attract him so he sticks with fantasy creatures. As for your idea...Miranda could maybe come across him drawing and ask if he could do a drawing for her for some reason/card/page she want done

I like that idea....

Maybe at some point he draws something for Beth as a token of his 'affection for her'

Miranda sees it?

Lets see how the story unfolds
Hmmmm the affection thing will not work unless you want to wait around with that idea until he actually opens up to her.

I did dabble with another idea, would there be a reason for Miranda to visit the Johansen house? I have an idea about how she can see his drawings, but Asa would have to say if she's OK with it as well. Sabrina have several of his best drawings that she could get her hands on, framed in her room. Otherwise we can have some of the drawings framed and in the living room