Hello to my new life!



I was at the Farmer's Market with my Aunt, helping her with shopping suddenly two beautiful people walk towards us. Greeting my Aunt "Hello Mrs. Cooper, how are you doing?"
The lady moved a step forward and hugged my her. They looked like glamorous couples you see in the movies. They were talking to each other as if they have been friends for so long.

My Aunt apologize to me "sorry honey, meet Jack Snider and his better half" I was like the "Jack Snider the world famous fashion photographer." He is legend he has clicked almost all the famous celebrities. I couldn't believe that. My aunt holding my shoulders hugging me slightly, was like Jack, Laura my darling sweetheart niece wants to be an model. Do you think you can help her, or teach her something.

Jack, " l have a opening at my studio for an assistant if you can work with us for two months, in return I can do a photoshoot for her." Sounds like a good deal, aunt said. I couldn't contain my happiness.

Jack was picking fresh papaya and other fruits that too in bulk. I was curious and couldn't stop myself from asking why so many fruits. To which Jack's wife Ronda said "these are for the photoshoot. If you start working for us your job will be to assist us during and before the shoot.. that includes arranging the props camera, set, light and all.. don't worry we will be there to help."

I looked at my aunt all excited and happy and said when can I start?

Jack said after today's shoot we are travelling to Vegas for a week for vacation you can start after that, from the 1st of next month.
It's been almost a week I have never been this excited in my life. Today is the first day of my new work. As I get ready for the new beginning.