Your scariest movies!


a bad, bad girl
Dec 4, 2009
Okay, given the night that in it, I thought it'd be fun to list the movie that most scares you or that you enjoy being scared by.

To be honest, I hate horror movies, and only watch them under duress.

The one that bothered me the most was The Ring, that scene where she pushes the kid down the well gave me nightmares for week!

So...... what's yours?
LOVED The Ring (in my experience, that movie either really got you, or did absolutely nothing)

I would have to go with the 'directors cut' of The Exorcist.
That crab-walk down the stairs, and the little demon faces in all the reflective surfaces if you are looking for it...jeez
Well, no movies really scare me. Not trying to impress anyone or anything, but they just don't. Probably because as a kid I watched a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't have at that age, like Aliens.

I like horror movies though, as long as they're the atmospheric type. The ones that build tension. Not just put in cheap jump scares, and not slasher/Saw flicks that are just gore.

A few good ones:

A Tale of Two Sisters (Korean)
Pulse (Japanese)
Shutter (Thai)
Lake Mungo
Blair Witch Project
The Orphanage

A lot of these are on Netflix instant watch if you have it. Which you should because it's a good deal.
Well, no movies really scare me. Not trying to impress anyone or anything, but they just don't. Probably because as a kid I watched a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't have at that age, like Aliens.

I like horror movies though, as long as they're the atmospheric type. The ones that build tension. Not just put in cheap jump scares, and not slasher/Saw flicks that are just gore.

A few good ones:

A Tale of Two Sisters (Korean)
Pulse (Japanese)
Shutter (Thai)
Lake Mungo
Blair Witch Project
The Orphanage

A lot of these are on Netflix instant watch if you have it. Which you should because it's a good deal.

I just watched a Tale Of Two Sisters, I really enjoyed that.
Blair Witch scared the shit outta me. Especially since we went camping in the Sqeuoias the next week! I refused to go to the bathroom by myself at night!

The Fog-the original, was another one because we were at the beach and as we watched the movie the fog rolled in!
LOVED The Ring (in my experience, that movie either really got you, or did absolutely nothing)

I would have to go with the 'directors cut' of The Exorcist.
That crab-walk down the stairs, and the little demon faces in all the reflective surfaces if you are looking for it...jeez

Yeah The Exorcist scared the shit outta me!
Well, no movies really scare me. Not trying to impress anyone or anything, but they just don't. Probably because as a kid I watched a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't have at that age, like Aliens.

I like horror movies though, as long as they're the atmospheric type. The ones that build tension. Not just put in cheap jump scares, and not slasher/Saw flicks that are just gore.

A few good ones:

A Tale of Two Sisters (Korean)
Pulse (Japanese)
Shutter (Thai)
Lake Mungo
Blair Witch Project
The Orphanage

A lot of these are on Netflix instant watch if you have it. Which you should because it's a good deal.

The only one of these I've seen is Blair Witch. That actually made me feel ill, with the camera jumping all over the place. I watched it later at home on TV, and it had lost the "sea sickness" inducing quality that it had in the cinema. But yeah, that was a good movie!
Not a movie, but many stories from Encyclopedia Dramatica scared the living shit out of me. Ive been reading them a few weeks ago at ~3am with a storm outside. Fucking big mistake. :eek: Especially The Licked Hand and The Portraits were really creeping me out.

The fact that you are not presented with any visuals is not helping either because "imagination only makes it worse". ;)

I agree completely that imagination only makes it worse. You can submerse yourself into the story.

Thanks for joining in:)
And lets not forget the brilliance that is Kubrick's "The Shining"
And lets not forget the brilliance that is Kubrick's "The Shining"

Yeah, I was just about to add that!! Its one I 've seen lots of times, and each and every time it freaks me out.

Salem's Lot is another that spooks me no end! I think its the same director that made Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but I'm open to correction on that.

It was the first horror movie I ever saw and it still gives me the creeps.
The Shining..hands down..when I see those bloodied twins, I get the willies, every time...
I love Ginger Snaps. But pass on the sequel and the prequel, they got progressively suckier.
When I saw Paranormal Activity in theaters it was very effective. For some reason, Signs creeped me out. I love the movie, maybe it's just aliens that scare me. Of course the Alien movies don't, but the thought remains.

The Hellraiser movies, first and second at least, are pretty darn good. Plus, my own personal Halloween tradition, Tremors. Not scary at all, but I adore that movie.

Was watching out for spiders in the shower for almost a year afterwards.

But movies that actually really scared me? None really
>> << I still can't sit through It, but I managed to sit through Arachnophobia recently.
OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooh What about The Fly??? I cant watch Jeff Goldblum in anything, he gives me the creeps ever since that movei!!!!
Yeah, The Fly was creepy, but not really scary. For scary, you need to avoid all the silliness. I guess I would vote for the first Aliens movie with Sigorney Weaver.