A Muse's Inspiration (closed for Poprockz)


Owned and Collared
Jun 20, 2020

Blake Brickenden sighed as he got off the plane and headed towards baggage claim. He hadn't even left the airport yet, and he already wanted to get back on a plane and head home. As much as he wanted to do that though, he knew he couldn't. Hell, he was lucky that he'd been able to cut the visit as short as it was, down to just the weekend. If he'd cut things any shorter his father probably would have had a heart attack and dropped dead moments after legally cutting him from the will. The thought of being in the will actually made Blake chuckle, something he did actually kind of need as he sent in the online request for his ride to take him from the airport to his father's estate.

The question about his father's estate wasn't a monetary one. The money would be there when the time came. That much couldn't be doubted. Most would then assume that Blake, being the only child of a world-famous writer was a shoe-in for the majority of it, but Blake knew differently. Whenever someone asked him what he knew that others didn't, he told them the truth. His father thought he was a failure, a disappointment, and an all around fuckup, and took every opportunity he could to inform anyone he was talking to of that fact. The reaction to this depended on his surrounding. Some doubted, some chuckled, and some just tried to brush it off. He meanwhile, was refilling his drink, waiting for the one person brave or stupid enough to ask him why he thought that.

"Because I chose music!" Blake would shout it every time the situation came up, just to show how much he hated the stupidity of it. Then everyone in the room would jump and stare, look at each other, then stare some more. "Yup." He'd say. "It's all because I chose music. My father is a writer. His father was a writer. His father was a writer. His father...any guesses...a writer. Every generation of Brickenden's going back three-hundred fucking years had a writer, but now that tradition dies...with me. He's an only child, and I'm an only child." The conversation usually didn't last much past that point, not that he usually remembered. He usually woke up in a strange bed with a chick whose name he didn't know and never saw again. The last bits were just perks of being in a band though, or as his father would say, the fad he chose instead of at least having the decency to play classical music.

Reminiscing about how enjoyable the first 22 years of his life were took up just enough of Blake's time for him to get his luggage, his ride to arrive, and for him to arrive at the huge mansion that was his father's estate. He had the driver drop him off out front only because he knew sneaking in the back was pointless. The staff were nothing if not loyal to his father. So the man would be alerted of his presence the second he arrived. He grabbed his stuff out of the trunk, rang the bell, entered when the maid opened the door, and headed straight up to his room for a shower. Everything was exactly as it had been the past three years, with the only difference being the diploma in his luggage from the graduation his father hadn't attended for the major his father hadn't approved of. Yes, he knew exactly what time everything would be happening downstairs, and had no intention of going down there any earlier than he was expected or staying any longer than he was obligated.

So, when the time finally came to bite the bullet, Blake was downstairs, properly dressed for the occasion, Christmas Eve dinner as it were, and had a fresh glass of rum and Coke that was more rum than Coke if we're being honest, standing with all of the other pompous ass guests and friends of his father, waiting for him to give the toast that would signify the true start of the evening. He meanwhile, had been about to tune it all out, and was halfway through his drink when he heard the sound of breaking glass and cries of alarm. He looked both ways to see people rushing out of the room as staff rushed forward towards...

"Dad?!" Blake shouted the word with so much surprise that he didn't even realize that it was the first time he'd used the word in at least a decade, probably more. "Dad!" He shouted again, repeating himself as he pushed past people he didn't know, people he didn't care about, and staff members to reach his father where he had fallen. "What is it? What happened?" Blake demanded from the staff members that surrounded his father as he knelt at the man's side. Whether or not anybody answered him or not, he would never know. A hand clamped onto the front of his shirt, his father's hand, and jerked him forward with strength that should have been beyond him at that moment.

"B-Blake...lis...ten." The words were barely audible with all the commotion going on around the two of them, but Blake could hear his father's words against his ear. "Listen to what?" He asked, more confused than anything. "Stu...dio...my...writing...studio...wo...man...I...give...woman...to...you..."

"Dad...you're not making any sense. Can we get a god damn doctor in here or what? FUCK!"

Blake had spoken the first bit to his father and then the second bit to the staff as he lifted his head from his father's ear. No sooner did he lift his head though, than his father's hand was moving again, not for Blake's shirt this time, but his own. He struggled briefly with the collar of his shirt, but eventually lifted a fairly thick chain from under his shirt. The small circle of people around him could only sit and watch the spectacle as the beleaguered man pulled on the chain until a thick key popped out from under his shirt attached to the chain. As he watched, his father, with significant effort, pulled the chain over his head and pressed it into his hand.


With every bit of strength his father had left in him at that moment, he pushed Blake away from him. Blake meanwhile was...stunned to say the least. He barely knew how to process what had just happened to his father let alone what had happened between him and his father. He just sat there on the floor for as his father was further surrounded by staff members, the family doctor was brought in, a heart attack was determined, and his father was moved upstairs, because of course no ordinary hospital would work for them when they had all the money in the world to fly in the best medical care.

So, with nothing left to do, Blake got up, not even bothering to brush himself off or straighten his clothes, went out the back, and headed towards his father's writing studio. The door was closed, but there wasn't a lock on it, making the key he carried pointless. So he went in, turned on the lights, and closed the door. Everything seemed normal enough, and again nothing needed a key, leaving him to wonder what the point of all of this was. Surely this wasn't some kind of joke, right? His father wasn't normally one for jokes. In truth Blake probably wouldn't have known what to look for if he didn't know he was in a writing studio, or at least a studio belonging to a writer. With the little bit of knowledge he did have though, he moved towards the book shelf behind the desk in the center of the room. It was of course filled with books, but only one row of books were written by his father. He again used some of the little knowledge he had and chose a book from the middle of the shelf, rather than from either end, his father's favorite book that he'd written...There was nothing special about the book itself, but the space it had occupied however was another story. He could only just make out the key
hole hidden at the back of the book shelf, and even then it was only because he was looking for it. He held the key in his hand, reached slowly inward, felt around for the hole, felt it sink in, gave it a turn, and felt his heart leap a little when he heard the loud click and felt the entire book shelf jump a little as the lock unlatched.

Only after pulled the key back from the hole did Blake move to open the door. He intended to move it slowly to not dump any of the books onto the floor, but the sheer weight of it made it all but impossible to move quickly. When he had the door as far open as it would go, he stepped through the doorway into a place that was already lit, albeit barely. It caught some light from further down what passed for a hallway of sorts. He walked slowly, still not knowing what to expect. The area slowly grew brighter as he neared a corner, but even with his father's words, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw when he walked around that corner! It wasn't so much what he saw, which was a cot against the far wall, with a single blanket and pillow, illuminated by string lights strung up along the ceiling, but who he saw, which was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, wearing a stola that was impossibly white given the woman's location, being held in place by a flawlessly woven gold-colored rope. On her wrist was a huge gold bangle bracelet. All of that though, was somehow less surprising than the wreath of fully bloomed pink roses that adorned her head.

It wasn't until Blake recovered from the utter shock of seeing the woman in this place that he saw the chain around her ankle. His gaze followed it to the wall which it wasn't hooked to, but rather built into. "What the absolute fuck?!" He cried out loud in shock as he ran over to the woman, dropping to his knees on the ground before her. "He said there was a woman here, but seriously...what the fuck? What's your name, and how long have you been locked down here?" As he spoke and asked his questions, his hands kept moving, finding the key hole on the anklet around her ankle, inserting the key into it, and turning it to let her go.
How many years had it been?


Euterpe gazed at the wall as she always did, not a book nor device in sight that might keep her mind otherwise occupied. There was once a time where she was allowed such luxuries, but that time had long since past. Now she eternally waited, her only interactions being either from afar or from the grasping touch of those who used her. The only time in which she was allowed to leave her room was when her master would need inspiration upon the moonlit grass upon the perfect lawn, or rarely in various other places. The world changed around her without her as a witness, each time out of her prison startling her with the strange new things that were created by humans.

Gone were the days where she would drink wine and laugh, a lover on her arm as she listened to the pleasing flutter of a well-played flute. Gone were the days where she would bathe with her sisters in the ritual waters, trading jokes and stories of their travels. None of them had found her, if indeed they were looking. Though had they inquired with the powers that be, they would know that they had no way of truly helping her. The pursuit of her freedom by another muse would only result in two prisoners.

She could hear the groan of the secret door, her body stiffening as she waited for him to come to her. Though she loathed him with every fiber of her being, part of her craved contact. Even if it was with someone she detested, she needed to speak with someone or she felt she might go insane.

What she hadn't expected to see though, was the man's son. He was dressed in an odd-looking suit, most likely for his father's birthday. His father always made sure to remind her of the day each year. It was the one day where he would allow her to sleep in his bed. She was hand-cuffed to the bed, of course, but at least she could be reminded what it was like to live like a person and not like a thing.

The muse held still for him as he exclaimed loudly his shock at her situation, not reacting to him just yet. Her eyes flicked down to the chain that had been released, though she knew it meant little. Unless he spoke the words, she would be forever bound to his accursed family. In all likelihood, this was a clever ruse to get her to lower her guard, the man trying to oh-so-graciously bestow upon her the illusion of freedom.

"I am Euterpe, and I have been here before the first brick was laid down upon this estate." The woman made no move to get up from where she sat on the bed, her eyes quietly wary. "Has your father finally passed away, Blake?"
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The woman's lack of movement caught Blake off guard, especially when he heard her speak. It wasn't just what she said, but how she said it. She spoke with accent he'd never heard before. His mind reeled so hard at the sound of her voice that his body almost reacted as well.

"Wait wait wait wait wait...No, that's impossible. This estate has been here for over a hundred years. There's no way you've been here that long. Wait...dead? What do you mean dead? No. Um...He had a heart attack...a big one I think. He shoved this key in my hand, told me where to go, told me that you were mine whatever the fuck that means, and...and...oh right! He told me not to fuck it up or not to come home..."

Blake was rambling...he knew he was rambling, but what more could he do? None of this made any fucking sense!

"I mean...just...does any of that make any sense to you?" Blake let himself step back until he hit the wall the far wall of the hallway and slowly sank to a sitting position. He dropped his head into his hands as he tried to remember everything his father had said, trying to remember if he'd forgotten anything. I mean there wasn't another secret room in this place right, and he'd just stumbled onto some weird kinky sex dungeon scenario?
It was clear to her that he hadn't been informed of his family's little secret. While there was the slight possibility that he was acting, she doubted it. Few could replicate the way one would sweat slightly from fear and confusion, their eyes moving more quickly as though danger were lurking around the corner. She supposed it wasn't entirely unexpected though- from what she heard, he was the black sheep of their family. Master Brickenden would frequently complain about him, even going so far as to say that he was tempted to disown him. The only thing that kept him from doing so was the fact that no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to conceive another boy. He had tried with so many women, yet not a single one would give him what he sought.

And inherit her, it seemed he had. Though ignorant of the treasure that was now bestowed upon him, he was still the one her chain was bound to.

She paused, pursing her lips as she looked down upon him, wondering how best to proceed. When she finally chose to speak, it was with a neutral tone, her gaze watching his face for any hint of a reaction.

"It would seem that your father hadn't yet told you. His father before him informed him of the situation when he turned seventeen. I am Euterpe, muse and daughter of Zeus. The books your family has published over the years were borne from power that was taken from me. Each male heir inherits the right to have me by their side, guaranteeing their success."

Her lip curled slightly, a disdainful look coming to her, "though that right was procured through devious and underhanded means. Your ancestor stole my scroll while I was bathing, said the words, and bound me to your bloodline for eternity, until I am released from my service."
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Blake was still lost in his own head when Euterpe spoke. Her tone was neutral, but the words were scathing in their own right. He lifted his head to meet her gaze, that beautiful amber gaze.

Blake knew why his father had chosen to keep this from him. I mean it was insane to be sure, but if it was to be believed, a lot of other things made sense that didn't truly make sense before.

When Euterpe spoke again after a pause, Blake noticed the change in her voice, as well as the way her lip curled. He'd seen that disdainful look before, but he didn't shy away from it. He listened to her words, taking them in before swallowing hard.

Blake's eyes widened as some pieces of the puzzle fit together in his head. "A muse..." He started as his legs flexed and pushed back against the wall, pushing himself to his feet. "A writer in each generation of Brickenden's...going back three-hundred years..." His fist that still held the key to Euterpe's chains squeezed it tightly. "That was you! They captured you three-hundred years ago, and have been using your power for their stupid fucking books ever since...since me. A soft sigh slipped from him as he took a step towards Euterpe. His head had bowed of it's own volition, but it rose as he took the second step towards her and met her gaze once more.

For the first time since he'd met Euterpe, there was no fear in Blake's deep brown eyes. "So...I'm going to free you, Euterpe. Of course I'm going to free you. I just need two things, one thing really, but we'll call it two things...just...nevermind. First, how do I free you, and second, if you were in the same room with my father, right now, nobody to stop you, whatever you want...what would you do?

Blake held Euterpe's gaze as he closed the last bit of distance between them, him standing by the cot that she hadn't moved from this whole time.
When he started promising her freedom her eyes narrowed at him, her skepticism evident. Of course he was promising this at the beginning- most of them did at one point or another. It was always, "I'll free you after my first book!" or "I'll free you after I've brainstormed a few plots." However, their promises of freedom never game to fruition. His questions were... unusual though. It seemed as though it was some sort of test, his expectation was a mystery to her though. Did he want her to say that she would forgive him? Did he want her to say that she would simply walk away? What would she actually do if she were truly given the opportunity?

"To free me, you must say the words: Euterpe, I am no longer your master. You are released from your bonds of service." After she informed him, she looked down at her hands, trying to figure out the answer to the second question.

"He has done unspeakable things to me in the course of thirty years, perpetuating the cycle of depravity..." Tilting her head up to him, her amber eyes burned with hatred as she hissed, "I would curse him with with blindness and deafness, so that he lives the rest of his life crawling in the dark, unable to enjoy the spoils of his undeserved novels."
Remaining calm and steady through the first part of what Euterpe said was easy enough. She was stating a simple fact that she'd probably told every master before him after they'd promised her the same thing, and likely spoken it in the same neutral tone.

As for Euterpe's answer to his second question though...it took every bit of willpower Blake had to keep his gaze steady and not flinch away from her. He could almost feel the hatred burning through her as she spat those words while her amber eyes almost seemed to be trying to burn a hole straight through him.

After he got the two answers he'd asked for, Blake swallowed hard, still trying to exude confidence, knowing there was no going back if he did this. The clenched fist that held her key opened and turned, dropping it to the floor as he held his hand out to her to help her off of the cot.

"Euterpe, I am no longer your master. You are released from your bonds of service, but may I please be there to witness you cursing that miserable son of a bitch?"
She blinked, utterly shocked by the words that left his lips. The muse raised her trembling hands and looked at them, her very being feeling the weight of her invisible shackles lifting from her soul. Since her capture, she had forgotten how free she once felt, how light and empowered she was. It was a bit overwhelming if she was being honest. A droplet of water fell to her hands and she lifted it in confusion to her cheek. Was she crying? When had her tears started to flow? After two hundred years, she had thought she had lost the ability to cry, and yet they couldn't be denied as they continued to be shed.

Euterpe bent over and scooped up the key, one of the symbols of that family's power over her. "Do what you want," she said icily, ignoring his hand and getting to her feet herself. Though he was indeed the first to free her, she didn't feel she owed him anything. It wasn't her debt to be paid, it was a promise that had finally been fulfilled.

Walking tall, she strode out of the study, her path certain. Likely he would be in his room recovering from his illness, and that was where she would find him with blazing retribution. Her bare feet patted across the soft grass as she walked, some of the guests looking at her with wide eyes. Whether they were marveling at her beauty or unusual dress, she did not know, nor did it matter. She walked silently into the house and up the stairs, moving as though she knew every inch of the estate as though it were her own body.

At last she reached his room, finding it fortunately empty at the moment. She didn't bother closing the door behind her, knowing that Blake likely followed. There she stood, in his room, free.

"I am your muse no longer," she said, growing closer to him step-by-step.
The atmosphere in the tiny room changed dramatically once the words passed Blake's lips. The atmosphere wasn't the only thing that changed though. Until now Euterpe had only shown him some measure of neutrality, wariness, skepticism, and then utter hatred when it came to his father and family. All of that disappeared after he spoke the words though. Her shock was clear. Her hands were shaking, and tears started to flow. Any doubts he had about all of this were gone. Either this woman that he'd never seen was the best actress in the world, or all of this insanity was somehow real.

The shocked look on Euterpe's face disappeared as quickly as it appeared though. An icy look came to her face, even as the tears continued to stream down her beautiful face. Blake watched as she picked up the key that he had dropped, ignored his hand, and rose to her feet. He chose not to force the situation though, and just stepped aside as she walked tall and proud towards and along the hallway. Her strides were long and fast, which caught him a little off guard, given her height. She was taller than average, albeit just barely, and only a few inches shy of his own five foot nine inch frame. He caught up to her easily enough, found her pace, and held it at that, but a few paces behind her.

Euterpe led the way out of the secret room, the out of the writing studio. Her bare feet padded across the soft grass. Her gaze was forward, clearly with a destination in mind, but Blake's watched the people around them. Anyone who saw her stopped and stared, save for those that were in her path. They made way for her pretty damn quick, and he happily followed in her wake. Her destination became clear to him soon enough, even though it was a place he hadn't set foot in the room in over a decade.

Blake lingered outside as Euterpe entered his father's bedroom. He heard her words, and couldn't help but smile at them as he took that moment to enter the room. He followed behind her for but a moment longer before stepping to the side, putting himself into his father's eyeline.

It was hard to say if much could pull his Rasmus Brickenden's gaze from Euterpe in that moment, but the sight of his son stepping out from behind her stola managed to do the trick. He was sitting up in the bed, hooked up to a variety of medical machines, and a perfectly gobsmacked look on his face until he saw his son. "You! What...did..."

"I..." Blake started, not bothering to let his father finish struggling to get the words out. "...did exactly as you said father." Blake continued, keeping his distance to give Euterpe the time and space to do what she wanted to do. "I found her, I didn't fuck up, and I freed her." With everything he wanted to say in that moment finished, he leaned back against the wall to enjoy the show that was about to go on.
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Euterpe continued forward, delighting in the look of horror now blooming on the old man's face. They both knew that the roles were now reversed: he was the helpless one, chained to the bed and she was the one coming to his side to take from him what he would never give willingly. Her white stole fluttered slightly as she put one knee on the bed and lifted her other leg over him, leaving her straddling the man. Even now, she could feel him hardening against her ass, his cock reacting to her as it had always done.

It was plain that lust was the last thing on his mind as his eyes darted to the old key in her hand and back to her face. She leaned down so that her face was inches from his, her sandy hair hiding the expression on her face from their witness. However, one could imagine it from the deadly quiet tone of her voice.

"Do you remember our first time? You promised me my freedom for your first book as your family has always done. You commanded that I crawl on top of you, ride you, please you. You didn't make good on your promise."

She pulled herself up again and looked down on him, her regal stature juxtaposition against his helpless form. "I will not bring you death now- she will collect you when it's time. However, you will never read another novel, nor will you write one. You will never speak another word to a woman, nor will you ever see me again. I will curse your family, that no one in your line will write award-winning novels... not a single one."
Blake didn't move a muscle as Euterpe took the last few steps, her body oozing seductiveness and power as her stola fluttered despite the complete lack of any sort of breeze. This moment was for her and her alone, especially as she lifted first one leg onto the bed and then the other, straddling his father as the man laid there helplessly. It was of course hard not to be tempted to get closer and listen in when she leaned close enough for her sandy hair to create a veil around the two of them, but again he did not. Whatever she had to say was between her and him, and would remain between them unless she chose to reveal it. When she sat up once more, she looked positively divine, and the curse when it came, seemed the kind of ancient curse a divine being might inflict. It was stronger and further reaching than she'd told him in the secret room, but it was nothing if not her right after how much suffering she had endured at the hands of the family line she was now cursing.
Pausing for a moment, she spoke up; her statement obviously intended for Blake even though she didn't turn her head. "Leave us."

Once the door was shut, she turned her attention back to her former master. Not even the Gods could help him escape the fate he had been promised. The key was raised, and what followed was a truly horrific event.

The muffled screaming and gurgles of pain were intermittent, followed by quiet periods of soft whimpering, as well as the eventual clatter of metal on the wood floor. By the lightness of the clank, it could be assumed to be silverware of some sort. It seemed to go on forever, her act of vengeance. Though in truth, it was only about ten minutes.

When at last she opened the door, her stole was stained with blood. It looked even more vivid against her stark white garments. Perhaps she should have said something poetic, or maybe she should have given Blake a warning, but all she did was nod at him and say, "I will go thusly from here, never to be bound again. We shall part as strangers, not as enemies." It was the best she could offer him, given the circumstances.

Within the room, his father laid on the bed trembling and gasping. his eyes had been removed, as well as his tongue. Both of which were nowhere to be seen. The spoon on the ground was blackened as though a flame had been burnt against it, which explained the fact that his father wasn't bleeding out. His wounds were cauterized, his angry red skin scarred and enflamed. She had left his ears, so that he might hear the whispers of strangers. His cock was also intact, as she knew that to human woman compared to the pleasure she had provided him. It would all feel hollow, the man only able to listen and grasp at something he couldn't see.
The sudden command from Euterpe actually made Blake jump. He'd been so focused on his father's face and what they all knew was coming and didn't expect her to actually deny him this that he couldn't stop the involuntary reaction. Still, he didn't fight her or protest. He simply nodded even though she wasn't looking, pushed himself from the wall, and did as she bade, closing the door behind him.

Blake didn't go far, still wanting to savor some small part of this moment for himself, even if he couldn't see it. So he leaned against the wall beside the door and listened to the horrible sounds his father made, sounds that should have horrified him. He savored everything he heard from start to finish, right down to the almost imperceptible sound of her bare feet on the wood floor as she approached the door once more.

When the door opened and Euterpe stepped out, she somehow looked even more beautiful, with his father's red blood standing out so vividly against the pure white of her stola. He said nothing though, and just waited for her once more. When she nodded at him and spoke, he nodded back.

"As strangers then, Euterpe, Daughter of Zeus..." Blake started, meeting her amber eyes one last time. "But know that for whatever it's worth, I am sorry for what my family did to you. I know it probably doesn't mean anything to you to hear it, but I could never live with myself if I didn't say it."
It may have been a trick if the light, but her eyes seemed to soften just a fraction before she turned away from him and walked to the potted plant by one of the windows. She leaned toward it and whispered, “take me to to tree of Zeus, that I may see my sisters.” There was a shimmering of light, her form ebbing away like a mirage before she was entirely gone. All that was left of her presence was a mutilated old man, and a trail of bloody footsteps.


Roughly a year and a half later, it was a bustling night at The Silver Spoon, the restaurant was a somewhat fancy Italian place, a newer place in the area. It was chance that had Euterpe passing by, a plastic cup of boba milk tea in her hand. Of course she was in town because she had business with him, but she hadn’t expected to see him on her first day down in the city. Taking a sip of of tea, she glanced into the window when she saw him sitting across from a lovely young woman. Who she was she didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. There was urgent business to attend to.

The muse wasn’t wearing her signature wreath of flowers, nor her white robes. She had found that in the time she spent locked away, these things were no longer accepted in society even if one assumed that she was eccentric. Thus, she had to adjust her method of dress, conforming to the modern times.

She now wore a fit and flare white dress, a gold belt around her torso underneath her breasts. The stola had hidden her curves, but now it was obvious that she was well-endowed. The bracelet remained, though instead of being barefoot, she wore a pair of white high-heels.

It was time to pay him a visit.

Walking into the restaurant she simply said, "I have a reservation," before brushing past her. The woman was surprised, but didn't seem to have the courage to stop her. As always, a few turned their heads to look at her, giving her a once over as they noticed her seemingly other-worldly beauty. Euterpe was used to it, having been given these looks all her life. In some sense she would be concerned if they hadn't.

With a few swift strides, she was standing at the edge of their table, looking down on the two of them. A long draw was taken from her cup of boba, the woman chewing the tapioca pearls for what seemed like an excruciating pause before she finally spoke.

"Blake, I need to speak with you... I'm pregnant." The entire sentence was spoken dead-pan manner, another sip being taken from her tea afterward.
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Blake never doubted that the events of that day would have stuck with him. It was the way that they stuck with him that caught him off guard though. He more or less quit drinking, not with AA, the gum, the patch, or any of the other methods, but cold turkey. He quit whoring as well, and actually tried dating, like real dating, not like it did him any good. I mean he'd never been a perfectionist or one to expect perfection, because obviously he was no prize catch himself. No, the problem was Euterpe. Well, there were a couple of problems there, but first and foremost was her face, her beautiful perfect face. I mean what mortal woman could compare to that? He still tried to give them a chance, trying different hair colors and skin tones, generally trying to go as far from Euterpe's appearance as possible in the hopes of avoiding as many subconscious comparisons as possible.

The other problem with Euterpe was one that had Blake wondering if she'd cursed him as well. It had been over a year since that day, and he still thought he was seeing her. Sometimes it was in a reflection. Sometimes it was out of the corner of his eye, and sometimes it was across a crowded room. Whenever he tried to get a closer look though, or turned his head to get a second look...she was gone or it wasn't her.

It wasn't until what he would tenuously call the eighteen month anniversary of the event that Blake finally dared to take the next big step in his personal life. His band was also finally starting to take off, opening doors as it did. One of the doors that it opened was the ability to date models, which maybe, just maybe, had the tiniest chance of having the slightest ability to almost begin to compare Euterpe's beauty...maybe.

So, when the night for the date came, Blake took his date Olivia to the Silver Spoon. She was a tall sandy-haired model with a small beauty mark on one cheek. The two of them shared a couple of interests, and thankfully music was one of them. That was one of the main reasons why he'd chosen her for the date. She was taller than he liked, a bit flatter in the chest than he preferred, and of course not Euterpe, but maybe music could help breach the gap!

The date started off well-enough, with the two happily chatting through drinks and appetizers, and everything was looking up as the food arrived. No sooner was the waitress gone, and the pair getting ready to start eating their entrée, than they were interrupted by somebody standing at the edge of their table casting a shadow over their meal. Blake saw who it was, but was too shocked to say or do anything before she spoke.

Euterpe's words, when they came, made absolutely no goddam sense...to Blake. The same could not be said for his date though, and before he truly had time to do anything about it, she was grabbing her purse and storming away from the table. Blake meanwhile, was just recovering from his shock. "Olivia wait!" He called after her as he pushed himself out of the booth and turned to follow her. "She can't...well she...damn! He cursed as his inside foot didn't make it far enough out of the booth when he tried to step, causing him to ram his foot into the base of the booth and stumble to one knee. "I mean she's not! Okay may...shit..." He tried to stumble to his feet, but the toe of the foot caught on the floor, and his momentum caused him to drop to his hands and knees in front of the booth beside theirs. "It's not mine..." He muttered as more of an afterthought to himself as he pushed himself back to one knee and turned back towards Euterpe, only to see her sitting in Olivia's spot taking a bite of her food.

"It's really you isn't it..." Blake started as he finally pushed himself to his feet and brushed his pants off as best he could. "Euterpe, daughter of Zeus?" He finished with a slight bow. "Or should I perhaps kneel and kiss your hand, or foot perhaps..." He dropped back into his seat as he finished speaking, and despite his joking words, a smile did come to his face. "You look good, Euterpe."

Blake lifted his hand to signal to the waitress, but was briefly interrupted by an elderly couple walking past their table. "Don't worry son. It happens to the best of us." The elderly man said, offering Blake a pat on the shoulder. "Thank you, Sir." Blake replied cordially, even as the man started to walk once more. "This one's prettier anyway. She's definitely a keeper." The elderly woman said, smiling to both of them before moving to follow her husband. "Yes Ma'am, she certainly is." He said, smiling at the woman before cocking his head at Euterpe. "Well...I could use a drink after...that." He signaled towards the waitress once more.

The waitress smiled at Blake but was taken aback at the sudden change in his companion, her gaze flicking back towards Blake for help. "It's a long story. Don't worry about it. How about a bottle of your finest white wine and two glasses, unless the lady would prefer something else?" He differed the final choice to Euterpe, whom he knew little about in this regard, even as he handed his credit card to the waitress, in case the two of them racked up a tab.
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Whilst he was flailing about, receiving unsolicited comments on his choices, and deciding to order wine, Euterpe had helped herself to both the other woman's seat and her food. She had been a bit peckish anyway, so it was nice to have. meal ready for her. Did she feel bad for driving the woman away? No, she decidedly did not. If she had been close to him, she wouldn't have fled as she did, and thus it wasn't as though she was spoiling anything too intimate.

Her fork briefly clinked against the bowl as she twirled some pasta upon it, her graceful hand making it look as though she were holding an instrument rather than a plain utensil. The bite of pasta paused between her mouth and the bowl and she nodded at the waitress. "No, I think white wine will do just fine." The muse let the fork finish the journey to her mouth, her lips pulling the noodles off the tines gently before chewing thoughtfully. That woman had very good taste.

Upon swallowing, she started to speak conversationally. Though her tone had been icy and even disgusted when they had last met, she now simply sounded cordial. "I am pregnant with information. To put it plainly- I need your help. My return was not as joyful as one might expect..." She put her fork down and sighed, her eyes averting from his to look out the window. "Three of my sisters are gone. There was a fourth but unfortunately for the other three, they don't have the privilege of having powerful friends in high places. I have spent the last year and a half searching for them, but things are a bit more complicated than I anticipated. They are... bound. Like I used to be to your father."

Euterpe's eyes returned to him, a steady gaze that held just a hint of pain behind the amber.
Blake reached for his fork after he ordered the wine, but really only managed a single bite before Euterpe started to speak. He put it back down then, respectfully giving the goddess his full and undivided attention. Her tone was cordial, which was certainly an improvement from when last they'd spoke, and her first words explained part of why she's used the word pregnant when she'd approached the table, while what followed explained why she'd used that word and this tactic as a whole.

Though Euterpe averted her gaze from his, but Blake did not avert his from her. The action, while simple and seemingly small seemed utterly foreign coming from her, foreign and wrong. He watched her and listened as she spoke, seeing the play of emotions on her face, even turned away as it was, as she told him about her sisters. Any confusion he might have had about how she felt about the situation was cleared up the second she turned back to him. Her gaze was steady, like always, but he could see the faintest hint of pain behind those amber eyes.

"But why can't..." Blake started before being interrupted by the waitresses arrival with the wine they'd requested. She offered to pour it, but he politely declined, thanking her before turning his attention back towards Euterpe. "Nevermind..." He started again as he reached for the bottle and poured her glass first and set it in front of her. "I'm sure if your other sisters or whomever those powerful friends are could do anything about the situation they would, but if they can't help, what can I possibly do?" He poured himself a glass but left it in front of him on the table, even after he returned the bottle to the bucket of ice the waitress had brought with it. "Don't get me wrong, Euterpe. You have my support, and I am willing to help in any way I can, but how long have they been gone, and who...has them?" When he was done speaking, Blake's dark brown gaze ended where it began before the wine arrived, locking with Euterpe's amber one as he waited for her to speak, hoping that she was right and that there was some way he could help get at least one of her sisters back.
She watched him pour her a glass, thinking to herself that there was much he did not yet understand. It would be her duty to enlighten him if they were going to have a successful partnership.

Though her posture was impeccable, it seemed as though she sat up straighter as she began to explain. "Mortals and Gods are bound by different rules, and often we gods have deep histories of indifference and pride regarding one another. I dare not say his name lest I draw him here, but the King of Dreams is not one we can ask for a favor lightly, and certainly not a second time. No, this is something I must handle without the help of Gods, but from mortals. A specific mortal... you."

Euterpe took her glass of wine and sipped it, seemingly pleased with the taste despite their topic of conversation. She swished it around her glass and continued, "they have been imprisoned for naught but five years at this time, but as you know that can extend to many centuries if left unchecked. You may be familiar with the band,"The Styx," and a writer that goes by the pen name of "Arnold Gilespie, as well as a new singer named "James Silverton." According to my research, they are all using my sisters as stepping stones to rise up the ladder fame and profit. That..." she pointed her fork at him, "is the main reason why I need you."
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Blake noticed a slight change in Euterpe both before and during her brief explanation of why they couldn't ask any of the other gods for help. He didn't think she was exasperated at the question that he'd almost asked or at the fact that she had to explain something like this to him, despite the way she proudly lifted her head and straightened her back. Though it could also have been because she was here to ask for help, and hoped to start off on the right foot.

Though he still gave Euterpe his full attention, Blake's hand did fidget with his glass. His gaze hadn't wavered from Euterpe, despite the unsavory topic of their conversation. Also despite the topic at hand, Blake was a little relieved that her sisters had only been captives for five years. It of course didn't make the actions of the mortals in questions any better, but even combining the durations together didn't even account for a tenth of the amount of time Euterpe had been held captive.

"Yeah...I've heard of The Styx. The new singer doesn't ring a bell, but might just be in a genre I don't pay attention to. As for the pen name of the writer...it sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it." Blake collapsed back against the booth, finally tearing his gaze from Euterpe's. He stared upwards at nothing in particular as he tried to process what she was telling him. "The Styx...is the entire band..." Blake started but couldn't bring himself to finish. So he just shook his head, leaned forward, rolled his shoulders, and took hold of his wine glass.

"I hear what you're saying, I do, but I don't understand why you came to me. I mean yeah, we're starting to hit our stride, but my group is nothing compared to The Styx. Hell, I doubt we could even get close to James Silverton, let alone The Styx." Blake shook his head as he lifted his glass and took a sip, letting his gaze linger on his glass as he set it down once more. "I mean even if we assume it's possible, and that's a BIG if, it would take a literal..." Blake's eyes widened when he realized what it would take.

"NO!" Blake shouted out the single word before he could stop himself. He took a big swallow of his wine, set it down, and pushed it aside. He leaned forward and met her gaze once more, dropping his voice now to try and avoid drawing more attention to them. "You can't be serious, Euterpe. You just can't be. I couldn't possibly...I mean you shouldn't have to..." His gaze dropped from hers as his head dropped forward before rolling in a big circle. He knew he was stalling, trying to figure out a way to convince her not to do this.

"Why me then?" Blake asked, changing his tactic. "Why would you want me, like specifically me, instead of somebody that's already rich enough, famous enough, or already personally close enough to these people?"
A ghost of a smile curled her lips before disappearing again. She wasn't sure why his actions had amused her so much, but she didn't want to encourage that line of thinking. This was a business deal as far as she was concerned, and she had no intention of getting close to him in any way. Though he had freed her, for all she knew he had come to secretly regret his decision. Or perhaps when he got famous, he would claim that he couldn't go on without her and keep her locked away as his ancestors did. Even now, he could be putting on an act while trying to figure out how to chain her down.

Still... he seemed genuine at least.

There was a calculated pause before she answered, "I need you precisely because you're not famous. They don't know you well enough to know your personality or motives. To them, it will seem as though you've just come into your stride and they will try to get close to you, to win your affections and loyalty. We also have history," she took another drink of wine, licking its sweet taste off her lips. "You know of me and I know of you - be both have an understanding of what would need to be done and of the boundaries that cannot be crossed. Also..."

Under the table her bare foot reached out, having slipped out of her shoes. It slipped up his pant leg as she rubbed his ankle sensually. Meanwhile, she looked at him over her glass of wine. "I am a muse. I inspire men to achieve more than they could hope to dream, and I have done it for far longer than you can imagine. I am not helpless anymore, I am simply choosing to use the tools at my disposal to attain my goal."
Blake's gaze flicked back up to Euterpe as she spoke, even as he remained leaned over the table with his head mostly bowed. He heard her words, but they took an extra moment to process, as he was distracted by the brief flick of her tongue across her lips after another drink of wine.

"Yes...understanding...boundaries..." Blake started before he felt Euterpe's foot sliding along his ankle and up his pant leg. The sensual action sending little bolts of lightning up his leg and spine, making his bottom lip quiver, as his eyes flicked closed for a moment. He swallowed hard as he lifted his gaze to meet hers as she looked at him over the rim of her wine glass.

"But Euterpe..." Blake tried to start again. "How can I...you...I mean we...how can we do...this...do...that..." He lifted his glass of wine, downed the rest of it, and set it next to the ice bucket. "After everything my ancestors did..." He let his words trail off, even as he lifted his gaze to meet hers. "Things that your sisters are now enduring..." He nodded to her, conceding to her request, even as he reached for the bottle of wine to give himself a refill.

It was while he was refilling his own glass of wine that an idea came to Blake. His head perked up, and he stopped short of the amount of wine he'd intended to give himself and extended the bottle towards the glass she still held. Even as he waited to see if she wanted more though, he started to speak once more.

"If you and I are going to do...this...I'd like to do it properly. Would you be so kind as to tell me how it used to be done before you were captured? What kinds of gifts or offerings did others offer when they prayed for your blessing?"
She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully, tapping the glass with her finger. "Gaining the true sponsorship of a muse is not unlike wooing a woman. Some of us prefer poetry and candlelit dinners, while others want to freely dance upon the beach and let the wind whip our hair. Gifts and proclamations of devotion never go amiss, as well as dedications to our contributions." Reaching out, she filled up more of her wine glass, despite only having drank half of her glass beforehand. The gold bangle she wore clinked against the wine glass, and if one looked closely they could see that there was a pattern of gold leaves upon it.

A matter-of-fact tone was in her voice as she began again. "Your forefathers didn't care to know this, but I am a muse of music. While inspiration for any artistic endeavor is technically my domain, music is something that flourishes and grows boundlessly while in my care. As such, I enjoy seeing musical plays, gifts, and sweets. While a man might get from us what he needs by reaching out and taking it by force..." her eyes briefly narrowed at him, "his works will pale in comparison to what a muse can grant if given willingly and within her area of expertise. Your father never knew how truly foolish he was for discouraging your love of music."

Euterpe let out a derisive laugh, "old fool." With that, she speared some of her pasta once more and took a large bite of it, her cheeks bulging slightly with their contents.
When Euterpe finally spoke Blake let out the breath that he hadn't been aware he'd been holding. She hadn't precisely agreed to his terms, but her answering his questions on the subject had to be better than an outright no, right? He also thought it meant at least a little something that she didn't leave the table when he proposed it. Yes, she'd said that he was the best person and/or tool for the job, but he suspected that she could or would find somebody else if she absolutely had to. As for her words themselves, he listened to them and made a mental note of them, even as he spoke while she was topping off her glass. "I see, and do you have personal favorites in regards to gifts and offerings, like a favorite color, flower, or type of jewelry you'd prefer or even things you would find boring, tiresome, or tedious?"

Euterpe's tone was different when she continued to talk, more matter-of-fact, but Blake paid attention all the same. Her words were surprising to hear, but pleasant in their own way. Even if his ancestors had been nothing but thieves, rapists, and effectively plagiarists, he was at least happy to hear that there was some incentive to do things as he intended to do them. The mocking laugh that she let out caught him a little off guard, but it was fitting in it's own way. "Yes, it's ironic in it's own way isn't it? Just imagine though, the thoughts that might go through his head when he hears the music we create, and about how successful we become, all with the ears that you were generous enough to leave him with..." He offered up to her, even as she shoved an oversized forkful of pasta into her mouth, letting his words linger in the air as he finally turned his attention to his own food..
"I prefer lilacs and Lilies, my jewelry will always be gold, and my favorite color is green. I also enjoy being surprised by a gift. As far as gifts I don't enjoy... I don't enjoy thoughtless gifts, or gifts given that you yourself covet. Do not ever bring me an animal, or I will be very displeased." She answered his first question thoroughly, though they both knew that she was a bit more complicated than that. Part of getting to know someone though was through observation and time, and she hoped that he would be insightful enough to get her gifts that she liked. Even if this was all just a temporary transaction, she enjoyed receiving things. He would have to keep his feelings in check though... Should he ever fall for her, she would have to turn him down. There was too much hatred in her heart for his family to consider pursuing even a casual fling.

Upon his comment about his dad, her lips twisted slightly. Whether it was a grimace or a smile was difficult to discern, even for herself. On one hand she too thought it was quite fitting, yet the fact that he still lived didn't put her in a very good mood. When she closed her eyes sometimes, she could still feel their hot breaths, the taste of their mouths, hear the creaking of her mattress as they finished inside her with their dirty, selfish seed.

She ate quietly for a while before putting her fork down and wiping her mouth with a napkin. "I am loathe to go to your estate tonight... Will you come to mine?"
Blake was pleased with Euterpe's answer to his question about gifts. It was always something he'd struggled with. It wasn't necessarily difficult to surprise somebody with a gift or to get them something that they liked. It was however sometimes difficult to surprise them with a gift that they liked, since they often had to be asked about the things they liked. That's why he wanted to broach the subject now, hoping to get the answers and then surprise her later.

The topic of Blake's father, while initially being brought up by Euterpe, seemed to have soured the mood at the table a bit, and while that was understandable, Blake felt a little guilty that he'd brought the man up again. He ate in silence across from her, drinking lightly and slowly from his glass of wine now that the surprises seemed to be behind them. When she was done, set her fork down, and spoke, he happily did the same, while also lifting his hand to signal to the waitress to bring the check.

"I am more than happy to do whatever makes you more comfortable. Would you like me to drive...us...or do you use...other...means of transportation?" Blake was naturally referring to the way she'd teleported out of his father's room the first day they'd met. He of course had so very many questions about her, her powers, her sisters, and so very many other things, but now was hardly the time or the place for such things.