Friend of the family - Older Man 45+


Really Experienced
Dec 18, 2008
Older Man (45 y/o+)/Younger Woman (21-25 y/o)


Kara has just moved to large city and her father has asked their old family friend to "take her under his wing" until she gets settled. Kara has a job as an entry level consultant at a large corporation. She needs to find an apartment that she can afford and insight into the city. You have contacted her and have made a dinner date with her for Friday night. The last time you saw her she was 15 y/o and had braces and a little plump. When you see her walk into the restaurant you start to feel a stirring... she is now 5'5, light brown hair that curls down her back, slim hips and nice full breasts. Her legs are encased in black hose and her feet in 4 inch black stilletos..She is wearing a black skirt and white blouse. She sees you and smiles as she walks toward you....

I enjoy lots of detail and in return provide lots of detail.... We
can play here...or PM me and we can play there or through Messenger or email.

I look forward to hearing from you...

Tom Jackson
Age: 50
6 Ft. 195 lbs Graying black hair, Blue Eyes

Tom had known Kara's Father, Bob, ever since they were in the Air Force together. They had always been good friends, and Tom had often been invited to family functions when he was able to attend. He had watched Kara grow up from a little girl, but he had not seen her since she was about 15 yrs old. She had been a little plump teenager with braces, and Tom could only imagine what she looked like now, as he waited in the Italian restraunt for her.

Bob had called him one night a couple of weeks ago, needing his help. Kara had taken a job in his city, an entry level position as a consultant for a large Corporation in town, and Bob had asked that Tom give her a hand in getting setttled, and to keep an eye on her, as she could get a bit 'wild' as he put it.

Tom could hardly believe his eyes when a beautiful young sexy woman, dressed in a black skirt and a white top, shyly walked up to him.
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I am a bit nervous and excited to be having dinner with Mr. Jackson. I haven't seen him in 7 years when he took the new job and transferred here. I always thought he was really cute. I am a bit embarrassed too as I know that my father has put him up to this whole thing and realize that this is almost a pity invitation.

I look around the crowded lobby of the restaurant and my eyes finally hone in on you. I feel a quick shiver looking at you. I wave and smile at you finding you quickly as you are so tall. He has gotten cuter in the past 7 years I think to myself. I can feel a tingle but I shake it off.

I walk through the crowd and stand next to you. "Mr. Jackson?" You look down at me. "Kara?" Your voice has such a commanding tone to it and you tower over me. "Yes Sir...I'm Kara." I can't look you in the eye and stammer" "It is so nice of you to invite me to dinner Mr. Jackson. I know my father pushed you into this, so if you want to just get a drink and then leave I will cover for you with father."
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Tom was thrilled to see that Kara had grown into such an attractive woman, and he took note of how polite and respectful she was to him.

"Oh nonsense Kara, you will do nothing of the sort. It will be my pleasure to help you out, and to watch over you for your Father. Your Dad and I go way back dear, I probably owe him my life several times over, so this is an honor for me to help repay my debt to him."

Tom signaled to the head waiter, who had been holding a table for them, and he put his hand on Kara's back, steering her towards the man.

"We have a table waiting Kara, we can go right in and be seated." Tom held out his arm To his friends lovely daughter, and they walked into the restaurant together, following the man. Tom pulled out Kara's chair and she sat down, and he took the spot opposite of her.

"I hear you have a new Job Kara, what kind of work will you be doing?" Tom asked.
II shiver as I feel his big hand on the small of my back guiding me. I am impressed with his muscular forearm as I place my hand on his arm when he offers it to me. I smile up at him and take a moment to study his face, admiring the crow's feet around his eyes and the silver in his hair. He is really well preserved for his years, I think to myself.

He holds the chair for me and I look around the restaurant. I am impressed by the old world charm of the wood paneled room and the ornate light fixtures that create a romantic ambience, softening the staunchness of the room. The waiter comes to the table and asks "May I get a cocktail for you before dinner?" "I will have a Cosmo....." I proceed to tell him about the project I have been assigned to and that I am expected to work 70-80 hours a week. "So I guess I won't have too much time to explore the city."

I pick up the heavy, oversized menu and my mouth drops open as I look at the prices and realize that some of the items only say "Market Price." I quickly shut the menu and set it down. I look around the room some more and I can feel your eyes on me. His eyes are making me nervous, so I think of a conversation topic. "Mr. Jackson, I am looking at an apartment over on 74th and Adams, is that a good area?"
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Tom interrupted Kara when she ordered her Cosmo... "No No dear, waiter we will have a bottle of Champagne tonight, some Dom Perignon." He looked to Kara and he noticed her expression.

"We are celebrating tonight Kara, only the best of everything for us this evening, my dear." he said smiling. The waiter smiled and left the couple to prepare their order.

As Kara talked to him, Tom's jaw almost dropped at the amount of hours she was going to be working, "No, that won't leave you much time to explore the city, although I'm sure that heavy a job load is only temporary, but even then thats almost the equivalent to two full time jobs, dear." He said shaking his head.

"I should see if we have any openings at our law firm, perhaps I can get you a better job, for more pay, while still allowing you to have some decent hours."

Tom watched his friends daughter as she looked at the menu, and he smiled at her. "Don't worry about the prices Kara, this is our night to celebrate. I think we shall both have some 'Surf and Turf' Steak and Lobster tonight. We can take any leftover's home, and and create some wonderful omelets in the morning."

As Kara started to talk about her apartment hunting ideas and locations, Tom was thinking about keeping Kara close to him, and his mind was adrift with possibilities, many of which involved the young woman and him in a relationship. He found that he liked that Idea very much, as Kara was an extremely attractive woman, the type that he had lusted after for many years.

Tom decided to interrupted her again. "No Kara, that location simply won't do at all. I'd like for you to live near me, and the prices for the rent will be much steeper, so i will take care of the difference in rent myself. I'll not have you living in an unsavory neighborhood. There are many lovely high-rise Apartments, and Condo's near my house, we will find you one there. Till we get you settled, you will be a guest in my house. I will have my secretary work up a list of suitable housing, and will will look at them together,"

Tom reached over and he took Kara's hand in his. "I'm going to take very good care of you Kara, you will have nothing to worry about, my dear."
I can't believe Mr. Jackson ordered Dom Perignon, I think to myself and find myself sitting up a bit, wanting to exude sophistication. I watch as the waiter brings the champagne to the table and wraps a towel around the cork and opens the bottle, not letting one drop spill. The waiter pours two glasses of champagne and places a glass in front of each of us. Mr. Jackson extends his glass to me and offers a toast to my new life. I klink my glass on his and thank him for the kind and supportive words.

I see Mr. Jackson shake his head and frown while I tell him about my job and then he tells me that I am working the same as two full time jobs and then he practically offers me a position at his law firm. "Mr. Jackson, I took a Business Law class in school, but that is about the extent of my legal knowledge. I am not sure what I could bring of value to your law firm." Picking up the menu for a diversion, I quickly put it down after seeing the prices. I feel my face get warm as I realize Mr. Jackson caught on that I am intimidated by the prices on the menu, and he makes me feel at ease immediately by takaing the ordering decision out of my hands. He reiterates that we are celebrating and deserve to splurge. I laugh nervously and say to him "Surf and Turf is a real treat" as I think to myself that I could eat 2 weeks worth of lunches for the same amount of money.

As I am looking down at the menu I wonder if I heard Mr. Jackson correctly when he says, "We can take any leftover's home, and and create some wonderful omelets in the morning." I can't look at him and keep my eyes lowered as I replay and analyze the statement in my brain. He couldn't be intimating that we would be spending the night together...but why would he say we can make omelets in the morning? Wanting to change the subject I ask him about the area around 74th and Adams. I feel my face heat with a blush again as he tells me he wants me to live near him and that he will pay the difference in rent. I look up at him and I know that I have my earlier interpretation was not incorrect. Mr. Jackson is staring at me intently and I can see that he is looking at me in a different way. I am no longer the young daughter of his good friend...he is seeing me as a woman...a woman that he wants to know intimately. He holds my gaze, waiting for me to say or do something...I feel uncomfortable and look away. I realize that I like Mr. Jackson taking charge and making sure that I am safe and secure. I look back at him and I start to see him in a romantic light. I find myself nodding in agreement when he says that I will stay at his home until we find an appropriate apartment. I am being swept up in his magnetism and his dominant manner.

Not to look like a complete pushover, I stammer, "M-mr. J-jackson I couldn't possibly accept your generous offers. I won't be able to repay least not for a couple of years." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow and I then realize what is an acceptable I shiver as I know that I am more than willing to fulfill that promisory note. In my excitement I blurt out that I will need to stop by the hotel and pick up my luggage. Once again, you raise an eyebrow and tell me that I can retrieve my luggage in the morning and my eyes widen and my mouth forms an "O" as I realize he is letting me know that for this evening I won't be needing anything that may be in my luggage. I shiver and feel a tingle between my legs, which quickly turns to damp panties when he takes my hand and says, "I'm going to take very good care of you Kara, you will have nothing to worry about, my dear." I look up at you, entwine my fingers in yours and very quietly and demurely say "Okay Mr. Jackson"
Tom smiled as he watched Kara come to an understanding of what he wanted from her. She was a smart girl, he noticed. Some of the others had taken longer to figure out what he had wanted, but Kara caught on right away, and she agreed right away too.

Tom reached over the table with his other hand and he patted Kara's that he was holding.

"You're a smart girl Kara, you catch on quickly. Now I want to explain a little bit about what you are agreeing to."

Tom took the Champagne, and he poured both glasses full, after setting the bottle back in place, he began to speak.

"Kara, I've never been married. Frankly the concept of marriage bores me to death. It's the idea of having a life long monogamous relationship. I enjoy women to much to ever settle for one.

Sixteen years ago, I started teaching Law at the University here in town. I met a young girl who was struggling in class, and I took her under my wing. I gave her tutoring, and financial help till she graduated. She graduated with honors Kara. She needed someone to guide her, and correct her when she was wrong, and praise her when she was right. I was like a Daddy to her, and a Dominant too. She became the woman she is today because of my help.

Kara, over the years, I helped three other women in this way, while I taught at the University. all of these women graduated with honors, and they are now leaders in their industries they work in. They are the daughters I never had, they are all my pride and joy. I love them like a Father, and as a lover.

Now Kara, fate has given you to me, through your Father, and I am going to offer you a similar proposition to what those other women had. I did some checking on you Kara, you have excellent grades in school, your entrance scores are outstanding, but you were bypassed for a scholarship that you wanted. Kara you have outstanding potential, and if you apply yourself, you too could end up graduating College with honors, and take your place as a leader of any industry or field that you choose.

What I am offering you is this Kara. For the time being, you will live with me in my house, till we get you settled in an apartment. You will be known as a 'Kept Woman' the Singles version of a Mistress to a married man. I will become your Mentor, your Tutor, your Disciplinarian, and your lover. You will work part time, and go to school part time, and eventually you will graduate and move on with your life.

All that I ask is that you give of yourself 100% Kara, My joy comes from helping you succeed in your life. You will not have to re-pay me for anything, I just ask that you give yourself freely to me, and that you do the best that you are capable of at all times, my dear."

Tom took a drink of his champagne, and he looked at Kara. "I'm sure you must have some questions my dear, please feel free to ask me anything."
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You pat my hand and I smile at you, using the smile I have always used on my boyfriends. I become flustered when my smile is met with an almost ominous tone in your voice and you intimate that I am agreeing to something I don't understand. He probably is going to talk about how we should keep our arrangement from my parents due to the age difference. I will need to remind him that mom is 15 years younger than dad and surely they will understand. Now he is warning me that he isn't the marrying kind...yea well I bet my dad didn't think he was the marrying kind either.

My hand shakes a bit as I pick up my champagne glass as he mentions that he will never settle for one woman and then he begins his story about the girl he took under his wing. I remove my hand from his, as I can't imagine why he feels the need to regale me with his past conquests. "Mr. Jackson, I realize that you probably have had numerous girlfriends over the years, and I have had boyfriends, but I don't feel the need to dangle them under your nose!" He remains calm and retakes my hand in his and his thumb caresses the top of my hand. I feel myself calming down a bit and then he mentions the other 3 girls he has taken under his tutelage. I try to remove my hand again, but he holds fast. My mind is reeling, trying to process what he is actually telling me. I am incensed, especially at his arrogance that I would ever agree to be his "kept woman"... and how dare he "check up on me" and it was just plain rude for him to bring up that scholarship business and assume that I didn't apply myself. What does he mean he is going to be my Father and lover....kinky freak! I pull my hand from his and in the classic defensive mode, I cross my arms across my midriff and glare at him, mad that he has crushed all of my romantic notions.

Then I realize that my romantic notions have encompassed me being taken care of by an older man. Maybe it was my upbringing by an older daddy and young mother but my romantic fantasies have always revolved around an older man and my eyes go wide as I realize that many times that older man was my daddy in my fantasies. My face heats with this realization. I can see that you notice a change come over me as I unfurl my crossed arms and relax my body. He knows that I am ready to listen to his proposition. I listen to him and find that I am enthralled with his voice, which is so calm, matter of fact and commanding. My panties dampen even more as I think about his offer and listen to him.

'Mr. Jackson, I do have some immediate questions that need more explanation and I am sure that I will have more. Did my daddy know that you would make this offer to me? What do you mean that you will be my disciplinarian and how did you correct the other women? What is a Dominant?
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Tom watched as Kara went through a range of emotions, as he talked to her. This was no normal dinner conversation they were having, and it was certainly not what the young woman had expected once she had met him.

When he finished and Kara had a few seconds to consider things, she asked him a few questions to clarify points.

"I'll start with the last one first, and work backward Kara," Tom said with a smile.

"I am a dominant Kara, if you were a slave, you would call me Master. I have spent my life perfecting myself, and my abilities. I find my joy in helping others achieve the same thing in life. I don't put up with nonsense, or half hearted efforts by anyone. I have a responsibility to my employees, and my clients to give my best efforts at all times. I demand nothing less from my employees, or the women that I have helped in the past. The women that I helped are dominants in their field, they are leaders Kara, they do not follow anyone.

Your Father knows nothing of what I am offering you now, all he asked me to do is to help you get settled, and to keep an eye on you, so you stay out of trouble, which I am more than happy to do for him. My offer to you Kara is personal between the two of us, what you tell your Father is your own business, but I will be disappointed if you lie to him or your Mother. I have nothing to hide from anyone Kara, I am proud of who I am and what I do."

I'm not demanding that you make a decision right now Kara, I want you to consider my offer carefully before you say yes or no. Right now I just want to make you aware of it, and what it all involves. To answer your other questions, the women I helped previously understood that by accepting my help they also accepted my discipline when I felt it was needed. Most of the time, discipline involved a spanking or some other suitable punishment. Each of the women had different needs, and what worked for one person might not work for another, or for you Kara.

I am a fair person, but I won't put up with any BS on your part either. All that I ask is that you give me your best efforts Kara, thats all. I will be devoting my time, energy, and money into your education and training. I am offering you a chance at a better life, but you will have to work for it. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter Kara, if you fail you will be left on your own to fend for yourself.

I don't expect you to fail Kara, I know you have the drive and ambition needed to succeed, or we would not be having this conversation. the reason you were passed up on that Scholarship was due to the fact that there were more needy people than you. Your Father made to much money, and he was in a position to pay for your tuition, better than the other applicants."

Tom reached over and he took Kara's hand again. "I'm sorry for giving you a lecture dear, but it is the easiest way to get my point across to you. You are a good person Kara, I've known you since your butt was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand, and over the years I have watched you grow into the lovely woman that you are now. I want to help you Kara, I want to help you reach your full potential. The other women I helped in the past were strangers to me, but you are like family, or the closest thing I have to a family. I want to care for you, and help you, and love you Kara."
I can't say a word. I can't grasp what Mr. Jackson is saying to me or what is being offered to me. He is not demanding, yet he is...very commanding and authoratative. I take a long swallow of my champagne, draining the contents. I reach over and lift the champagne bottle to refill my glass and I feel your hand on mine and I look at you and you are shaking your head back and forth. I pull my hand back, and set my glass on the table with a distinct thud. You smile as I sulk and when I look up at you I realize the smile is not one of amusement. I shiver at that smile and realize that you are dead serious about the discipline and it isn't going to be as simple and painless as a grounding or being sent to my room.

As Mr. Jackson talks, I start to think about my college life and realize that he is right. I didn't really apply myself. I really have wasted my opportunities by partying and blowing off classes. I think about all the money my daddy has spent on my education and how I haven't appreciated what I was given. Acting like a spoiled little girl. I feel tears well in my eyes and I reach across the table and place my other hand on top of yours and squeeze hard. "Mr. Jackson you are right I deserved to be lectured about the fact that I need to apply myself...I want to succeed and make my parents proud of me. as well as you." Tears are rolling down my cheeks . "Oh Mr. Jackson, I don't think I am a good person at all...I think I am spoiled and selfish and I deserve to be spanked like the ungrateful child I have been!"

I use my napkin to wipe the tears from my eyes and off my face. I sniffle and remember that you told me that I need to think about the offer completely. "Mr. Jackson you said the other girls you guided were strangers and I am like family. Won't you feel funny having a family member be your mistress?" Before you can answer I look up at you and you smile a bit and it quickly disappears as you notice the serious look on my face.. "Mr Jackson, I need to tell you something and after you hear it you may want to withdraw your proposition....I don't think I will be a very good 'kept woman' for you." You raise an eyebrow, giving me a look that says "Oh really, why is that?" There is a pause and then I blurt out "I have only been with a boy one time." I can't look at you again and I feel nervous and afraid that I will be a disappointment to you. I want to fulfill the potential you see in me and that includes being a good lover. I fill with self doubt and start to think about your other women. I conjure up four super models, so sophisticated and etherally beautiful. I just know I will be a let down. I start to bite my fingernails, a habit that I had finally broken a year ago. You pull my hand from my mouth and wipe it dry with your napkin and then hold it in your hand, caressing it, reassuring me. I feel as if you have read my thoughts and I look at you and say, "Mr. Jackson, I don't need to think about it, I want your guidance and I won't disappoint you, I promise! I accept your proposal."
Tom listened carefully to Kara as she spoke to him. When she attempted to refill her glass after basically chugging down the first one, Tom stopped her. He was tempted to remind her that she was drinking expensive champagne, and not a bottle of Ripple at a frat party, but he saw that she got the message.

When Kara saw that he was not going to let her have her way, Tom could see the pouting sulking brat inside of her, and that she was ashamed of her actions. His smile was one of confident determination, and she knew that he was not going to put up with any of her nonsense.

That one determined smile of his, broke down a barrier in Kara's mind, and she began to talk to him, about her past and how she had screwed things up for herself. The words flowed of her mouth, like she was confessing to a priest.

When she told him that she had been basically a ungrateful spoiled brat, Kara started to cry and she told him that she deserved to be spanked for what she had done, and how she wished to make a better life for herself, so that he and her parents could be proud of her.

Tom gave her the time to compose herself, and he watched as Kara began to consider some of the implications of what he was offering her. She began to worry about the sexual implications of his proposal, and how she felt that she may be a disappointment to him.

Kara was obviously embarrassed about her experience, and finally after some gentle coaxing on his part, she finally blurted out that she had only slept with one boy, and she looked away from him, and she nervously chewed on her finger nails, which Tom abruptly stopped her from doing.

As Tom dried her fingers on a napkin, and held her hand, caressing it, He saw a look of relief, and than a change came over her, and Kara grew confident, and a contented smile replaced her earlier look of embarrassment.

"Mr. Jackson, I don't need to think about it, I want your guidance and I won't disappoint you, I promise! I accept your proposal."

Tom's smile lit up the room, with her sudden acceptance of his offer. "Are you absolutely sure Kara?" he asked quietly. Kara's bright smile matched his own as she nodded yes to him.

"Well then my dear, we truly do have something to celebrate then, now don't we!" he said happily. Tom picked up the Champagne bottle and he refilled both of their glasses. Tom handed Kara her glass, and he lifted his to her's, and they clinked the two together.

"To a bright and happy future for both of us Kara!" he said and he drank the full glass, quite happy with that fact that it tasted a hell of a lot better than a bottle of Ripple wine.

The two of them had spent so much time talking, that they had hardly touched their salads, and the waiter came over to ask if everything was fine. Tom looked up at him and apologized, "Sorry, we have had a lot to talk about. If our entries are ready, you may bring them out now."

The waiter nodded and walked off, and Tom looked over at Kara and he smiled. He reached over and he took Kara's hand in his, and he kissed the back of her hand.

"Don't worry about a thing my dear, everything will work out perfectly, you'll see." Tom said with a confident bright smile.
I let out a big sigh of relief when I see Mr. Jackson's smile when I tell him that I will accept his proposal and I think it was so sweet when he asks if I was "absolutely sure" about my decision. His smile is so genuine and he sounds so pleased. I feel my pulse quicken and feel heady when I realized my decision is so pleasing to him. It is like talking with two different people; one that is sweet, caring and soft spoken and the other that is so authorative, a disciplinarian, and a take no prisoners type of person. But for now the seriousness of the evening evaporates and we both relax and Mr. Jackson pours 2 more glasses of champagne. The klink of our glasses symbolizing an acknowledgement of an agreement.

We have really messed with the waiter's timing due to our lengthy conversation. My appetite kicks in when the waiter arrives to ensure that all was okay. I was so happy Mr. Jackson told the waiter to go ahead and bring the entrees if they were ready. My body reacts when you take my hand and kiss it. I look down as your lips touch my hand and wish that those lips were leaning toward my lips instead. My mind wanders to the near future of later on this evening. Once again I can't get over how intuitive you are as you reassure me that all will work out perfectly.

The waiter arrives with the Surf and Turf and my eyes get huge at the amount of food on the plate. "I have never had an omelet with lobster or steak, but I think I will experience that treat tomorrow morning." I am rewarded with a smile at that remark. We both dig in and our conversation ranges from what type of part time work I might want to do and the classes I should focus. I make it through about a fourth of the food on my plate and you about half. I enjoy that you take my hand throughout the meal and caress it or hold it to your face or heart. The waiter asks if we would like dessert and both of us give a resounding "no way" at the same time. The waiter is asked to box our leftovers. While the waiter is gone, I look at you and ask, "Mr. Jackson, should I start calling you Tom now?" The waiter brings our boxes and checks one more time if we need anything and when he is assured that we do not he places the bill in front of you. I watch as you pull out a credit card and I try to be nonchallant...but my stomach is in knots with butterflies fluttering. You finish up the transaction and stand and assist me out of the chair. As I rise, you stand behnd me and I feel you place your hands on my shoulders, and I shiver as your lips graze my neck and earlobe. The line "lamb being led to slaughter." runs through my mind as your hand on my lower back guides me out of the restaurant and on to my new life.
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"I have never had an omelet with lobster or steak, but I think I will experience that treat tomorrow morning."

Tom smiled when Kara told him that, and he replied. "Well honey, depending on how tonight goes, those omelets, may well be eaten for lunch.... or dinner" he said with a wink, and a smile. "The weekends are the only time I have to be lazy, and I'm a late riser... sometimes." Tom smiled as Kara blushed.

Tom and Kara made light conversation over dinner, and Tom told her a little about the law firm that he worked for.

"I think I have the perfect job for you Kara, one that you can work at part time, but it will still pay you very well. We employ a lot of College students to be Legal research assistants. It can be pretty boring work, but it is very valuable to our law firm. Some of it you can do on-line, but most of the time you will be at the county or Federal Court house's Records Library's, doing research on past cases, finding information that the firms Lawyers can use in their trials. Many times the information you find can make the difference in winning or loosing a trial."

Tom went on to talk with Kara about what sort of studies she should take, but they came to no conclusion, and Tom didn't want to press the issue tonight, there would be plenty of time for that later.

Tom kept their glasses full with the Champagne, as they ate their dinners, and both of them were becoming mellow as they felt the effects of the bubbly. Both of them were looking forward to what they knew was going to happen after dinner, and when the waiter came to ask if they'd like desert, they both replied with a resounding "No Way" at the same time. Tom looked into Kara's lovely eyes and he grinned, and then he took her hand holding it to his heart, before kissing it.

Kara blushed, and asked him "Mr. Jackson, should I start calling you Tom now?"

Tom smiled at her and he said, "Yes I think that would be all right Kara, You can call me anything you like, as long as it's appropriate for the situation. Thomas, Tom, Sir, are all fine, and who knows, maybe someday you may even earn the right to call me Master... or even... Husband," he said with a wink.

When the waiter returns with their boxed up left overs, and the bill, I hand him my card, and add a 20% tip to the total to be rung up, and we wait for the receipt. After he returns i sign the receipt, and I stand up and walk over to Kara, and I help her out of her chair, and as she stands I put my arms on her shoulders, and I whisper to her.

"I've changed my mind about one thing Kara, We will be going back to your hotel room tonight, to collect your bags, and mess up the sheets a little bit." I say before kissing her neck softly.

I smile as I feel a shiver rush through your body as you turn around to me. Your smile tells me everything I want to know, and I lead you to the door, with my hand on your lower back, feeling the sway of your ass as you walk.

Outside we walk together towards my car, the black Lincoln Mk:8 and I hit the remote starter button on the keychain and the car comes to life. "We'll leave your car here for now Kara, and pick it up on the way home."

Tom took Kara over to the passinger door, and he opened it, and then he put his arm on Kara's shoulder, turning her towards him. "I've been waiting an hour to do this Kara, and I hate waiting for anything," he said as he pulled Kara to him, and he kissed her passionatly.
My face is still ablaze from not only Tom's lips kissing my neck, but him whispering that we will be heading over to my hotel this evening and "mess up the the sheets a little bit." I am completely tongue tied and all I can think to do is pick up the boxes and start walking. My knees go weak as I feel your hand on the small of my back, actually lower, almost on my bottom. I accentuate my walk a bit, increasing my hip action. You give me a knowing smile as you reach above my head and push open the front door of the restaurant. I go under your arm, not needing to duck. We walk side by side down the sidewalk. I notice that you move to my left and place yourself between myself and the street. I like that as it reminds me of my dad who would do the same thing when we walked on the sidewalk.

The clicking of the remote brings me out of my trip down memory lane and I see the back lights and side lights flash and the motor turns over on a a large black car parked about 4 car lengths ahead of us. I do not connect that the remote in Tom's hand is the one that starts the black sedan he is guiding me to. He guides me to the passenger side of the car, opens the back door, removes the leftover boxes from my hands and puts them into the backseat. Closing the door and opening the passenger side door I begin to sit, when suddenly Tom puts his arm around the front of me across my collarbone and on my left shoulder and turns me to face him. He tells me he has been waiting for an hour and he doesn't like waiting for anything and his mouth descends upon mine. His lips are not gentle, they are not rough, they are demanding. I respond immediately and stand on my tiptoes and snake my arms around your neck, my fingers playing in your hair on the nape of your neck. Your mouth moves sensually over mine, your tongue parting my lips as I am being thoroughly kissed.

I hold on to Tom, so that I don't completely melt and become a puddle at your feet. You pull back and I moan my disappointment and slowly open my eyes. You are inches from my face staring at me intently and smiling at me. My chest is heaving as you help me into the car, my skirt moving up my thighs, exposing a tiny bit of the lacy top of my black thigh hi stockings. I start to pull the hem down and I hear two words "leave it". I remove my hands from the skirt hem and you grab the seatbelt and lean over me, buckling me in, like a parent with a child. The seat belt clicks and as Tom begins to pull back you stop at my lips and gives me another, short kiss. You pull away and my lips and upper torso follow your retreating mouth and you laugh at me and push me back against the seat and close the door. I rest my head back on the leather covered headrest and run my hands over the black leather seats.

I open my eyes as the driver's door opens and I watch Tom fold his large frame to enable him to get into the car. I smile at you dreamily and tell you that I think that the champagne has made me light headed..."or possibly it could have been your kiss that has left my head in the clouds". You reach over and caress my cheek, then you put the car in gear and we pull out of the parking slot. I watch your face as you drive. I love watching your jaw muscles move. I reach my hand up and trace a single painted fingernail from your earlobe, down the jaw line to your chin and back up and encircle your ear. You glance at me many times as you are driving and you are met by the perpetual smile on my face.

"Tom have you noticed that I have settled on calling you Tom? I decided that Thomas is too formal and Sir is too old fashioned..." giggling, I continue on..."and I know that the Master thing was a joke to try and unnerve me..and as you have already told me marriage is not an option for you." I look very smug and feel very confident that you are impressed with my logical analysis of what to call you.
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"Tom have you noticed that I have settled on calling you Tom? I decided that Thomas is too formal and Sir is too old fashioned..." giggling, I continue on..."and I know that the Master thing was a joke to try and unnerve me..and as you have already told me marriage is not an option for you."

Tom smiled and he glanced over at Kara. "It was no joke Kara, nor was the husband reference. I may change my opinion about marriage. It's not so much that I don't want to be tied down, I just haven't met anyone yet that I felt a compelling need to marry. As for the Master reference, you have to earn the right to call me that, and that too, is no joke Kara."

Tom paused to turn a corner, and he looked over at Kara again, seeing her still smiling at him. "And by the way Young Lady, calling someone Sir is not 'old fashioned', it is a way to show proper respect for someone. If we got pulled over by the Cops right now, you'd hear me say the word Sir to him half a dozen times before he even went back to his patrol car to run my drivers licence. Why? Because I am establishing a command structure with him, showing him that I respect his authority as an Officer of the Law, and that I will respect him unless he gives me a reason Not to respect him."

Tom sighed and he looked at Kara, and he took her hand in his. "Honey if you ever expect to get anywhere in this world, you had better learn how to show proper respect to the people who deserve it."

Tom took her hand he was holding and he brought it to his lips and he kissed her hand. "Now, thats enough lecturing for one night honey. If I start going on again like that, just kiss me to shut me up." he said laughing.

they drove another mile or so and finally the hotel came into view. Tom pulled inot the parking lot, and he shut off the car. Tom reached over and he un-buckled Kara's seat belts, and he slid his arm around her, and slowly pulled Kara over to him.

Tom kissed her softly and asked her, "Are you ready for what is going to happen once we go into your room Kara? This is your last chance to change your mind, because once we walk through that door, our relationship is going to change and everything we talked about is going to start to happen, and there will be no going back."
I smile as Tom admonishes me and when I hear his retraction of sorts on marriage I beam and like to think I had something to do with that change of heart. I listen to him explain the title of Master and then his lecture about showing respect. I am not comprehending too much as I am too busy drinking him in with my eyes. I watch his hand as he picks up my hand and brings it to his lips and kisses my hand. I think that is just about the most romantic and sexiest thing. He has caressed, kissed and/or held my hand all evening. The car turns right and I can see the lights of my hotel. We ride in silence and then Tom pulls into the parking lot, turns off the motor then leans over and he undoes my seat belt. I feel his hand slide around my waist and he pulls me to him and then he kisses me. Then the sweet man gives me one last chance to back out. I answer him with a deep, lingering kiss and murmur, "I have no second thoughts at all."

Suddenly he releases me and the driver's door opens and then soon after the passenger door is opened. I grasp Tom's hand that he has offered to me and say "thank you Sir". His hand moves to my lower back and he guides me to the guest entrance. I start to shuffle through my messy purse looking for my key card. After a few minutes I find the key card and pull it out with an "aha"! You take it from my hand, slide it through the outdoor entrance and you guide me inside the hotel corridor. I watch as you turn over the key card and read the room number, 1105. We move to the bank of elevators and when it arrives you move me inside and press 11. I gasp as your lips kiss my neck underneath the earlobe and I feel you lick my neck, causing me to shiver.The elevator door opens and you put your arm around my shoulder and we walk to my room.

You insert the key card and I walk into the room with you directly behind me. I melt as you pull me into your arms and kiss me. I open my eyes and redden as I see that the room is disheveled from earlier, when I was deciding what to wear to dinner. Clothes are strewn on the chair, draped over the desk chair, shoes scattered on the floor. I move away from you and start to tidy up and apologizing. "I wasn't expecting to be entertaining in my room.....obviously." I scamper around the room, picking up shoes, folding clothes and putting them into dresser drawers. I have a skirt in my hands, ready to fold as I sense you in front of me. You remove the skirt from my hands and pull me toward you. Your hand moves into my hair, cupping the back of my head and your other hand slides around my waist and pulls me forward. Our lips meet, our bodies mould into one. Your hand in my hair moves my head so that my lips move over yours as your tongue plays with mine. I begin to pant, my chest begins to heave as I react to the most passionate, thorough kiss I have ever experienced. I think to myself that I am going to enjoy my new life.
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"I wasn't expecting to be entertaining in my room.....obviously."

Tom watched Kara as she ran around the room trying to clean up after herself. Tom let it go on a for a minute till Kara had most of the clothing picked up.

"Kara stop." Tom said, and he walked over to her and took the slacks out ofher hands. He reached for the young woman and he took her hair in his hand, bringing Kara to him for a passionate kiss. He took Kara as, his at that moment, taking her spirit, and he startedto re-shape it to his ideal.

"Kara, this will never happen again. Respect starts within you my dear. Kara, you are not respecting yourself, leaving this mess here.
Kara, you will take down your panties, and you will stand before me." Tom said quietly, but leaving no room for any mis-understanding..

"Now Kara!" Tom said quietly.
Kara closes her eyes as Tom's passionate kiss takes her to a place where she has never been. She groans quietly as he pulls back. He begins to talk and Kara opens her eyes as she can tell from the tone of his voice that he has switched to his authoritative side. Kara's head snaps up to look at Tom as he quietly, yet sternly says "Now Kara!" She had been busy coming out of her euphoria and hadn't focused on his words but what he had asked, no demanded, finally sunk in and she giggles. "Tom, what are you going to do? Spank my little bottom?" She leans into kiss him again, afterall he had said she should do that if he started on his lecture circuit again.

Before her lips can touch his, he repeats in his commanding tone: "Kara, you will take down your panties, and you will stand before me." Kara feels apprehensive, not sure if it stems from his tone of voice or is she afraid of what will happen after lowering her panties. She decides it is best not to test him.

Kara watches Tom's eyes stare at her hands, as she puts her hands under her skirt. Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties she wiggles her hips to assist in the removal. With a bit of restored confidence, Kara locks her eyes with Tom as she shimmies the pink pair of bikini panties down. The panties emerge below the hem of the skirt and she slides them down her legs and steps out of them. Feeling she has "calmed the beast" she stands before Tom, casually confident, almost cocky, as she dangles the pair of panties off the end of her finger.
"Tom, what are you going to do? Spank my little bottom?"

"Thats exactly what I'm going to do young lady," Tom said smiling, and he reached for her pink panties, plucking them off her pointed finger.
"You won't be needing these anymore tonight Kara." he said, taking them, and tossing them towards her suit case.

He reached up and he took Kara's hand and he led her to his left side. "I'm left handed dear, always approch me from this side."

Tom reached out to her, and he lifted Kara's skirt up, over her naked ass. "Lay down over my lap and submit freely my dear, or you will find your punishment doubled." Tom said smiling.

What Tom really wanted to see was if Kara would defy him, while not knowing what a normal spanking was, would she push it, or give in, knowing that what came after the spanking was what they both really wanted.
Kara can't believe Tom is serious about spanking her and she tries to pull away from his grasp. As he sits on the bed and lifts her skirt,exposing her naked bottom she tries to reason with him. "Tom, my parents never even spanked me as a child and I most certainly not a child anymore!" Kara says defiantly, bolstering her confidence that she can talk him out of this.

That notion is quickly disolved as Kara goes from standing on Tom's left and over his knees in a flash, knocking the breath from her. Kara sputters to catch her breath and then she looks up at him and squints her eyes and attempts to wiggle from his lap "Ha! What part of your pre-investigation of me would lead you to believe I would submit to this treatment?"
Tom laughed at Kara, as he pulled her over his lap.

"No one freely submits at first Kara, but you will in time my dear. Your a sensible girl Kara, and you will begin to see there are benifits to everything... even a spanking. You just may find yourself in the future craving one just like the one that I'm going to give you now!" he said.

Tom placed his hand on Kara's naked butt, and he rubbed her cheeks. He started tapping Kara's cheeks lightly, giving gentle swats to see how she moved.

"You see Kara, a good old fashioned spanking is just what a young lady needs to calm her wild spirit." Tom raised his hand a little bit and he gave Kara a swat on her right cheek just on top of the thigh. He gave the spot a good squeeze with his hand after it.

Tom brought his hand down on her opposite cheek in the same spot. "A good spanking can bring your attitude back into balance Kara, it can erase away all the frustrations of the day, it can leave you feeling satisfied," he said before Swatting her other cheek in the same spot," Or it can leave you feeling excited and wet, wanting a good hard fucking, Kara!"

Tom gave her cheeks five good swats right in the middle, going from side to side before stopping, and rubbing her ass, that was slowly changing colors into a little blush of pink.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a lovely ass Kara?" Tom said before smacking it again. "An ass made for loving, and discipline." Tom rubbed her twin cheeks, before sliding his hand down the crack of her cheeks, till his fingers met her pussy.

Tom pulled her legs apart a little bit, and he slid his hand over Kara's mound, feeling the heat coming from her body. He slid a finger into her sex, and Kara let out a soft moan.

"Already soaking wet Kara, your're such a hot little thing, aren't you honey. You can't wait for me to slide my big cock into that tight little cunt of your's, mmm and that's just what I'm going to do Kara, I'm going to fuck that hungry little cunt of yours till you squeal like a naughty little girl."

Tom took his finger out and he licked it clean, before raising his hand and smacking her ass again. "First things first though Kara," he said as he smacked her other cheek.

"First you're going to stand next to the front door and strip naked Kara, then while you are stripping, I will be too." Tom said, and he smacked Kara's ass a few more times.

"Then I'm going to walk over to you, and take you right on that wall Kara, like I wanted to, when i walked in here," he said as he smacked her ass again. "I'm going to make love to you on that wall Kara, just like I was going to... that was before you started straightening things up, anyways."

Tom smacked Kara's butt a few more times, then his hand went between her legs again, and he shoved his finger inside her sopping wet pussy. Tom twirled his finger around inside Kara, till she moaned again.

"Your ready sweetie, go take off your clothes Kara, right now!" he said, as Tom helped her to stand up again. Tom watched her get steady on her feet, and she walked over to the doorway.
“He must be crazy!” was the first thought in Kara’s mind as Tom starting lecturing her on the benefits of spanking……. “Oh that tap wasn’t bad and the after squeeze feels good…” Kara thought and before she knew it she bucked on his lap and screamed: “OUCHHHH!!!!!!!!” as he spanked her. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and then the tears rolled down her face as Tom started to talk to her like she was some slut. Kara’s was in turmoil, she had never been treated like this, she didn’t understand why Tom was doing this and she really didn’t understand why she was getting wet and excited.

Kara begins to whimper as Tom’s hand causes sensations that alternate between pain and pleasure. The tears continue to flow as she is humiliated by the fact that her body is betraying her so. “Tom, please this isn’t right!” Kara pleads as her final stand and then as his fingers move down her rear crevice Kara is lost…”oh yes Tom…yes” she moans. Kara feels herself tingle each time he touches her bottom, whether it is a stinging slap or a light squeeze. She hangs her head in submission as his fingers invade her pussy and he begins to tell her what he is going to do to her sexually. And she wants him to do all of it…she wants to feel him pummel her pussy and body.

Kara rolls off of Tom’s lap and on wobbly legs heads toward the doorway, her hair disheveled and her skirt bunched exposing her reddened cheeks and thighs; her blouse is askew and tucked in and out of the waistband of her skirt. She is too ashamed to look at him, so she hangs her tear strained face downward. She has never been so aroused and wanted a cock…”yes I want his cock in me now..” she admits to herself. The dirty words, the spanking, the fingering, the nastiness of him licking his finger after it had been inside of her…all melded and corrupted her young mind and she could think of nothing but Tom’s cock violating her pussy as his body slammed hers against the wall.
Kara faces the doorway, she pushes back her hair that has fallen into her eyes and unbuttons her blouse. Heeding his lecture regarding respecting herself and her things, she turns to the closet behind her and hangs the blouse. She removes her skirt and hangs it as well. She removes her shoes and lines them up on the floor of the closet. Kara turns back to the door and is afforded a glimpse of Tom standing nude, staring at her, his cock hard, glistening at the end and his hand stroking it. She reaches back and undoes her light pink bra, part of the panty ensemble, that hugs her 34C breasts. Kara hunches forward attempting to hide her breasts from Tom's view. She looks down and she blushes scarlet as she sees that her nipples are standing out straight and her areolas are puckered and both are a dark vermillion in color. She faces the doorway and closes her eyes.

She shivers as she feels his presence close to her back Kara can feel his breath on her right temple, his hands run down the length of her back onto her ass cheeks…and then that delicious feeling of his fingers delving into her rear crevice, making a path to her pussy. Her head moves backward as she arches her back and she bites her bottom lip, excitedly awaiting his fingers to plunge into her wetness again. Kara groans as her near virgin pussy is again invaded by Tom’s experienced fingers and his lips against her ear. She nearly collapses as his fingers pull out of her pussy. Kara smells her scent first and then she feels a wetness as the glistening fingers are pressed against her lips. “Taste yourself” he says as he coats her lips with her own juices.
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Tom watched as Kara went through another range of emotions, from the outrage at having to submit to a spanking. “Tom, please this isn’t right!” but her cries only spurred him on.

Tom knew what Kara was, what all women were deep down at their most basic level. The compelling urge to reproduce took them all, no matter who they were, and that urge was so powerful it would betray their very souls. Kara is lost… ”oh yes Tom…yes” she moans

Tom watches as Kara enters another state of being, where she can no longer tell the difference between the pain and the pleasure. Her passion is driven to new heights, as Tom makes her associate the slaps on her ass with the raw passion in her soaking wet pussy. Each new swat brings a fresh jolt of lust to Kara, and she finally submits to the one who claims this bitch as his, wanting only to be taken by him, as he desires.

Tom watches her as Kara carries out his wishes, and she walks over to the wall, looking like the manhandled slut she secretly desires to be, and she startes to strip her clothes in humiliation of her need to please the man who wants her as his. Tom watches as Kara hangs her clothes up as she takes them off. Tom smiles as he watches her do this, already she is learning her lesson, that there is more than one way to please me.

Tom stood up and he stripped off his clothes, leaving them lay where they fell. He walked over to Kara as she stood facing the wall, after exposing her breasts to him. She moans feeling his hot breath on her neck, and she closes her eyes and she shivers as she feels his hand slowly sliding down her back, squeezing each of her cheeks. Kara groaned as Tom ran his fingers down her crack, and she spread her legs wider, and she arched her back... waiting.

Tom sunk two of his fingers into her sopping wet cunt, and he twirled them around a bit, before pulling them out, and rubbing them roughly across her Lips.

“Taste yourself” he demanded, then he thrust the two fingers into her mouth, moving them in and out like his cock, as she licked them clean with her tongue and lips, moaning while doing it.

Tom bent over slightly and he whispered in Kara's ear. "You see what you are now Kara, nothing but a wanton bitch begging to be taken by me. This is just the start my little slut, you are going to do things you have never even dreampt about, and you are going to do it all willingly, craving to do it to please me, no matter what it is."

He pulled his hand back and he gave Kara a good swat right over her pussy, her cheeks and thighs taking most of it, and he slid an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. Tom rubbed his cockhead along Kara's wet slit, and he pushed himself into the entrance of her pussy, till just the head of him went in.

"You're mine Kara!" Tom growled into her ear as he took her, slamming himself into her creamy depths.

Tom took Kara hard, pressing her aganst the wall, holding her tight to him by her hips. He thrust himself up into her, glad that she still wore her heels, and Tom ran his free hand up her thigh, and over her ass, up her back, till it found her hair, and he grabbed a fist full of it.

He pulled Karas head off the wall, and he gave her a passionate kiss, taking her mouth with his tongue just as he was doing her wet tight pussy, that was squeezing his cock with every hard stroke.

"I've been wanting to do this to you since the first moment I watched you walk through that door tonight Kara," Tom moaned into her ear. "You are such a hot bitch baby, you have no idea what you are capable of yet!" He said as he thrust himself into her harder.

"Tell me what you are Kara, tell me what a naughty little bitch you are."