Long time reader, first time author

Nov 10, 2015
I'm really regretting not having an account for the many many years I've been reading stories on here. But I can't do anything about the past, and after a couple of years of wanting to give back to this wonderful community, I've finally been able to finish a story and post my first contribution. It's definitely a niche story, but I tried to make it interesting.

I'm encouraged to continue the story, and as I'm just at the start of doing that, any constructive feedback would be great.

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I really liked your imagitive story. Unfortunately it was evident you did not print out a hard copy to read over before submitting. If you had you most likely would have caught the errors. I found wrong spelling or rather wrong words, plural usage when it should be possessive and singular when it should have been possessive plus words added that made no sense.

In short, you need to either use a beta reader or find an editor. As a VE, when I read a story I can't help but see all the errors. Even with the errors I did enjoy your story.
Thank you

Yeah, I really could have done a better job in the proof reading of it. It's definitely something I'm going to strive to do better on the next part.

Thanks for taking the time to give me your comments. I really appreciate it.