Angel's Little Patch of Heaven

If it isn't rap, I am usually ok with it. I range from classical-metal... rap has never been my thing. Country.. well, it has it's songs. ;)
Hmmm, ok *starts deleting the rap recommendations*

Lemme think...

It would depend on whether I needed to be wearing heels to avoid the whole cheek-to-stomach thing or if it involved getting all sweaty... :D
Your choice... there are many ways to get all sweaty... then again, there are many ways to do the cheek to stomach thing too... your pick. :)
*giggling merrily*

Oh, you got me good on that one... Near about spit out the water I was sipping when I read it.
Don't do that... liquids on keyboards can be detrimental to the health of the computer... and at the very least, a pain to clean!
I said 'near about spit'... Besides, I'm a big proponent of swallowing... ;)
You just need to be careful... you might end up with more than you can swallow.. then what happens?
Hmmm, good point. Have never had that situation occur... But one should always be prepared for such a contingency
True enough... life is full of possibilities.. you never know what you might end up with. Always have a plan... So... what's your plan for the dance?
I guess I can drag out my Equalizers and end up ~5'5"... Should be able to handle you better then, big guy. ;)
Yeah, that makes it just under a foot difference... very doable. :)
You'd have to be prepared to catch me... I don't wear those things often cuz of the nosebleeds they give me.
It would be my pleasure to catch you... the moral dilemma here is what to do with you after you're caught.
Why anything you want of course... Isn't that what heroes get? ;)
Is that all it takes to be a hero? Score! In that case, we may need to plan where we are dancing carefully... There is no telling what I might want. ;)
Perhaps you should whisper the potential ideas to me first... So that I can plan better
Hmmm... problem with whispering, is it puts your ear tantalizingly close to my mouth, then your neck... oh.. nevermind... I shall whisper!
Lol, why do you think I want you to whisper... My sensitive spot is just about <there>.... Hit it right and I'm pudding
Pudding.. could certainly use some pudding about now. So, if I breathe right..... here..... letting my lips barely caress your skin....that does something for you, huh?
*head cocked to the side, eyes partially closing*

mmmMmmm, yes...
Oh... methinks you like the light tickle upon your skin... perhaps a bit more of a tickle....

Or, the sensation of ropes... sliding gently across the skin of your wrists.. tightening just enough... then, the tickles will begin in earnest.
That way you can't get away... always have a plan... one thing I learned from boy scouts before they kicked me out. lol